
族群形成過程是有關於各個民族形成和发展的過程。 [1][2]这一過程可能源于群体的自我认同。族群形成過程可以被动地或主动地发生。


  1. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary .
  2. Compare: Fitzgerald, Thomas K. . SUNY series in human communication processes. Albany: State University of New York Press. January 1993: 83 (1993) [5 December 2020]. ISBN 9780791415955. The process of emerging ethnicity has been called 'ethogenesis,' the development and public presentation of a self-conscious ethnicity. [...] Roosens [1989: 47], in Creating Ethnicity, defined ethnogenesis as 'how people feel themselves to be a people and how they continue to maintain themselves as such,' even in the face of contradictory historical evidence.
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