
約翰·伯寧罕英語:1936年4月27日—2019年1月4日[1]),英國作家與兒童文學插畫家,尤以童書繪本著名[2]。他與同為插畫家的妻子海倫·奧森柏莉目前住在倫敦北區[3]。自2012年8月以來,他的最新出版作品是給2歲以上幼童看的「There's Going to Be a New Baby」,此書是由夫妻2人協力完成,由伯寧罕撰寫故事,他的妻子則負責插畫[4][5]

伯寧罕曾榮獲1963年及1970年的英國格林威大獎(The Kate Greenaway Medals)[6][7]。他第1次獲提名並得獎的作品是「波卡:一隻無毛鵝的冒險」(Borka: The Adventures of a Goose With No Feathers ),此書並於該獎項50周年慶(1955-2005)時獲提名為前10大勝選作品之一[8]。他第2度得獎的作品是1970年出版的「和甘伯伯去游河」(Mr Gumpy's Outing),該書不僅為許多國家的圖書館所收藏(藉由WorldCat查詢[9] ),也榮獲了美國波士頓環球報號角書獎(Boston Globe–Horn Book Award)中的年度最佳圖畫書獎。[10]

由於伯寧罕長期以來在兒童插畫界的貢獻,他於2012及2014年兩度被提名為國際安徒生文學獎(Hans Christian Andersen Award)的候選人,該獎項是兒童文學創作者所能獲得的最高榮譽[11][12][13] 。他也是1980年及1986年英國榮譽國民的候選人[14]



  • Borka: The Adventures of a Goose With No Feathers (Jonathan Cape, 1963)
  • ABC (Cape, 1964); also John Burningham's ABC
  • Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang: The Magical Car by Ian Fleming (Cape, three vols. October 1964 to January 1965)
  • The Extraordinary Tug-of-war retold by Letta Schatz (Follett, 1968)
  • Mr Gumpy's Outing (Cape, 1970)
  • Around the World in Eighty Days (Cape, 1972)
  • Mr Gumpy's Motor Car (Cape, 1973)
  • Come away from the water, Shirley (Cape, 1977)
  • Time to get out of the bath, Shirley (Cape, 1978)
  • The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame (Kestrel, 1983)—an edition of the 1908 classic
  • Granpa (Cape, 1984)
  • There's going to be a new baby (Walker Books, 2011)—夫妻2人協力完成的作品


  • 莎莉,離水遠一點(遠流,2017)
  • 和甘伯伯去遊河(阿爾發,2009)
  • 喂!下車:大手簽小手(遠流,2012)
  • 朱里亞斯呢?(阿布拉,2012)
  • 外公(阿爾發,2010)


  • John Burningham, John Burningham (2009)
  • D. Martin, "John Burningham", in Douglas Martin, The Telling Line: Essays on Fifteen Contemporary Book Illustrators (Julia MacRae Books, 1989), pp. 215–27


  1. . [2019-01-09]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-09).
  2. "John Burningham". Bloomsbury.com. Retrieved 2012-08-28.
  3. "Helen Oxenbury"页面存档备份,存于). Fresh Fiction. Retrieved 2012-06-29.
  4. . Walker Books. [2012-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
  5. . British Council: Literature. [2012-08-28]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-11).
  6. (Greenaway Winner 1963) Wikiwix的存檔,存档日期2012-07-03. Living Archive: Celebrating the Carnegie and Greenaway Winners. CILIP. Retrieved 2012-07-15.
  7. (Greenaway Winner 1970)页面存档备份,存于). Living Archive: Celebrating the Carnegie and Greenaway Winners. CILIP. Retrieved 2012-07-15.
  8. "70 Years Celebration: Anniversary Top Tens" 存檔,存档日期2016-10-27.. The CILIP Carnegie & Kate Greenaway Children's Book Awards. CILIP. Retrieved 2012-06-29.
  9. "Burningham, John"页面存档备份,存于). WorldCat. Retrieved 2012-08-28.
  10. . The Horn Book. [2012-11-29]. (原始内容存档于14 December 2012).
  11. "2012 Awards"页面存档备份,存于). Hans Christian Andersen Awards. International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY).
      "John Burningham – Finalist". Hans Christian Andersen Awards. IBBY. Retrieved 2013-07-20.
  12. "The Hans Christian Andersen Award Jury of IBBY Announces the 2012 Short List" 存檔,存档日期30 July 2012.. IBBY press release 6 March 2012. Raab Associates. Retrieved 2012-11-26.
  13. "2014 Awards"页面存档备份,存于). Hans Christian Andersen Awards. International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY). With contemporary material including the 17 March 2014 shortlist press release页面存档备份,存于). Retrieved 2014-03-23.
  14. "Candidates for the Hans Christian Andersen Awards 1956–2002" Archive.is存檔,存档日期14 January 2013. The Hans Christian Andersen Awards, 1956–2002. IBBY. Gyldendal. 2002. Pages 110–18. Hosted by Austrian Literature Online (literature.at). Retrieved 2013-07-23.


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