

物種歧視这个词在用法上多种多样[2],在一般情况下是指“人类物种歧视主义” (人類中心主義),即把非人类的动物排除於人類的道德範圍以外,視之為可隨意處置的對象。[3]它也可以更广泛地指一种仅通过物种差别而决定个体价值的思想:例如人類會因為某些物種長得不夠可愛而認定牠們為可隨意處置甚至虐殺對象,而某些物種卻因為可愛的外表──如貓和狗──而受到法律上的特殊保護。而由这个思想引申出的“人类-大猩猩物种歧视主义”則是指:人类因为跟大猩猩的相似性而更倾向于保护大猩猩的权利(相较于保护猫狗的权利)。[4]




  1. Ryder, Richard D. (2009) [1998]. "Speciesism," in Marc Bekoff (ed.), Encyclopedia of Animal Rights and Animal Welfare. Greenwood.
  2. That it is used inconsistently, see Zamir (2009), p. 3
  3. Cavalieri, Paola (2001). The Animal Question : Why Nonhuman Animals Deserve Human Rights, Oxford University Press.| name="Cavalieri2001p70"
  4. Waldau (2001), pp. 5, 23–29


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  9. Discussion between Peter Singer and Richard Dawkins页面存档备份,存于
  10. Anti-speciesism 页面存档备份,存于
  11. Les Cahiers Antispécistes页面存档备份,存于 (in French)
  12. Liberazioni (in Italian)
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