神恩復興運動(, CCR)是一個天主教會內主張復興聖神(即新教所稱的「聖靈」)恩寵的運動。神恩復興運動雖然名義上是復興中世紀以來不受天主教內主流認可的神恩[1][2],但實際上受到基督新教的靈恩派很深影響[註 1]。1967年,杜肯大學的一些師生在參觀新教靈恩派教會後受到啓發,開始在天主教會內部推廣舌音祈禱(新教稱為「說方言」)、接受聖神的洗禮等概念[3][4]。1975年,時任教宗保祿六世正式認可了神恩復興運動[5]。截至2013年,大約有1.6億天主教徒參加了神恩復興運動[6]。
成立時間 | 1967年 |
類型 | 天主教會內的信仰運動 |
總部 | 梵蒂岡 |
網站 | www.charis.international www.iccrs.org |

- 神恩與靈恩在外語中是同一個詞,但是新教稱聖靈,而天主教稱聖神,因此中文產生了不同的名稱
- Johnson, Todd M. . Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary. 27 May 2020 [20 March 2021]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-28) (English).
Charismatics usually describe themselves as having been ‘renewed in the Spirit’ and as experiencing the Spirit’s supernatural and miraculous and energizing power. They remain within, and also form organized renewal groups within, their historical non-Pentecostal denominations (Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant), instead of leaving to join Pentecostal denominations. The largest Charismatic movement today is the Catholic Charismatic renewal, found in significant numbers mainly across Latin America.
- Hocken, Peter. . Ashgate Publishing. 2009: 58. ISBN 978-0-7546-6746-9 (English).
The spread of the charismatic movement to the Roman Catholic Church demonstrates most clearly both the distinctive character of charismatic renewal within historic churches and its major potential significance.
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- Ciciliot, Valentina. . Studies in World Christianity. December 2019, 25 (3): 250–273. ISSN 1354-9901. doi:10.3366/swc.2019.0267
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- Christ the King Catholic Church的存檔,存档日期2006-05-07.
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- Wolfgang Vondey. . Wipf and Stock Publishers. 2010. ISBN 978-1-62189-716-3 (English).
The charismatic renewal is the most broadly-based ecumenical phenomenon in present-day Christianity that engages Christians of all traditions.
- Hocken, Peter; Richie, Tony L.; Stephenson, Christopher A. (编). . Brill Publishers. 16 September 2019: 45. ISBN 978-90-04-40837-1 (English).
- Charismatics in Context (页面存档备份,存于). Ignitum Today. Published: 30 January 2014.
- Charismatics in Context (页面存档备份,存于). Ignitum Today. Published: 30 January 2014.
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