

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia
目: 翼手目 Chiroptera
科: 狐蝠科 Pteropodidae
亚科: 管鼻果蝠亚科 Nyctimeninae
属: 管鼻果蝠属 Nyctimene
Borkhausen, 1797



  • 寬紋管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene aello (Broad-striped tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 白腹管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene albiventer (Common tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 黑管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene celaeno (Dark tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 帕拉斯管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene cephallotes ,印尼管鼻果蝠(Pallas's tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 角管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene certans (Mountain tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 圓耳管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene cyclotis (Round-eared tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 印度管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene draconilla (Dragon tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 大管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene major (island tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 马莱塔管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene malaitensis (Malaita tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 马氏管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene masalai (Demonic tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 小管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene minutus (Lesser tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 雷伯管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene rabori (Philippine tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 昆士兰管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene robinsoni ,澳洲管鼻果蝠(Queensland tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 圣克鲁斯管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene sanctacrucis ,聖島管鼻果蝠(Nendo tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • 新几内亚管鼻果蝠 Nyctimene vizcaccia (Umboi tube-nosed fruit bat)
  • Nyctimene wrightae Irwin, 2017[1]


  1. Nancy Irwin. 2017. A New Tube-nosed Fruit Bat from New Guinea, Nyctimene wrightae sp. nov., A Re-diagnosis of N. certans and N. cyclotis (Pteropodidae: Chiroptera), and A Review of their Conservation Status. Records of the Australian Museum. 69(2): 73–100. DOI: 10.3853/j.2201-4349.69.2017.1654
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