

科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真双子叶植物 Eudicots
目: 石竹目 Caryophyllales
科: 猪笼草科 Nepenthaceae
属: 猪笼草属 Nepenthes
毛果猪笼草 N. × trichocarpa
Nepenthes × trichocarpa
Miq. (1858)
  • Nepenthes trichocarpa
    auct. non Miq.: Hort. ex Hort.Bednar in sched. (1993) [=N. distillatoria]
  • Nepenthes trichocarpa var. erythrosticta
    Miq. (1861)





  • Nepenthes trichocarpa var. erythrosticta Miq. (1861)


  1. von Arx, B., J. Schlauer & M. Groves 2001. CITES Carnivorous Plant Checklist.PDF The Cromwell Press, United Kingdom.
  2. 夏洛特. . 台北: 商周出版. 2007: 90. ISBN 978-986-124-850-9.
  3. Danser, B.H. 1928. The Nepenthaceae of the Netherlands Indies. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, Série III, 9(3–4): 249–438.
  4. Adam, J.H., C.C. Wilcock & M.D. Swaine 1989. Ecology and taxonomy of Bornean Nepenthes. University of Aberdeen Tropical Biology Newsletter 56: 2–4.
  5. Adam, J.H., C.C. Wilcock & M.D. Swaine 1992. The ecology and distribution of Bornean Nepenthes.PDF Journal of Tropical Forest Science 5(1): 13–25.
  6. McPherson, S.R. & A. Robinson 2012. Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Borneo. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
  7. McPherson, S.R. & A. Robinson 2012. Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Peninsular Malaysia and Indochina. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
  8. McPherson, S.R. & A. Robinson 2012. Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of Sumatra and Java. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
  9. (意大利文) Catalano, M. 2010. Nepenthes della Thailandia: Diario di viaggio. Prague.
  10. (印尼文) Mansur, M. 2012. Keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan pemakan serangga dan laju fotosintesisnya di Pulau Natuna. [Diversity on insectivorous plants and its photosynthetic rate in Natuna Island.] Berita Biologi 11(1): 33–42. Abstract 存檔,存档日期2013-09-21.


维基共享资源上的相關多媒體資源:毛果猪笼草 維基物種上的相關:毛果猪笼草

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