穴小鴞![]() | |
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成年的佛羅里達穴鴞(A. c. floridana) | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 脊索动物门 Chordata |
纲: | 鸟纲 Aves |
目: | 鴞形目 Strigiformes |
科: | 鴟鴞科 Strigidae |
属: | 小鴞屬 Athene |
种: | 穴小鴞 A. cunicularia |
二名法 | |
Athene cunicularia (Molina, 1782) | |
亞種 | |
約20種,詳見內文 | |
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綠色區塊為全球分布範圍 | |
異名 | |
Strix cunicularia Molina, 1782 |
雄性穴鴞與雌性穴鴞在外貌上相差無幾,雌性相對於雄性較為碩大,而雄性之翅翼與尾巴則較雌性來的修長。成年雄性穴鴞,因較常在洞外活動,羽毛因被太陽曝曬而變色,相比於雌性穴鴞來的明亮。成年穴鴞僅大於美洲知更鳥(American Robin)些許,身長約25公分,體重約170公克[1]。
於骨學(osteology)和脫氧核糖核酸序列數據中顯示,穴鴞為小鴞屬中的陸生動物(Terrestrial animal)變體。在分類方面形成了為數不少的亞種,但是牠們在外觀上相異不多,並且尚有幾個需進一步研究,方能證實[2]。
多數亞種被發現於安地斯山脈附近與安的列斯群島上,唯獨北方穴鴞(或稱西方穴鴞)與佛羅里達穴鴞(Florida Burrowing Owl)被發現於美國。以下為穴鴞下屬的亞種列表[3]:
- A. c. cunicularia (Molina, 1782):南方穴鴞(Southern Burrowing Owl),分布於南波利維亞、南巴西和火地群島。
- A. c. grallaria (Temminck, 1822):巴西穴鴞(Brazilian Burrowing Owl),分布於巴西中部、西部。
- A. c. hypugaea (Bonaparte, 1825):北方穴鴞(Northern Burrowing Owl),分布於加拿大南方至北美大平原間。
- A. c. floridana (Ridgway, 1874):佛羅里達穴鴞(Florida Burrowing Owl),分布於佛羅里達與巴哈馬。
- A. c. guadeloupensis (Ridgway, 1874):瓜德羅普穴鴞(Guadeloupe Burrowing Owl), 分布於瓜羅德普島與瑪莉嘉隆(Marie-Galante),於1890年絕種。
- A. c. amaura (Lawrence, 1878):安提瓜穴鴞(Antiguan Burrowing Owl),分布於安提瓜島、聖徒基茨希爾和尼維斯島,於1905年絕種。
- A. c. troglodytes (Wetmore & Swales, 1886):伊斯帕尼奧拉穴鴞(Hispaniolan Burrowing Owl),分布於伊斯帕尼奧拉島、戈納夫島和貝塔島(Beata Island)。
- A. c. rostrata (C. H. Townsend, 1890):雷維利亞希赫多穴鴞(Revillagigedo Burrowing Owl),分布於雷維利亞希赫多群島和克拉里翁島。
- A. c. nanodes (Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1892):西南秘魯穴鴞(Southwest Peruvian Burrowing Owl),分布於秘魯西南部。
- A. c. brachyptera (Richmond, 1896):瑪格麗塔穴鴞(Margarita Burrowing Owl), 分布於瑪格麗塔島。
- A. c. tolimae (Stone, 1899):西哥倫比亞穴鴞(West Colombian Burrowing Owl),分布於哥倫比亞。
- A. c. juninensis (Berlepsch & Stolzmann, 1902):南安地斯山穴鴞(South Andean Burrowing Owl),分布於秘魯中部至阿根廷間。
- A. c. punensis (Chapman, 1914):普納穴鴞(Puna Burrowing Owl),分布於阿爾蒂普拉諾高原。
- A. c. arubensis (Cory, 1915):阿魯巴穴鴞(Aruba Burrowing Owl), 分布於阿魯巴。
- A. c. intermedia (Cory, 1915):西秘魯穴鴞(West Peruvian Burrowing Owl),分布於秘魯西部。
- A. c. minor (Cory, 1918):蓋亞那穴鴞(Guyanan Burrowing Owl),分布於蓋亞那、羅賴馬州。
- A. c. carrikeri (Stone, 1922):東哥倫比亞穴鴞(East Colombian Burrowing Owl),分布於哥倫比亞東部。
- A. c. pichinchae (Boetticher, 1929):西厄瓜多爾穴鴞(West Ecuadorean Burrowing Owl), 分布於厄瓜多爾西部。
- A. c. boliviana (L. Kelso, 1939):玻利維亞穴鴞(Bolivian Burrowing Owl), 分布於玻利維亞。
- A. c. apurensis (Gilliard, 1940):委內瑞拉穴鴞(Venezuelan Burrowing Owl),分布於委內瑞拉。
