







殖民地发行的纸币被称为“信用券”(bills of credit)。信用券通常是法定货币:它们不能按需兑换成固定数量的金币或银币。[2][4]通常殖民地政府发行信用券用来偿还债务。然后,各国政府将通过接受纳税的票券来收回这种货币。当殖民地政府发行了太多的信用券或未能将其以征税方式从流通中(收回)时,就会产生通货膨胀。这尤其发生在新英格兰和南部殖民地,与中部殖民地不同,南部殖民地经常发生战争。[4]然而,宾夕法尼亚负责任地不发行过多的货币,作为一个成功的政府管理的货币体系,它仍然是历史上的一个最佳实例。据说,从1723年到1775年革命爆发,宾夕法尼亚州的纸币以土地作为担保,一直与黄金比价稳定。




下面的一组十三殖民地货币是来自史密森尼学会国家货币收藏。根据签名者的知名度、发行日期和发行状况选择样例。知名度的初始选择标准来自一个人物列表[7],列入该列表的货币签署人因签署《独立宣言》、《邦联条例》、《美国宪法》或参加印花税法国会而出名。[nb 1]

整套的北美十三殖民地货币[8][nb 2]
殖民地 面值 时间 发行 首发[nb 3] 纸币 (正面) 纸币 (反面) 签名
康涅狄格殖民地 40s 1775-01-02 £15,000[9] 1709[10] Connecticut colonial currency, 40 shillings, 1775 (obverse) Connecticut colonial currency, 40 shillings, 1775 (reverse) 以利沙·威廉姆斯,
本杰明·佩恩[nb 4]
德拉瓦殖民地 4s 1776-01-01 £30,000[12] 1723[13] Delaware colonial currency, 4 shillings, 1776 (obverse) Delaware colonial currency, 4 shillings, 1776 (reverse) 约翰·麦金利
佐治亞省 $40 1778-05-04 £150,000[nb 5] 1735[15] Georgia colonial currency, 40 dollars, 1778 (obverse) Georgia colonial currency, 40 dollars, 1778 (reverse) 查尔斯·肯特,
威廉·奥布莱恩,[nb 6]
马里兰省 $1 1770-03-01 $318,000[18] 1733[19] Maryland colonial currency, 1 dollar, 1770 (obverse) Maryland colonial currency, 1 dollar, 1770 (reverse) 约翰·克拉珀姆,
罗伯特·库登[nb 7]
马萨诸塞湾省 2s 1741-05-01 £50,000[21] 1690[22] Massachusetts colonial currency, 2 shilling, 1741 (obverse) Massachusetts colonial currency, 2 shilling, 1741 (reverse) 罗伯特·乔特,
新罕布什尔省 $1 1780-04-29 $145,000[23] 1709[10] New Hampshire colonial currency, 1 dollar, 1780 (obverse) New Hampshire colonial currency, 1 dollar, 1780 (reverse) 詹姆斯·麦克卢尔,
约瑟夫·皮尔森,[nb 8]
约翰·泰勒·吉尔曼 (rev)
新泽西省 12s 1776-03-25 £100,000[25] 1709[26] New Jersey colonial currency, 12 shilling, 1776 (obverse) New Jersey colonial currency, 12 shilling, 1776 (reverse) 罗伯特·史密斯,
纽约省 2s 1775-08-02 £2,500[27] 1709[28] New York colonial currency, 2 shilling, 1775 (obverse) New York colonial currency, 2 shilling, 1775 (reverse) 约翰·克鲁格,
威廉·瓦德尔[nb 9]
北卡罗莱纳省 £3 1729-11-27 £40,000[30] 1712[31] North Carolina colonial currency, 3 pounds sterling, 1729 (obverse) North Carolina colonial currency, 3 pounds sterling, 1729 (reverse) 威廉·唐宁,[nb 10]
约翰·洛维克,[nb 11]
卡伦·波洛克,[nb 12]
托马斯·斯旺[nb 13]
宾夕法尼亚省 20s 1771-03-20 £15,000[35] 1723[36] Pennsylvania colonial currency, 20 shilling, 1771 (obverse) Pennsylvania colonial currency, 20 shilling, 1771 (reverse) 弗朗西斯·霍普金森,
威廉·费舍尔[nb 14]
羅德島殖民地及普羅維登斯莊園 $1 1780-07-02 £39,000[38] 1710[39] Rhode Island colonial currency, 1 dollar, 1780 (obverse) Rhode Island colonial currency, 1 dollar, 1780 (reverse) 卡莱布·哈里斯,
梅特卡夫·鲍勒,[nb 15]
南卡罗莱纳省 $60 1779-02-08 $1,000,000[41] 1703[42] South Carolina colonial currency, 60 dollars, 1779 (obverse) South Carolina colonial currency, 60 dollars, 1779 (reverse) 约翰·斯科特,
普洛登·韦斯顿[nb 16]
弗吉尼亚殖民地 £3 1773-03-04 £36,384[44] 1755[45] Virginia colonial currency, 3 pounds sterling, 1773 (obverse) Virginia colonial currency, 3 pounds sterling, 1773 (reverse) 佩顿·伦道夫




