納賽爾主義 التيار الناصري | |
![]() 納賽爾主義标志 | |
意識形態 | |
政治立場 | 左翼至極左[16] |
阿拉伯民族革命旗[17] | |
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埃及政治 政党 · 选举 |
1952年1月,衝突逐漸升溫,1月24日,埃及游擊隊對蘇伊士運河區的英軍發動攻擊。在這一過程中,埃及警察向游擊隊提供了幫助。英軍在喬治.埃爾斯金將軍的指揮下發動回擊,在1月25日派出坦克和步兵包圍了伊斯梅利亞的埃及警察派出所,要求埃及警察在一小時內繳械投降。當地警察部隊指揮官向埃及內務大臣、納哈斯首相的親信福阿德.塞拉格丁(Fouad Serageddin)打電話請求指示。當時塞拉格丁正在浴室里抽雪茄。他下令警察部隊戰鬥至「最後一人一彈」。最後,派出所被英軍夷平,43名埃及警察和3名英軍士兵陣亡。伊斯梅利亞事件激怒了埃及人。於是在隔天,1952年1月26日,埃及國內爆發了被稱為黑色星期六的反英衝突,焚毀了由伊斯梅爾帕夏仿造巴黎風格建設的開羅城。法魯克國王將黑色星期六衝突歸咎於華夫脫黨,於次日解除了納哈斯的首相職務,由阿里·馬希爾帕夏接任。
1952年7月22日晚上23點,自由軍官們率領部隊,由坦克、裝甲車掩護,分頭執行戰鬥任務。行動異常順利。在占領機場、火車站、電報電話局、電台、馬可尼大樓的過程中,政變部隊幾乎沒有遇到抵抗。7月23日凌晨,自由軍官完全控制開羅。上午7點,自由軍官組織創建委員會發表聲明,闡述政變動因:「埃及經歷了現代歷史的賄賂、腐化和政局不穩的艱難時期。這一現象深深地影響著軍隊……為此,我們採取了純潔自己隊伍的行動。」。7月24日,發表第二份聲明,鼓勵群眾支持軍隊的革命行動。開羅的局勢逐漸平靜和明朗。7月25日,軍隊逼近王宮,法魯克國王計畫逃亡,7月26日,法魯克國王讓位於他七個月大的兒子福阿德二世。同日晚18點,法魯克國王包括福阿德二世在內的其他皇室成員一道乘皇家遊艇離開埃及,逃往義大利。依照慣例,穆罕默德.阿卜杜.莫內姆王子(Prince Muhammad Abdel Moneim)組建了攝政委員會。但攝政委員會只是在名義上擁有權力,實權掌握在由納吉布和納賽爾領導的革命指揮委員會手中。 熱切期待改革的工人們於1952年8月12日在道瓦爾城發動的起事被平息,兩人被判死刑。在一段短暫的文官統治後,自由軍官組織於1953年6月18日廢除了君主制,廢除1923年憲法,宣布成立埃及共和國。自由軍官運動的領袖納吉布、納賽爾及薩達特,先後陸續成為埃及第一、第二及第三任總統。
一名希臘裔美國政治學家和中東歷史學家帕納約蒂斯·杰拉西莫夫·瓦蒂基奧蒂斯(Panayiotis Jerasimof Vatikiotis,1928年2月5日至1997年12月15日)在他的一本著作《納賽爾和他的一代》(Nasser and his Generation,1978)中,他認為納賽爾主義是一個因領袖崇拜而興起的意識形態[18],之所以能夠受到推崇,完全是領袖的「魅力」而不是他的「領導力」。瓦蒂基奧蒂斯詳細描述了納賽爾利用言論作為政治工具來影響他的選民,雖然他們被剝奪了對其領導人政策的任何參與權,但他們依舊支持著納賽爾。同時也指出,納賽爾透過廣播、電視和大型集會上向群眾發表講話,內容多為反帝國主義與反猶太主義,這在當時觸動了埃及人民的想法,激進且慷慨的演講,也讓人民被激發到歇斯底里。[18][19]
- Salem 2020,第136-137頁: "The building of the High Dam, the financing for which came from the nationalization of the Canal, was similarly connected to global debates around industry and self-sufficiency, and was a pivotal moment of decolonization, symbolizing both the end of Britain’s global influence and the emergence of Nasser as the leader of Arab nationalism."
- Ismael, Tareq Y. . Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press. 1976: 10. ISBN 0-8156-0124-7.
Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5 examine the four principal leftist nationalist forces that emerged in the post-World War II era: the Ba’ath, the Progressive Socialists of Lebanon, the Arab Nationalist Movement, and Nasserism (written by Jacqueline Ismael).
- Alfadhel, Khalifa A. . Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2016: 15. ISBN 978-1-4438-9789-1.
Nasser’s period of leftist nationalism was known as Nasserism. The ideological roots of Nasserism are found in his magnum opus: Egypt’s Liberation.
