

科学建模的例子。 A schematic of chemical and transport processes related to atmospheric composition.


... 科學本身從來都不曾試圖去解釋自然現象,甚至是連詮釋自然現象的企圖都不曾有過,反而僅僅是建立模型。所謂的模型,就是——在數學意義上——去建構觀察到的自然現象之間的數學關係。而此模型令人信服的唯一理由,就僅僅是因為它確實有用——能夠描述足夠廣泛的自然現象。

科學建模已逐漸在受重視[4],例如在科學教育[5]科學哲學系統理論視覺化 (電腦圖學)。科學建模也有其相關的科學方法、技術與形上學等議題。


  1. Cartwright, Nancy. 1983. How the Laws of Physics Lie 页面存档备份,存于. Oxford University Press
  2. Hacking, Ian. 1983. Representing and Intervening. Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Natural Science. Cambridge University Press
  3. von Neumann, J. (1995), "Method in the physical sciences", in Bródy F., Vámos, T. (editors), The Neumann Compendium, World Scientific, p. 628; previously published in The Unity of Knowledge, edited by L. Leary (1955), pp. 157-164, and also in John von Neumann Collected Works, edited by A. Taub, Volume VI, pp. 491-498.
  4. Frigg and Hartmann (2009) state: "Philosophers are acknowledging the importance of models with increasing attention and are probing the assorted roles that models play in scientific practice". Source: Frigg, Roman and Hartmann, Stephan, "Models in Science", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2009 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), (source 页面存档备份,存于)
  5. Namdar, Bahadir; Shen, Ji. . International Journal of Science Education. 2015-02-18, 37 (7): 993–1023. ISSN 0950-0693. doi:10.1080/09500693.2015.1012185.
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