大陆币在战争期间严重贬值,所以有那句谚语“不值一个大陆币”。[47]主要问题在于国会和各州之间的没有协调货币政策,各州继续发行信用券(bills of credit)。[48]“一些人认为,起义军(大陆军)的纸币贬值是因为人们对大陆币丧失信心,或者因为它们没有有形资产作为储备金,”金融历史学家罗伯特·赖特写道。“不是这样的。仅仅是因为实在太多大陆币了。”[49]国会和各州缺乏通过征税或出售债券使大陆币退出流通的意愿或手段。[50]





大陆币信用崩溃后,国会任命罗伯特·莫里斯美国财政总监。莫里斯主张在1782年建立第一家美国特许金融机构,即北美银行。该银行的部分储备金来自法国借给美国的实物。莫里斯将自己的资金作为储备金,以自己的名义发行票据,为战争的最后阶段提供资金支持。北美银行也发行了可兑换为铸币的票据。[55] 莫里斯还主持了由美国政府运营的第一个造币厂的筹建,该厂铸造了美国的第一批硬币,1783年的新星星座图案 [56]

大陆币通胀和崩溃的痛苦经历促使参加费城会议的代表们,将“金银条款”写入《美国宪法》中,禁止各州发行货币和禁止各州以“除金银之外的东西用来支付债务”。“[57]随着《邦联条例》“发行货币”(emit bills)的权力被废除,使国会有权“以信贷借贷”,这种对货币信贷的限制扩大到联邦政府。[58][59]




  1. Visually attractive and early examples were digitized and additional signer research was conducted later.
  2. Obverse and reverse images have been prepared separately for table preparation purposes. Some of the notes obverse/reverse are not on the same orientation which would make single images containing both distracting.
  3. Date of the first issue of paper currency for each of the Colonies.
  4. Williams, Seymour, and Payne (among others) were appointed to a committee to print and sign currency for the Colony of Connecticut in the amount of 50,000 pounds.[11]
  5. Newman (2008) indicates the total issue in Pound sterling despite the currency issue in dollars.[14]
  6. O’Bryen, Treasurer of Georgia,[16] was elected to the Continental Congress but did not attend.[17]
  7. Couden served as Mayor of Annapolis from 1785–86 and 1790–91.[20]
  8. Act authorizing Ephraim Robinson and Joseph Pearson to countersign New Hampshire currency.[24]
  9. Waddell was a New York City Alderman (1773–77) with the authority to sign currency issued to fund the "water works" under construction near Broadway and Chambers streets.[29]
  10. Downing served as Speaker of the House of Burgesses from 1735 to 1739.[32]
  11. Lovick was a member of the House of Burgesses.[33]
  12. Pollock was a member of the House of Burgesses.[34]
  13. Swann served as Speaker of the House of Burgesses in 1729.[32]
  14. Hopkinson, Jones, and Fisher authorized to sign Pennsylvania currency.[37]
  15. Act passed June 1780 authorizing Harris and Bowler to sign Rhode Island currency.[40]
  16. Scott, Smyth, and Weston (among others) were appointed commissioners with the authority to print and sign one million dollars of South Carolina currency.[43]

