秆蝇科![]() | |
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科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 节肢动物门 Arthropoda |
纲: | 昆虫纲 Insecta |
目: | 雙翅目 Diptera |
亚目: | 短角亚目 Brachycera |
下目: | 家蝇下目 Muscomorpha |
演化支: | Eremoneura Eremoneura |
演化支: | 环裂类 Cyclorrhapha |
派: | 有缝派 Schizophora |
亚派: | 无瓣亚派 Acalyptratae |
总科: | 水蝇总科 Ephydroidea |
科: | 秆蝇科 Chloropidae |
属 | |
见正文 |
- Acanthopeltastes Enderlein, 1911
- Afrocelyphus Vanschuytbroeck, 1959
- Agrophaspidium Wheeler & Mlynarek, 2008
- Alajichlorops Nartshuk, 2011
- Allomedeia Mlynarek & Wheeler, 2010
- Alombus Becker, 1914
- Amnonella Cherian, 1992
- Anacamptoneurum Becker, 1903
- Anacamtponeurum
- Anadrema Nartshuk, 2002
- Anathracophaga
- Anatrichus Loew, 1860
- Anomoeoceros Lamb, 1918
- Anoscinella Becker, 1916
- Anthracophagella Anderson, 1977
- Apallates Sabrosky, 1980
- Aphanotrigonella Narchuk, 1964
- Aphanotrigonum Duda, 1932
- Apotropina Hendel, 1907
- Aprometopis Becker, 1910
- Apteroscinis Malloch, 1931
- Apterosoma Salmon, 1939
- Aragara Walker, 1860
- Archecetema Narchuk, 1976
- Archimeromyza Deeming, 1981
- Arcuator Sabrosky, 1985
- Aschabadicola Frey, 1921
- Asianochlorops Kanmiya, 1983
- Aspistyla Duda, 1933
- Assuania Becker, 1903
- Aulacogaurax De Meyere, 1913
- Baseoneura Duda, 1930
- Bathyparia Lamb, 1917
- Batrachomyia Krefft, 1863
- Beckerella Enderlein, 1911
- Benjaminella Malloch, 1925
- Bharathella Cherian, 1990
- Binatang Riccardi & Amorim, 2020
- Biorbitella Sabrosky, 1980
- Botanobia Lioy, 1864
- Bricelochlorops
- Cadrema Walker, 1859
- Cadrena
- Calamoncosis Enderlein, 1911
- Camarota Meigen, 1830
- Camptopeltes Mlynarek & Wheeler, 2010
- Camptoscinella Sabrosky, 1951
- Capnoptera Loew, 1866
- Cauloscinis Yang & Yang Ding, 1991
- Caviceps Malloch, 1924
- Celyphomima Enderlein, 1920
- Centor
- Centorisoma Becker, 1910
- Cerais Van der Wulp, 1881
- Ceratobarys Coquillett, 1898
- Cestoplectus Lamb, 1918
- Cetema Hendel, 1907
- Chactochlorops Malloch, 1914
- Chaethippus Duda, 1930
- Chaetochlorops Malloch
- Chalcidomyia Meijere, 1910
- Chloromerus Becker, 1911
- Chloropella Malloch, 1925
- 秆蝇属 Chlorops Meigen, 1830
- Chloropsina Becker, 1911
- Chromatopterum Becker, 1910
- Collessimyia Spencer, 1986
- Colliniella Nartshuk & Andersson, 2013
- Coniochlorops Duda, 1934
- Conioscinella Duda, 1929
- Coomanimyia Séguy, 1938
- Cordylosoma Becker, 1924
- Cordylosomides Strand, 1928
- Coroichlorops
- Coryphisoptron Enderlein, 1911
- Crassiseta von Roser, 1840
- Crassivenula Sabrosky, 1941
- Cryptonevra Lioy, 1864
- Cyclocerculla Beschovski, 1978
- Cyrtomomyia Becker, 1913
- Dactylothyrea de Meijere, 1910
- Dacytlothyrea
- Dasyopa Malloch, 1918
- Deltastoma Malloch, 1924
- Desertochlorops Narchuk, 1966
- Dicracus
- Dicraeus Loew, 1873
- Diplotoxa Loew, 1863
- Diplotoxoides Andersson, 1977
- Discadrema
- Disciphus Becker, 1911
- Discogastrella Enderlein, 1911
- Dudeurina Ismay, 1995
- Dysartia Sabrosky, 1991
- Echinia Paramonov, 1961
- Ectecephala Macquart, 1851
- Elachiptera Macquart, 1835
- Elachiptereicus Becker, 1909
- Elliponeura Loew, 1869