- https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/egypt_mahfouz_4025jsp/
- .
- Anis H. Bajrektarevic. . tnp.no. 2017.
It has served a dual purpose; originally, to contain the leftist Nasseristic pan-Arabism which was introducing a republican type of egalitarian government in the Middle Eastern theater.
- Ihsan Yilmaz; Raja M. Ali Saleem. (PDF). Populism & Politics (European Center for Populism Studies (ECPS)). 1 March 2022, (10): 12. S2CID 247207638. doi:10.55271/pp0010.
Left-wing populism was also adopted by many military coup leaders in Africa, such as Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt (ruled 1956-70), Ben Bella (ruled 1962-65) in Algeria, and Thomas Sankara (ruled 1983-87) in Burkina Faso. Some of these generals “thickened” their populism with nationalism and transnationalism. Nasser was traditionally a left-wing populist leader, yet he used the ideas of pan-Arabism to create not only a national identity for Egypt but for Arabs around the Middle East.
- Farah, Nadia Ramsis. 9. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. 1986: 113. ISBN 978-0-415-81122-4.
Arab socialism was advocated as the dominant ideology of Nasser's regime. The Islamic dimension played a role in Arab socialism. However, Islam was reduced to the personal sphere and the regime did not advocate Islam, except in periods of crisis such as the period that followed the Arab defeat in 1967.
- Friedman, Jeremy. . Harvard University Press. 4 January 2022: 173. ISBN 9780674269767.
"At a time when the leading lights of African socialism-people such as Gamal Abdel Nasser,...
- Paolo Chiocchetti. . resume.uni.lu (Revue de l'euro, Université du Luxembourg). 23 January 2017. doi:10.25517/RESuME-JyutQzd-2017.
In the scholarly literature, it has been used to describe a wide range of seemingly disparate political phenomena: Latin American “national-populists” (e.g. Peronists), “third-worldist” authoritarian regimes (e.g. Nasserism), contemporary radical right (e.g. the French Front national) and radical left (e.g. the Greek SYRIZA) parties, Islamic fundamentalists (e.g. the Muslim Brotherhood), and charismatic leaders of all stripes (e.g. Alberto Fujimori, Ross Perot, Silvio Berlusconi, Pim Fortuyn, and Hugo Chavez).
- Mili, Amel. (Doctor of Philosophy论文). Newark, New Jersey: State University of New Jersey: 51. May 2009.
Some of the ideologies that gained some traction, at least for some time, include Baathism (Iraq, Syria), Socialism (Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Tunisia, Libya, and Yemen since the 1950’s), Communism (South Yemen in the 1960s), Pan-Arabic Nasserism (Egypt, as well as the few countries that have joined it at one time or another in short lived unions), and state capitalism fused with monarchy (the Gulf states, Jordan and Morocco).
- Salem, Sara. . . The Global Middle East. Cambridge University Press. April 2020: 98. ISBN 9781108868969.
Nasser’s anti-imperialism and the discourse of Arab socialism proved relatable to the majority of Egyptians for whom social justice and economic independence were central concerns.
- Range, Willard. . The Western Political Quarterly. 1959, 12 (4): 1005–1016. JSTOR 443794. doi:10.2307/443794.
- https://etd.lib.metu.edu.tr/upload/12617062/index.pdf
- Ismael, Tareq Y. . Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press. 1976: 10. ISBN 0-8156-0124-7.
Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5 examine the four principal leftist nationalist forces that emerged in the post-World War II era: the Ba’ath, the Progressive Socialists of Lebanon, the Arab Nationalist Movement, and Nasserism (written by Jacqueline Ismael).
- Alfadhel, Khalifa A. . Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2016: 15. ISBN 978-1-4438-9789-1.
Nasser’s period of leftist nationalism was known as Nasserism. The ideological roots of Nasserism are found in his magnum opus: Egypt’s Liberation.
- Ginat, Rami. . Portland, Oregon: Frank Cass & Co Ltd. 1997: 190. ISBN 0-7146-4295-9.
At the same time, Nasser, keen to prove the depth of his commitment to socialism, turned to al-Khuli: ‘Lutfi! Don’t you find it difficult to be on my left? Nobody can possibly be more leftist than me.’
- Katherine Barymow. . Syracuse University Honors Program Capstone Projects (Syracuse University). 9 August 2017, 992: 35.
The Eisenhower Doctrine was thus an attempt through economic and military aid to encourage the governments to side openly with the West in the Cold War, therefore swinging away from the Leftist Nasser regime and his regional allies, including the Syrian government and the Nasserist opposition parties in other Arab countries.
- Ismael, Tareq Y. . Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press. 1976: 10. ISBN 0-8156-0124-7.
- Pan-Arab Colors, crwflags.com
- Vatikiotis, Panayiotis Jerasimof. . Croom Helm. 1 January 1978: 297–299. ISBN 0856644331. OCLC 464697929.
- Rejwan, Nissim. . Routledge.
- . 30 December 2020.