- A. c. partridgei (Olrog, 1976):科連特斯穴鴞(Corrientes Burrowing Owl), 分布於阿根廷科連特斯省。
- A. c. guantanamensis (Garrido, 2001):古巴穴鴞(Cuban Burrowing Owl),分布於古巴青年島。
- 北方穴鴞(A. c. hypugaea)
- 佛羅里達穴鴞(A. c. floridana)
- 巴西穴鴞 (A. c. grallaria)
- 南方穴鴞(A. c. cunicularia)
而在無脊椎動物方面,穴鴞並沒特別的偏好與特定獵食對象。舉凡白蟻、直翅目的螽斯科與沙螽科(Jerusalem cricket)、蟋蟀、金龜子、狼蛛、蠍子、馬陸、步行蟲(Ground beetle)皆為其狩獵之對象[6]。


- 卡爾·希爾森(Carl Hiaasen)所著之青少年小說(Young-adult fiction)《拯救貓頭鷹》(Hoot),書中描訴主角聯合小鎮中的居民,為保護穴鴞的棲息地,與知名連鎖店抗爭的故事。獲紐伯瑞兒童文學獎,於2006年5月5日由新線影業買下版權,並翻拍成電影《夏日鴞鳴》,由路克·威爾森(Luke Wilson)、提姆·布萊克尼爾森(Tim Blake Nelson)主演。
- 於凱瑟琳·拉斯基所著之《貓頭鷹守護神》中登場的迪哥(Digger)即為穴鴞。小說於2010年9月24日改編成電影,片中之迪哥由大衛·溫漢(David Wenham)所配音。
- 2011年3月4日所上映之美國動作冒險動畫電影《飆風雷哥》中登場的安布洛(Ambrose)亦為穴鴞。於劇中描述為墨西哥街頭樂隊的樂手,由伊安·艾伯克龍配音。
- Lewis (2005)
- Holt et al. (1999)
- Korfanta et al. (2005)
- OwlPages.com (2005)
- . Fig. 1 in Motta-Junior (2006) is misleading: it shows the average weight of both vertebrate and invertebrate components. Compare Tyto alba, which feeds almost exclusively on the same sort of rodents and other small vertebrates (but not invertebrates) as A. cunicularia.
- Motta-Junior (2006)
- Brattstrom & Howell (1956)
- Levey et al. (2004)
- BLI (2006)
- Environment Canada (2006)
- Nordstom, Noelle. (PDF). Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. [April 3, 2010]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010年4月7日).
- . Burrowing Owl Preservation Society. [April 3, 2010]. (原始内容存档于2010年11月30日).
- . Florida Atlantic University: Athletics Department. [2011-04-25]. (原始内容存档于2009-05-30).
- Basto, Natalia; Rodríguez, Oscar A.; Marinkelle, Cornelis J.; Gutierrez, Rafael & Matta, Nubia Estela (2006): Haematozoa in birds from la Macarena National Natural Park (Colombia). Caldasia 28(2): 371–377 [English with Spanish abstract]. PDF fulltext (页面存档备份,存于)
- BirdLife International (BLI). . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008. [December 29, 2008].
- Brattstrom, Bayard H. & Howell, Thomas R. (1956): The Birds of the Revilla Gigedo Islands, Mexico. Condor 58(2): 107–120. doi:10.2307/1364977 PDF fulltext DjVu fulltext
- Clark, H.O. Jr. & Plumpton, D.L. (2005): A simple one-way door design for passive relocation of Western Burrowing Owls. California Fish and Game 91: 286–289.
- DeSante, D.F.; Ruhlen, E.D. & Rosenberg, D.K. (2004): Density and abundance of burrowing owls in the agricultural matrix of the Imperial Valley, California. Studies in Avian Biology 27: 116–119. PDF fulltext (页面存档备份,存于)
- Environment Canada (2006): Species at Risk – Burrowing Owl. Version of 2006-MAY-08. Retrieved 2007-AUG-16.
