
格拉姆機(Gramme machine)是一种能产生直流電发电机,名字來自於其發明者比利时发明家齐纳布·格拉姆。它是第一个能產生电力的商用工業发电机。該機器於1871年首次展示[1][2]



  1. Thomspon, Sylvanus P. (1888), Dynamo-electric machinery: a manual for students of electrotechnics. London: E. & F.N. Spon. p. 140.
  2. Fink, Donald G. and H. Wayne Beaty (2007), Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Fifteenth Edition. McGraw Hill. Section 8, page 5. ISBN 978-0-07-144146-9.
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