These references have been removed from EH.Net ---

  1. Flynn, "Credit in the Colonial American Economy" 页面存档备份,存于.
  2. Michener, "Money in the American Colonies" 存檔,存档日期2010-06-11..
  3. Newman, 1990, p. 11.
  4. Wright, p. 45.
  5. Allen, pp. 96–98.
  6. Allen, p. 98.
  7. Newman, 2008, pp. 24–25.
  8. Friedberg & Friedberg, pp. 12–29.
  9. Newman, 2008, p. 110.
  10. Newman, 2008, p. 89.
  11. , The public records of the Colony of Connecticut 1636–1776, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2014-07-05)
  12. Newman, 2008, p. 125.
  13. Newman, 2008, p. 119.
  14. Newman, 2008, p. 151.
  15. Newman, 2008, p. 130.
  16. , Government Printing Office, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2014-12-07)
  17. , Government Printing Office, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2014-07-05)
  18. Newman, 2008, p. 172.
  19. Newman, 2008, p. 167.
  20. , Maryland State Archives, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2021-03-05)
  21. Newman, 2008, p. 200.
  22. Newman, 2008, p. 183.
  23. Newman, 2008, p. 223.
  24. , Laws of New Hampshire: First constitutional period, 1784–1792, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2019-06-29)
  25. Newman, 2008, p. 260.
  26. Newman, 2008, p. 247.
  27. Newman, 2008, p. 285.
  28. Newman, 2008, p. 269.
  29. , Laws of New Hampshire: First constitutional period, 1784–1792, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2021-03-05)
  30. Newman, 2008, p. 315.
  31. Newman, 2008, p. 313.
  32. , Colonial and State Records of North Carolina, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2020-12-06)
  33. , Documenting the American South, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2020-12-03)
  34. , Documenting the American South, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2020-12-03)
  35. Newman, 2008, p. 346.
  36. Newman, 2008, p. 331.
  37. , State Printer of Pennsylvania, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2021-03-05)
  38. Newman, 2008, p. 399.
  39. Newman, 2008, p. 371.
  40. , Alfred Anthony, Printer to the State, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2019-06-29)
  41. Newman, 2008, p. 426.
  42. Newman, 2008, p. 405.
  43. , Statutes at Large of South Carolina: Acts, 1753 – 1786, [2014-04-29], (原始内容存档于2014-12-05)
  44. Newman, 2008, p. 443.
  45. Newman, 2008, p. 437.
  46. Newman, 1990, p. 16.
  47. Newman, 1990, p. 17.
  48. Wright, p. 50.
  49. Wright, p. 49.
  50. Wright, 52
  51. Kenneth Scot, Counterfeiting in Colonial America (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000), 259–60.
  52. Wright, p. 49; Newman, 1990, 17.
  53. Gross, David M. . Picket Line Press. 2014: 166. ISBN 978-1490572741.
  54. Newman, 1990, p. 17; Wright, p. 49.
  55. Wright, p. 62.
  56. Morris Papers, Volume 7, pp. 761–765
  57. U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 10.
  58. U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 8.
  59. Rozeff, p 18. https://mises.org/books/rozeff_us_constitution_and_money.pdf 页面存档备份,存于

Flynn, David. "Credit in the Colonial American Economy". EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. March 16, 2008. Michener, Ron. "Money in the American Colonies". EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. June 8, 2003.


  • Allen, Larry. The Encyclopedia of Money. 2nd edition. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 2009. ISBN 978-1-59884-251-7.
  • Flynn, David. "Credit in the Colonial American Economy" 页面存档备份,存于. EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. March 16, 2008.
  • Michener, Ron. "Money in the American Colonies" 页面存档备份,存于. EH.Net Encyclopedia, edited by Robert Whaples. June 8, 2003.
  • Newman, Eric P. The Early Paper Money of America. 3rd edition. Iola, Wisconsin: Krause Publications, 1990. ISBN 0-87341-120-X.
  • Newman, Eric P. The Early Paper Money of America. 5th edition. Iola, Wisconsin: Krause Publications, 2008. ISBN 0-89689-326-X.
  • Wright, Robert E. One Nation Under Debt: Hamilton, Jefferson, and the History of What We Owe. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008. ISBN 978-0-07-154393-4.


  • Brock, Leslie V. The currency of the American colonies, 1700–1764: a study in colonial finance and imperial relations. Dissertations in American economic history. New York: Arno Press, 1975. ISBN 0-405-07257-0.
  • Ernst, Joseph Albert. Money and politics in America, 1755–1775: a study in the Currency act of 1764 and the political economy of revolution. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1973. ISBN 0-8078-1217-X.


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