
突發性肺水腫(flash pulmonary edema,簡稱FPE)是描述肺水腫突然發作的狀態。本病症通常是心肌梗死二尖瓣逆流引起,但主動脈逆流心臟衰竭,或任何導致左心室壓升高的原因。突發性肺水腫的治療必須針對潛在因子治療,並維持足夠維生的氧合水平,並給予利尿劑及降低肺循環壓力。



  1. Kramer K, Kirkman P, Kitzman D, Little WC. Flash pulmonary edema: association with hypertension and recurrence despite coronary revascularization. Am Heart J. 2000 Sep;140(3):451-5. doi:10.1067/mhj.2000.108828. PMID 10966547.
  2. Pickering TG, Herman L, Devereux RB, Sotelo JE, James GD, Sos TA, Silane MF, Laragh JH. Recurrent pulmonary oedema in hypertension due to bilateral renal artery stenosis: treatment by angioplasty or surgical revascularisation. Lancet. 1988;332(8610):551-2. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(88)92668-2. PMID 2900930.


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