


相較一個部落來說,杜羅特里吉人更像是一個部落聯盟。[2] 在羅馬人入侵後發展出了鑄幣制度,這些鑄幣較為簡陋,沒有銘文,因此連金幣的發行者也無法確認。杜羅特里吉人的社會較為穩定,主要以農業為基礎。[3] 杜羅特里吉人的分佈範圍也主要是依照鑄幣發現地來確定的,[4] 他們的北邊和東邊是貝爾蓋人。[5]
- Bruce Eagles, "Britons and Saxons on the Eastern Boundary of the Civitas Durotrigum" Britannia 35 (2004:234-240) p. 234.
- "The Durotriges were a close-knit confederacy of smaller units centred on modern Dorset," writes Barry Cunliffe, Iron Age Communities in Britain: An Account of England, Scotland and Wales from the Seventh Century BC Until the Roman Conquest, 4th ed. 2005:178, in beginning his Part II.8 "The tribes of the periphery: Durotriges, Dobunni, Iceni and Corieltauvi" (pp 178-201).
- Several homestead sites have been excavated in Cranborne Chase.
- Cunliffe 2005: fig. 8:2.
- Eagles 2004: 234 and map, fig. 5.
- Martin Papworth, (2011), The Search for the Durotriges: Dorset and the West Country in the Late Iron Age. The History Press. ISBN 0752457373
- Paul Cheetham Ellen Hambleton, Miles Russell and Martin Smith (2013), Digging the Durotriges: Life and Death in Late Iron Age Dorset. Current Archaeology 281, 36-41.
- Durotriges Big Dig (页面存档备份,存于)
- Durotriges (页面存档备份,存于) at Roman-Britain.org (页面存档备份,存于)
- Durotriges at Romans in Britain
- Durotriges Project
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