

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: Reptilia
目: 有鳞目 Squamata
总科: 滄龍總科 Mosasauroidea
科: 滄龍科 Mosasauridae
亚科: 海王龙亚科 Tylosaurinae
Williston, 1895[1]



海王龍亞科的各屬被發現於各大陸,除了澳洲南美洲。海王龍亞科通常是大型海生蜥蜴,擁有堅固的牙齒,撞擊用的吻突是由延長的前上頜骨齒骨所構成。在南達科他州發現的一個海王龍類化石,擁有胃部內容物化石,包含其他滄龍類硬骨魚、大型海鳥黃昏鳥、可能還有鯊魚,顯示海王龍類的食物來源廣泛[4]。一個由查爾斯·斯騰伯格(Charles Sternberg)發現的標本[5],體內包含小型的蛇頸龍類骨頭[6]

在1992年,Lingham與Soliar提出海王龍亞科並非滄龍科中游泳速度最快的,也並非最強壯的[7]。海王龍亞科的體格為輕型,身體重量大量減少,並擁有相當小的胸帶骨盆帶、以及四肢。牠們的骨頭為高度多孔結構,可能充滿了脂肪細胞,可增加浮力。這些特徵顯示海王龍亞科可能是伏擊掠食者。海王龍亞科是最大型的滄龍類之一,海王龍海諾龍的某些種身長可達9到15公尺,使牠們成為最大型的海生爬行動物之一。羅素在1967年敘述的T. zangerli[3],原本是海王龍的一個小型種,但現在被認為是一個未成年的T. proriger個體[8]。在2005年,Everhart建立堪薩斯海王龍,化石發現於斯莫基希爾河白堊層[9]




  1. Williston, S. W. 1895. New or little-known extinct vertebrates. Kansas University Quarterly 6:95-98.
  2. Williston, S. W. 1897. Range and distribution of the mosasaurs with remarks on synonymy. Kansas University Quarterly 4(4):177-185.
  3. Russell DA, 1967. Systematics and morphology of American mosasaurs. Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, Bulletin 23.
  4. Martin JE, Bjork PR. 1987. Gastric residues associated with a mosasaur from the late Cretaceous (Campanian) Pierre Shale in South Dakota. Dakoterra 3:68-72.
  5. Sternberg CH. 1922. Explorations of the Permian of Texas and the chalk of Kansas, 1918. Kansas Academy of Science, Transactions 30(1):119-120. (Papers - Fifty-first annual meeting, 1919), State Printer, Topeka.
  6. Everhart MJ. 2004. Plesiosaurs as the food of mosasaurs; new data on the stomach contents of a Tylosaurus proriger (Squamata; Mosasauridae) from the Niobrara Formation of western Kansas. The Mosasaur 7:41-46.
  7. Lingham-Soliar T. 1992. The tylosaurine mosasaurs (Reptilia, Mosasauridae) from the upper Cretaceous of Europe and Africa. Bulletin de L’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Sciences de la Terre 62:171-194.
  8. Kiernan CR, 2002. Stratigraphic distribution and habitat segregation of mosasaurs in the Upper Cretaceous of western and central Alabama, with an historical review of Alabama mosasaur discoveries. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 22(1):91-103.
  9. Everhart MJ. 2005a. Tylosaurus kansasensis, a new species of tylosaurine (Squamata: Mosasauridae) from the Niobrara Chalk of western Kansas, U.S.A. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences / Geologie en Mijnbouw 84 (3): 231-240.
  10. Polcyn MJ, Bell GL Jr. 2005. Russellosaurus coheni n. gen., n. sp., a 92 million-year-old mosasaur from Texas (USA), and the definition of the parafamily Russellosaurina. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 84(3): 321-333.
  11. Everhart MJ. 2005b. Earliest record of the genus Tylosaurus (Squamata; Mosasauridae) from the Fort Hays Limestone (Lower Coniacian) of western Kansas. Transactions 108 (3/4): 149-155.
  • Bell, G. L. Jr., 1997. A phylogenetic revision of North American and Adriatic Mosasauroidea. pp. 293–332 In Callaway J. M. and E. L Nicholls, (eds.), Ancient Marine Reptiles, Academic Press, 501 pp.
  • Lindgren, J. et. Siverson, M. 2002.Tylosaurus ivoensis: a giant mosasaur from the early Campanian of Sweden. Royal Society of Edinburgh Transactions: Earth Sciences Vol. 93(1):73-93.
  • Russell, D. A. 1970. The vertebrate fauna of the Selma Formation of Alabama, Part VII, The mosasaurs, Fieldiana, Geology Memoirs 3(7):369-380.
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