澳白蟻屬隸屬於蜚蠊目澳白蟻科,其下包含單一現生物種達爾文澳白蟻(Mastotermes darwiniensis),原生於澳洲北部。該屬有不少的化石紀錄。白蟻與蜚蠊的親緣關係最為接近,達爾文澳白蟻為現生最原始的白蟻[1],它們和一些特定的蟑螂物種擁有顯著的相似特徵,包括前翅臀區的相似,及一次產下一團卵而非單顆。早期將白蟻置於外翅總目之下,但這沒有意義的分類階級不過是從新翅類群中取出一個並系群,因此,蟑螂、白蟻及近緣物種後來被放置於網翅總目之下。
澳白蟻屬![]() | |
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達爾文澳白蟻 | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 节肢动物门 Arthropoda |
纲: | 昆虫纲 Insecta |
目: | 蜚蠊目 Blattodea |
科: | 澳白蟻科 Mastotermitidae |
属: | 澳白蟻屬 Mastotermes Froggatt, 1897 |
種 | |
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達爾文澳白蟻乍看之下就像一隻有著蟑螂腹部和白蟻頭部、胸部的生物,它們的翅膀結構和蟑螂相同,它們的卵是包覆在卵鞘中產出就如同蟑螂,普遍認為達爾文澳白蟻與隱尾蠊屬是由二疊紀的共同祖先演化而來。堪薩斯出土了二疊紀的翅膀化石,其相似於澳白蟻屬(現生最原始的白蟻)的翅膀[2],這翅膀屬於Pycnoblattina (一種蟑螂),它的翅膀收起來時於第一、第二腹節處凸起,就如同達爾文澳白蟻[3],然而,Pycnoblattina 被證實與白蟻沒有關連,最早的白蟻出現在晚侏儸紀到早白堊紀之間。和蟑螂不同的是,不是所有白蟻都有翅膀,只有繁殖型有翅膀,它們的翅膀長度遠大於腹部。達爾文澳白蟻群落規模通常不大,但是,如果它們擁有充足的水分(如定期遷徙)及適合的食物、土壤環境(如閒置的木材或木製建築物),群落規模能夠變得很大,個體數達到數百萬隻,能夠迅速的摧毀木材。達爾文澳白蟻食性廣泛,可以取食外來種植物、象牙、皮革、木材及纖維素,簡單來說就是幾乎所有的有機質,它們因此成為重要的農業害蟲,某種程度而言,澳洲北部可以說是因為它們的存在而放棄種植蔬菜[4],特別是那些非雨林地區及鋁土礦土壤的地區[5]。達爾文澳白蟻會蛀食活樹,甚至把樹環狀剝皮導致死亡,死樹隨後成為群落的巢穴。
達爾文澳白蟻腸道內有許多共生性的原生生物和細菌,其中原生生物 Mixotricha paradoxa 只在達爾文澳白蟻的腸道中出現。
- Mastotermes anglicus Rosen, 1913 (Middle Oligocene of England)
- Mastotermes bournemouthensis Rosen, 1913 (Late Eocene of England)
- Mastotermes croaticus Rosen, 1913 (Early Miocene of Croatia)
- Mastotermes electrodominicus Krishna & Grimaldi, 1991 (Early Miocene of the Dominican Republic)
- Mastotermes electromexicus Krishna & Emerson, 1983 (Late Oligocene to Early Miocene Mexican amber)
- Mastotermes gallica Nel, 1986 (Early Oligocene of France)
- Mastotermes haidingeri (Heer, 1849) (Early Miocene of Croatia)
- Mastotermes heerii (Göppert, 1855) (Late Oligocene of Poland) - tentatively placed in Mastotermes
- Mastotermes krishnorum Wappler & Engel, 2006 (Middle Eocene of Germany)
- Mastotermes minor Pongrácz, 1928 (Early Miocene of Croatia)
- Mastotermes minutus Nel & Bourguet, 2006 (Eocene of France)
- Mastotermes picardi Nel & Paicheler, 1993 (Late Oligocene of France)
- Mastotermes sarthensis Schlüter, 1989 (Cretaceous of France)
- Mastotermites stuttgartensis Armbruster, 1941 (Middle Miocene of Germany) - tentatively placed in Mastotermes
- 達爾文澳白蟻 Mastotermes darwiniensis Froggatt, 1897
- (页面存档备份,存于) Tree of Life Web Project. 2003. Isoptera. Termites. Version 1 January 2003 (temporary). http://tolweb.org/Isoptera/8212/2003.01.01 (页面存档备份,存于) in The Tree of Life Web Project, http://tolweb.org/ (页面存档备份,存于)
- http://tolweb.org/tree?group=Mastotermitidae (页面存档备份,存于) Mastotermitidae picture
- Tillyard RJ (1937) Kansas Permian insects. Part XX the cockroaches, or order Blattaria I, II Am. Journal of Science 34; 169-202, 249-276.
- Hill, G.F., (1942)but modern termite management has allowed horticultural development since World War 2, although it can at times be a problem. Termites (Isoptera) from the Australian Region. H.E. Daw, Govt. Printer, Melbourne, Austr.
- Brittan EB et al. (30 authors) (1970) The Insects of Australia. Melbourne University Press. On p285
- Krishna, K., D.A. Grimaldi, V. Krishna, & M.S. Engel (2013) Treatise on the Isoptera of the world. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 377: 1-2704.
- Weesner, F. M. . Annual Review of Entomology. January 1960, 5: 153–170. doi:10.1146/annurev.en.05.010160.001101.
- . [2007-12-01]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-19).