- Haug, E.A.; Milsap, B.A. & Martell, M.S. (1993): Burrowing owl (Speotyto cunicularia). In: Poole, A. & Gill, F. (eds.): The Birds of North America 61. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, PA & American Ornithologists' Union, Washington, D.C. Online version, retrieved 2006-DEC-26. doi:10.2173/bna.61 (requires subscription)
- Holt, D.W.; Berkley, R.; Deppe, C.; Enríquez Rocha, P.L.; Petersen, J.L.; Rangel Salazar, J.L.; Segars, K.P. & Wood, K.L. (1999): 155. Burrowing Owl. In: del Hoyo, J.; Elliott, A.; and Sargatal, J. (eds.) (1999): Handbook of the Birds of the World (Volume 5: Barn-owls to Hummingbirds): 227–228, plate 17. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona. ISBN 84-87334-25-3
- Konig, C.; Weick, F. & Becking, J.-H. (1999): Owls: A guide to the owls of the world. Yale University Press, New Haven. ISBN 0-300-07920-6
- Klute, D.S.; Ayers, L.W.; Green, M.T.; Howe, W.H.; Jones, S.L.; Shaffer, J.A.; Sheffield, S.R. & Zimmerman, T.S. (2003): Status assessment and conservation plan for the western burrowing owl in the United States. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Technical Publication FWS/BTP-R6001-2003. US Dept of Interior, Washington, D.C. PDF fulltext (页面存档备份,存于)
- Korfanta, N.M.; McDonald, D.B. & Glenn, T.C. (2005): Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) population genetics: A comparison of North American forms and migratory habits. Auk 122(2): 464-478. [English with Spanish abstract] DOI:10.1642/0004-8038(2005)122[0464:BOACPG]2.0.CO;2 PDF fulltext (页面存档备份,存于)
- Levey, D.J.; Duncan, R.S. & Levins, C.F. (2004): Use of dung as a tool by burrowing owls. Nature 431(7004): 39. PMID 15343324 doi:10.1038/431039a PDF fulltext (页面存档备份,存于)
- Lewis, D.P. (2005): Burrowing Owl – Athene cunicularia (页面存档备份,存于). OwlPages.com Owl Species ID: 220.040.000. Version of 2005-APR-24; retrieved 2006-DEC-26.
- Lutz, R.S. & Plumpton, D.L. (1999): Philopatry and nest site reuse by burrowing owls: implications for productivity. Journal of Raptor Research 33: 149–153.
- Motta-Junior, José Carlos (2006): Relações tróficas entre cinco Strigiformes simpátricas na região central do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil [Comparative trophic ecology of five sympatric Strigiformes in central State of São Paulo, south-east Brazil]. Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia 14(4): 359–377 [Portuguese with English abstract]. PDF fulltext
- Moulton, C.E.; Brady, R.S. & Belthoff, J.R. (2005): A comparison of breeding season food habits of burrowing owls nesting in agricultural and nonagricultural habitat in Idaho. Journal of Raptor Research 39: 429–438.
- OwlPages.com (2005): 220.040.000 Burrowing Owl – Athene cunicularia (页面存档备份,存于). Version of 2005-ARP-24. Retrieved 2008-DEC-29.
- Trulio, Lynne A. (1995): Passive relocation: A method to preserve burrowing owls on disturbed sites. Journal of Field Ornithology 66(11): 99–106. PDF fulltext DjVu fulltext
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维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:穴鴞 |
- Burrowing Owl Live Camera Feed & Fact Sheet
- BirdLife Factsheet (页面存档备份,存于)
- Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge: Burrowing Owl Study (页面存档备份,存于)
- State Parks of the San Luis Obispo Coast: Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia)
- The Burrowing Owl Conservation Society of BC (页面存档备份,存于)
- South Dakota Birds – Burrowing Owl Information and Photos (页面存档备份,存于)
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology (includes a distribution map) (页面存档备份,存于)
- Fifth grade project to create artificial habitat
- Burrowing Owl videos, photos & sounds (页面存档备份,存于) on the Internet Bird Collection
- Saskatchewan Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre
- 的图片