- Emmalochaeta Becker, 1916
- Enderleiniella Becker, 1912
- Ensiferella Andersson, 1977
- Ephydroscinis Malloch, 1924
- Epicelphyus
- Epicelyphus Becker, 1911
- Epichlorops
- Epichlorops Becker, 1910
- Epimadiza Becker, 1910
- Eribolus Becker, 1910
- Euchlorops Malloch, 1913
- Eudicraeus Nartshuk, 1967
- Eugaurax Malloch, 1913
- Euhippelates Malloch, 1925
- Eurhina Westwood, 1840
- Eurina Meigen, 1830
- Euryparia Becker, 1911
- Euthropa Loew, 1866
- Euthyridium Frey, 1923
- Eutricimba Malloch, 1931
- Eutropha Loew, 1855
- Fiebrigella Duda, 1921
- Fiebrigilla
- Formosina Becker, 1911
- Gallomyia Narchuk, 1965
- Gampsocera Schiner, 1862
- Gauracisoma Duda, 1930
- Gaurax Loew, 1863
- Globiops Andersson, 1977
- Goniaspis Duda, 1930
- Goniopsis Duda, 1929
- Goniopsita Duda, 1930
- Gymnopa Fallén, 1820
- Hapleginella Duda, 1933
- Haplegis Loew, 1866
- Hemisphaerisoma Becker, 1911
- Heteroscinis Lamb, 1918
- Heteroscinoides Cherian, 1989
- Hippelates Loew, 1863
- Hippelatinus Enderlein, 1911
- Homalura Meigen, 1826
- Homaluroides Sabrosky, 1980
- Homops Speiser, 1923
- Hopkinsella Malloch, 1930
- Incertella Sabrosky, 1980
- Indometopis Cherian, 1989
- Indonella Cherian, 2008
- Indophthalmus Cherian, 2002
- Ischnochlorops
- Janzen 1881
- Javanoscinis Andersson, 1977
- Kurumemyia Kanmiya, 1983
- Kwarea Sabrosky, 1954
- Lagaroceras Becker, 1903
- Lasiambia Anonymous
- Lasiambia Sabrosky, 1941
- Lasiochaeta Corti, 1909
- Lasiochlorops Duda, 1934
- Lasiopleura Becker, 1910
- Lasiosina Becker, 1910
- Lassiochaeta
- Leptopeltastes Enderlein, 1911
- Leptotrigonum Becker, 1912
- Leucochaeta Becker, 1913
- Lieparella Spencer, 1986
- Liohippelates Duda, 1929
- Liomicroneurum Enderlein, 1911
- Lioscinella Duda, 1929
- Lipara Meigen, 1830
- Lonchonotus Lamb, 1918
- Loxobathmis Enderlein, 1911
- Loxotaenia Becker, 1911
- Luzonia Frey, 1923
- Malloewia Sabrosky, 1980
- Marcostyla
- Medeventor Wheeler, 2007
- Meijerella Sabrosky
- Melanochaeta Bezzi, 1906
- Melanochaetomyia Cherian, 2002
- Melanum Becker, 1910
- Mepachymerus Speiser, 1910
- Merectecephala Duda, 1930
- Merobates Duda, 1934
- Merochlorops Hewlett, 1909
- Merodonta Malloch, 1940
- Meromyza Meigen, 1830
- Meromyzella Andersson, 1977
- Meroscinis Meijere, 1908
- Metasiphonella Duda, 1930
- Metopostigma Becker, 1903
- Microcercis Beschovski, 1981
- Microchaetaspis Duda, 1930
- Microneurm
- Microneurum Becker, 1903
- Mimosepsis Sabrosky, 1951
- Minda Paramonov, 1957
- Monochaetoscinella Duda, 1930
- Myrmecosepsis Kertész, 1914
- Myrmemorpha Dufour, 1833
- Myrmenorpha
- Nartshukiella Beschovski, 1981
- Neoborborus Rayment, 1931
- Neochloropsina Riccardi & Amorim, 2020
- Neodiplotoxa Malloch, 1914
- Neoelachiptera Séguy, 1938
- Neogaurax Malloch, 1914
- Neohaplegis Beschovski, 1981
- Neolcella Cherian, 1996
- Neoloxotaenia Sabrosky
- Neoloxotaenis
- Neoolcanabates Duda, 1930
- Neorhodesiella Cherian, 2002
- Neoscinella Sabrosky, 1980
- Neuropachys Thalhammer, 1913
- Nippomera Fedoseeva & Nartshuk, 1983
- Nomba Walker, 1860
- Notaulacella Enderlein, 1911
- Notoanaulax
