
柯普兰猪笼草学名)是菲律宾棉兰老岛特有的的热带食虫植物。原仅了解到其存在于达沃市附近的阿波火山比斯利格附近的帕西安山(Mount Pasian),之后在整个棉兰老岛的许多山上都发现了柯普兰猪笼草。[6]其也可能出现于甘米银岛附近。[7][8][9]其得名于埃德温·柯普兰(Edwin Copeland)。其海拔分布范围为1100米至2400米。[6]尚未发现柯普兰猪笼草的自然杂交种[10]也未有关于柯普兰猪笼草的变型变种的描述。

科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
演化支 Tracheophyta
演化支 被子植物 Angiosperms
演化支 真双子叶植物 Eudicots
目: 石竹目 Caryophyllales
科: 猪笼草科 Nepenthaceae
属: 猪笼草属 Nepenthes
柯普兰猪笼草 N. copelandii
Nepenthes copelandii
Merr. ex Macfarl. (1908)[1]

自20世纪80年代以来,澳大利亚种植爱好者培育了大量产自阿波火山的科普兰猪笼草,该类群也被称为“N. sp. Philippines No. 2”。而产自帕西安山的类群进入种植的时间要比该类群晚得多。[11]

柯普兰猪笼草属于非正式的“翼状猪笼草组”分类群下,其中还包括翼状猪笼草N. alata塞西尔猪笼草N. ceciliae绝灭猪笼草N. extincta小花猪笼草N. graciliflora汉密吉伊坦山猪笼草N. hamiguitanensi奇坦兰山猪笼草N. kitanglad仓田猪笼草N. kurata莱特岛猪笼草N. leyte棉兰老岛猪笼草N. mindanaoensis内格罗斯岛猪笼草N. negros拉莫斯猪笼草N. ramos萨兰加尼猪笼草N. saranganiensis超基猪笼草N. ultra[3][12][13][14]这些物种之间存在着许多共同特征,比如叶柄具翼、捕虫笼笼盖下表面基部存在附属物,及上位笼基部通常较宽。[3][12]

在食虫植物数据库中,分类学家简·斯洛尔(Jan Schlauer )将科普兰猪笼草视为翼状猪笼草的同物异名。[15]


  1. Macfarlane, J.M. 1908. Nepenthaceae. In: A. Engler. Das Pflanzenreich IV, III, Heft 36: 1–91.
  2. Danser, B.H. 1928. 1. Nepenthes alata Blanco页面存档备份,存于). [pp. 258–262] In: The Nepenthaceae of the Netherlands Indies. Bulletin du Jardin Botanique de Buitenzorg, Série III, 9(3–4): 249–438.
  3. Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Typification and redelimitation of Nepenthes alata with notes on the N. alata group, and N. negros sp. nov. from the Philippines. Nordic Journal of Botany 31(5): 616–622. doi:10.1111/j.1756-1051.2012.00099.x
  4. Clarke, C. & C.C. Lee 2012. A revision of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) from Gunung Tahan, Peninsular Malaysia. 存檔,存档日期2013-10-07. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore 64(1): 33–49.
  5. Schlauer, J. N.d. Nepenthes alata页面存档备份,存于). Carnivorous Plant Database.
  6. McPherson, S.R. & V.B. Amoroso 2011. Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of the Philippines. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
  7. Macfarlane, J.M. 1927. The Philippine species of Nepenthes. The Philippine Journal of Science 33(2): 127–140.
  8. Co, L. & W. Suarez 2012. Nepenthaceae 页面存档备份,存于. Co's Digital Flora of the Philippines.
  9. Heinrich, V.B. 2009. Philippines: Volcanoes Nepenthes and more. Carnivorous Plants in the tropics, October 28, 2009.
  10. McPherson, S.R. 2009. Pitcher Plants of the Old World. 2 volumes. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
  11. Bourke, G. 2010. Plant profile: Nepenthes copelandii.PDF Captive Exotics Newsletter 1(2): 9.
  12. Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Recircumscription of the Nepenthes alata group (Caryophyllales: Nepenthaceae), in the Philippines, with four new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 69: 1–23. doi:10.5852/ejt.2013.69
  13. Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Nepenthes ramos (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Mindanao, Philippines. Willdenowia 43(1): 107–111. doi:10.3372/wi.43.43112
  14. Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Nepenthes ultra (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Luzon, Philippines. Blumea, published online on October 24, 2013. doi:10.3767/000651913X675124
  15. Schlauer, J. N.d. Nepenthes copelandii 页面存档备份,存于. Carnivorous Plant Database.
  • Amoroso, V.B., L.D. Obsioma, J.B. Arlalejo, R.A. Aspiras, D.P. Capili, J.J.A. Polizon & E.B. Sumile 2009. Inventory and conservation of endangered, endemic and economically important flora of Hamiguitan Range, southern Philippines. Blumea 54(1–3): 71–76. doi:10.3767/000651909X474113
  • Amoroso, V.B. & R.A. Aspiras 2011. Hamiguitan Range: a sanctuary for native flora. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 18(1): 7–15. doi:10.1016/j.sjbs.2010.07.003
  • Bonhomme, V., H. Pelloux-Prayer, E. Jousselin, Y. Forterre, J.-J. Labat & L. Gaume 2011. Slippery or sticky? Functional diversity in the trapping strategy of Nepenthes carnivorous plants. New Phytologist 191(2): 545–554. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8137.2011.03696.x
  • Cheek, M.R. & M.H.P. Jebb 2001. Nepenthaceae. Flora Malesiana 15: 1–157.
  • (德文) Gronemeyer, T. 2008. Nepenthes auf den Philippinen – Ein Reisebericht. Das Taublatt 60(1): 15–27.
  • (德文) McPherson, S. & T. Gronemeyer 2008. Die Nepenthesarten der Philippinen Eine Fotodokumentation. Das Taublatt 60(1): 34–78.
  • Borneo Exotics: Nepenthes copelandii – Discovery and Rediscovery


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