

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 腕足動物門 Brachiopoda
纲: 小嘴貝綱 Rhynchonellata
目: 穿孔貝目 Terebratulida
科: 穿孔贝科 Terebratulidae




  • Acrobrochus Cooper, 1983
  • Aenigmathyris Cooper, 1971
  • Arabicella Cooper, 1989
  • Arapsopleurum Cooper, 1989
  • Arapsothyris Cooper, 1989
  • Arctosia Cooper, 1983
  • Avonothyris Buckman, 1917
  • Bipartita
  • Blandfordithyris Radulovic & Ramamoorthy, 2000
  • Carneithyris Sahni, 1925
  • Cererithyris Buckman, 1917
  • Charltonithyris Buckman, 1917
  • Chatwinothyris Sahni, 1925
  • Costithyris Middlemiss, 1981
  • Cyranoia Cooper, 1983
  • Dallithyris Muir-Wood, 1959
  • Dolichosina Cooper, 1983
  • Dolichozygus Cooper, 1983
  • Dysedrosia Cooper, 1983
  • Ebiscothyris Bitner & Cohen, 2015
  • Embolosia Cooper, 1983
  • Epacrosina Cooper, 1983
  • Erymnia Cooper, 1977
  • Euidothyris Buckman, 1917
  • Falciferula Tchoumatchenco, 1987
  • Gibbithyris Sahni, 1925
  • Giraliathyris Craig, 2000
  • Goniothyris Buckman, 1918
  • Gryphus Megerle von Mühlfeld, 1811
  • Gurlarnella Bitner & Schneider, 2009
  • Holcothyris Buckman, 1918
  • Indothyris Radulovic & Ramamoorthy, 2000
  • Jaisalmeria
  • Kanakythyris Laurin, 1997
  • Kossmatithyris Radulovic & Ramamoorthy, 2000
  • Kutchithyris Buckman, 1917
  • Liothyrella Thomson, 1916
  • Liothyrina Oehlert, 1887
  • Loboidothyris Buckman, 1917
  • Lobothyris Buckman, 1917
  • Lobothyroides Xu, 1978
  • Lophrothyris Buckman, 1917
  • Lyothrina
  • Maltaia Cooper, 1983
  • Mimorina Cooper, 1983
  • Moisseevia Makridin, 1964
  • Musculina Schuchert & Le Vene, 1929
  • 边纲蛤属 Musculus Quenstedt, 1868
  • Naradanithyris Tokuyama, 1958
  • Neaguithyris Georgescu, 1991
  • Neoliothyrina Sahni, 1925
  • Neumayrithyris Tokuyama, 1958
  • Oleneothyris Cooper, 1942
  • Pamirothyris Dagis, 1974
  • Peristerothyris Mancenido, 1983
  • Pionopleurum Cooper, 1989
  • Pleuraloma Cooper, 1989
  • Plicatoria Cooper, 1983
  • Pliothyrina van Roy, 1980
  • Praegibbithyris Sun, 1987
  • Praelongithyris Middlemiss, 1959
  • Pseudogibbithyris Owen, 1995
  • Pseudorhaetina Sandy, 1994
  • Ptyctothyris Buckman, 1917
  • Pycnobrochus Cooper, 1983
  • Rectithyris Sahni, 1929
  • Rhynchora Dalman, 1828
  • Rhytisoria Cooper, 1983
  • Rouillieria Makridin, 1960
  • Rugithyris Buckman, 1918
  • Sahnithyris Radulovic & Ramamoorthy, 1995
  • Seymourella Bitner, 1996
  • Sogxianthyris Sun, 1981
  • Sphaeroidothyris Buckman, 1918
  • Stenorina Cooper, 1989
  • Stenosarina Cooper, 1977
  • Stiphrothyris Buckman, 1918
  • Stoliczkathyris Radulovic & Ramamoorthy, 2000
  • Stroudithyris Buckman, 1918
  • Tanyoscapha Cooper, 1983
  • Tanyothyris Cooper, 1989
  • Taurothyris Kyansep, 1961
  • 穿孔貝屬 Terebratula Müller, 1776
  • Tichosina Cooper, 1977
  • Toxonelasma Cooper, 1989
  • Trichothyris Buckman, 1918
  • Tubithyris Buckman, 1918
  • Uralella Makridin, 1960
  • Vex Hoover, 1979
  • Wattonithyris Muir-Wood, 1936
  • Weldonithyris Muir-Wood, 1952
  • Xinjiangthyris Sun, 1984
  • Zygonaria Cooper, 1983


  1. . GBIF. [2022-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-07).
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