科林学院(英語:),又名柯林郡社区学院(Collin County Community College),[1]是位于美国德州科林县的一所社区学院,其总部位于麦金尼的科林高等教育中心(CHEC)。[2] 科林学院拥有多个校区,如位于麦金尼的中央公园校区、科林高等教育中心校区、普莱诺的Courtyard中心校区、弗里斯科的普雷斯顿岭校区、普莱诺的春溪校区、艾倫中心校区以及罗克沃尔中心校区。[3]

Spring Creek校园

Courtyard Center校园
- "欢迎到柯林郡社区学院." (简体字,; 繁体字, ) 科林学院.
- "Maps/Visit Us." (Archive) 科林学院. Retrieved on July 17, 2013. "The Collin Higher Education Center (CHEC) opened for classes January 2010. Located in the northeast corner of the intersection of State Highway 121 and 75 Central Expressway, the CHEC is home to Collin College district offices and five university partners offering courses toward their baccalaureate and graduate degrees."
- "Collin College Campuses (页面存档备份,存于)." 科林学院. Retrieved 2013-07-17. "Central Park Campus 2200 W. University Drive McKinney, TX 75071"
- (英文) 科林学院 (页面存档备份,存于)
- (简体中文) 科林学院 (Archive)
- (繁體中文) 科林学院 (Archive)
- (简体中文) 柯林郡社区学院 (Archive)
- (繁體中文) 柯林郡社区学院 (Archive)
- (英文) 柯林郡社区学院 (Archive)
- "科林县社区学院 Collin County Community College District (页面存档备份,存于)." Novas International Business Consulting Co Ltd.
- "Collin Higher Education Center in McKinney keeps students at five schools closer to home (页面存档备份,存于)." The Dallas Morning News (達拉斯晨報). Published: 14 January 2010, Updated: 26 November 2010.
- Haag, Matthew. "Collin College rolls out Web system to link students to academic advisers ." The Dallas Morning News (達拉斯晨報). 28 December 2009, 26 November 2010.
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