- Ochtherisoma Becker, 1911
- Oedesiella Becker, 1910
- Olcanabates Enderlein, 1911
- Olcella Enderlein, 1911
- Omachaeta
- Omochaeta Duda, 1930
- Onychaspidium Enderlein, 1911
- Opetiophora Loew, 1872
- Opsiceras Séguy, 1946
- Oscinella Becker, 1910
- Oscinelloides Malloch, 1940
- Oscinicita Wheeler, 2007
- Oscinimorpha Lioy, 1864
- Oscinis Latreille, 1804
- Oscinisoma Lioy, 1864
- Oscinoides Malloch, 1916
- Oxyapium Becker, 1912
- Pachychaeta Loew, 1845
- Pachylophus Loew, 1858
- Paraapallates Cherian & Tilak, 2008
- Paracalamoncosis Riccardi, Bazyar & Lamas, 2018
- Paracamarota Cherian, 1991
- Parachlorops Cherian, 2015
- Paraeurina Duda, 1933
- Parahippelates Becker, 1911
- Parameijerella Cherian, 1991
- Parasiphonella Enderlein, 1913
- Parectecephala Becker, 1910
- Paroedesiella Anonymous
- Paroscinella Becker, 1913
- Peltopsilopa Hendel, 1914
- Pemphigonotus Lamb, 1917
- Pentanotaulax Enderlein, 1911
- Phora Latreille, 1796
- Phyladelphus Becker, 1910
- Planuria Meigen, 1826
- 宽头秆蝇属 Platycephala Fallén, 1820
- Platycephalisca Nartshuk, 1959
- Platyina Malloch, 1927
- Polydaspis
- Polyodaspis Duda, 1933
- Prionoscelus Becker, 1911
- Protohippelates Andersson, 1977
- Protoscinella Hennig, 1965
- Protoscinis Cockerell, 1917
- Pselaphia Becker, 1911
- Pseudeurina Meijere, 1904
- Pseudochlorops Duda, 1930
- Pseudochlorops Malloch, 1914
- Pseudochromatopterum Deeming, 1981
- Pseudogampsocera Sabrosky, 1964
- Pseudogaurax Malloch, 1915
- Pseudogoniopsita Duda, 1934
- Pseudohippelates Malloch, 1913
- Pseudonomba Cherian, 1989
- Pseudopachychaeta Strobl, 1902
- Pseudoscinella Duda, 1931
- Pseudothaumatomyia Narchuk, 1963
- Pseudotricimba Ismay, 1993
- Psilacrum Becker, 1912
- Psilochlorops Duda, 1930
- Pterogaurax Duda, 1930
- Rhodesiella Adams, 1905
- Rhopalopterum Duda, 1929
- Sabeurina Deeming, 2018
- Sabroskyina Beschovski, 1987
- Sacatonia Sabrosky, 1967
- Schumanniella Beschovski, 1981
- Sclerophallus Beschovski, 1978
- Scoliophthalmus Becker, 1903
- Semaranga Becker
- Sepsidoscinis Hendel, 1914
- Sineurina
- Siphlus Loew, 1858
- Siphomyia Williston, 1896
- Siphonella Macquart, 1835
- Siphonellomyia Séguy, 1934
- Siphonellopsina Andersson, 1977
- Siphonellopsis Strobl, 1906
- Siphunculina Rondani, 1856
- Speccafrons Sabrosky, 1980
- Steleocerellus
- Steleocerus Becker, 1910
- Stenophthalmus Becker, 1903
- Stenoscinis Malloch, 1918
- Strandimyia Duda, 1930
- Stratiomicroneurum Duda, 1933
- Strobliola Czerny, 1909
- Syphonerina Séguy, 1938
- Tachinoceras de Meijere, 1921
- Tachysiphonella
- Teleocoma Aldrich, 1924
- Terusa Kanmiya, 1983
- Thaumatomyia Zenker, 1833
- Therina Meigen, 1830
- Thressa Walker, 1860
- Thyridula Becker, 1911
- Togeciphus Nishijima, 1955
- Trachysiphonella Enderlain, 1936
- Trichieurina Duda, 1933
- Tricimba Lioy, 1864
- Tricimbomyia Cherian, 1989
- Trigonomma Enderlein, 1911
- Tropidoscinis Enderlein, 1911
- Tylopterna Bezzi, 1916
- Vanchium Cherian, 1999
- Xena Nartshuk, 1964
- . GBIF. [2022-07-31]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-20).
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