


地點 美國喬治亞州亞特蘭大
所属部門 日本外務省


日本驻亚特兰大总领事馆于1974年2月15日设立,当时有20家日本公司在美国东南部开展业务。[2] 1995年,总领事宫本雄二表示,日本与佐治亚州等州之间的经济关系和“基层关系”正在增进。[3]同年,美国南部几个州的200名工会工作者在当时的领事馆所在的“殖民地广场”举行抗议活动,他们向领事馆递交了一封关于更换正在打击的2000多名凡士通工作人员的上诉函。[4]

2002年,领事馆宣布从“殖民地广场”搬到聯盟中心。它在那里签了十年租约,面积不到26,000平方英尺(2400平方米)。领事馆在殖民地广场的租约还有三年多。由于Trizec Properties公司拥有两个办公室物业,因此领事馆很容易搬到新的位置。[5]2005年,在美国东南部有近700家日本企业,雇用超过89,500人。当年日本的累计投资超过200亿美元。 2005年,该地区有近2万名日本人居住,其中乔治亚州有6,600人。[2]


它位于亚特兰大巴克海特地区菲普斯塔的850套房。[1] 以前(截至2005年),领事馆位于聯盟中心16楼的1600室,[6][7] 总领事馆的北面可以看到肯尼索山的全景。2005年,总领事馆位于巴克黑德。[7] 1995年之前,领事馆在亚特兰大市中心的殖民地广场。[4]


  1. "Directions to the Consulate-General of Japan in Atlanta 页面存档备份,存于." Consulate-General of Japan, Atlanta. Retrieved on May 21, 2013. "Consulate-General of Japan Phipps Tower, Suite 850 3438 Peachtree Rd. Atlanta, GA 30326"
  2. Borden, Teresa. "Q&A / GEORGE HISAEDA, Japanese consul in Atlanta: 30-year relationship pays off; Envoy sees big impact on Southeast landscape." The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Wednesday June 30, 2004. Atlanta & The World p. 3E. Available from LexisNexis.
  3. Quinn, Matthew C. "BUSINESS REPORT ON INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Japanese envoy hopeful about economic ties 页面存档备份,存于." Atlanta Journal-Constitution. May 16, 1995. p. D2. Retrieved on May 21, 2013.
  4. Greer, Richard. "Unionists protest at Japanese consulate." The Atlanta Journal and Constitution. Friday June 23, 1995. Business p. 3H.
  5. Gove, Matt. "Japanese Consulate says goodbye to Colony Square 页面存档备份,存于." Atlanta Business Journal. March 4, 2002. Retrieved on May 21, 2013.
  6. "Directions." Consulate-General of Japan. April 23, 2003. Retrieved on May 23, 2013. "Consulate General of Japan One Alliance Center 3500 Lenox Road, Suite 1600 Atlanta, GA 30326 "
  7. Chapman, Dan. "A different breed; Japan's man in Atlanta has fallen in love with the city and doesn't want to go home." The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Wednesday February 16, 2005. Atlanta & The World p. 1F. "He's also a media-savvy huckster of all things Japanese who eagerly opened his Buckhead mansion to celebrities and commoners alike, including a record-setting 2,000th invitee last Wednesday. Hisaeda (pronounced hee-sah-EH-dah) proudly noted that he welcomed more visitors than any previous Japanese consul general since the consulate was established in 1974. "I have been very successful as a host," he said during an interview in his 16th-floor Buckhead office, with a panoramic view northward to Kennesaw Mountain." Available from Infotrac Gale Cengage Learning.


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