

西部細盲蛇Leptotyphlops humilis
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: Reptilia
目: 有鳞目 Squamata
亚目: 蛇亚目 Serpentes
科: 细盲蛇科 Leptotyphlopidae
属: 细盲蛇属 Leptotyphlops
  • Stenostoma - Wagler,1824
  • Typhlina - Wagler,1830
  • Stenostona - Cuvier,1836
  • Leptotyphlops - Fitzinger,1843
  • Eucephalus - Fitzinger,1843
  • Catodon - A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron,1844
  • Epictia - Gray,1845
  • Glauconia - Gray,1845
  • Rena - Baird & Girard,1853
  • Sabrina - Girard,1857
  • Ramphostoma - Jan In Jan & Sordelli,1860
  • Tricheilostoma - Jan In Jan & Sordelli,1860
  • Tetracheilostoma - Jan,1861
  • Siagonodon - Peters,1881
  • Stenostomophis - Rochebrune,1884
  • Rhamphostoma - Boulenger,1893[1]








物種[2] 學名及作者[2] 亞種數[2] 異稱 地理分布
委內瑞拉細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops affinis,Boulenger,1884 0
瓦氏細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops albifrons,Wagler,1824 0
L. albipunctus Leptotyphlops albipunctus,Jan,1861 0
L. albiventer Leptotyphlops albiventer,Hallermann & Rödel,1995 0
拜氏細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops anthracinus,Bailey,1946 0
L. asbolepis Leptotyphlops asbolepis,Thomas, McDiarmid & Thompson,1985 0
費氏細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops australis,Freiberg & Orejas-Miranda,1968 0
雙色細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops bicolor,Jan,1860 0
雙線細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops bilineatus,Schlegel,1839 0
布氏細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops blanfordii,Boulenger,1890 0
L. borapeliotes Leptotyphlops borapeliotes,Vanzolini,1996 0
迪氏細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops borrichianus,Degerbl,1923 0
曼達粉紅細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops boulengeri,Boettger,1913] 0 博氏細盲蛇
巴西細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops brasiliensis,Laurent,1949 0
米卻肯州細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops bressoni,Taylor,1939 0
短尾細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops brevicaudus,Bocage,1887 0
卡克塔細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops brevissimus,Shreve,1964 0
L. broadleyi Leptotyphlops broadleyi,Wallach & Hahn,1997 0
阿拉伯細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops burii,Boulenger,1905 0
開羅細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops cairi,A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron,1844 0
卡拉細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops carlae,Hedges,2008 0 巴巴多斯
土衛細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops calypso,Thomas, McDiarmid & Thompson,1985 0
領細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops collaris,Hoogmoed,1977 0
聖薩爾瓦多細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops columbi,Klauber,1939 0
角細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops conjunctus,Jan,1861 3
馬托葛洛索細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops cupinensis,Bailey & Carvalho,1946 0
西非細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops debilis,Chabanaud,1918 0
L. diaplocius Leptotyphlops diaplocius,Orejas-Miranda,1969 0
丹堤細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops dimidiatus,Jan,1861 0
蘇丹細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops dissimilis,Bocage,1886 0
L. distanti Leptotyphlops distanti,Boulenger,1892 0
L. drewesi Leptotyphlops drewesi,Wallach,1996 0
L. dugandi Leptotyphlops dugandi,Dunn,1944 0
德州細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops dulcis,Baird & Girard,1853 2
艾密尼細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops emini,Boulenger,1890 0
索科特拉島細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops filiformis,Boulenger,1899 0
L. fitzingeri Leptotyphlops fitzingeri,Jan,1861 0
L. gestri Leptotyphlops gestri,Boulenger,1906 0
古氏細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops goudotii,A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron,1844 3 黑細盲蛇
幼線細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops gracilior,Boulenger,1910 0
L. guayaquilensis Leptotyphlops guayaquilensis,Orejas-Miranda & Peters,1970 0
L. hamulirostris Leptotyphlops hamulirostris,Nikolsky,1907 0
西部細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops humilis,Baird & Girard,1853 8
約書亞細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops joshuai,Dunn,1944 0
亞氏細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops koppesi,Amaral,1955 0
唇細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops labialis,Sternfeld,1908 0 達馬拉細盲蛇
L. leptepileptus Leptotyphlops leptepileptus,Thomas, McDiarmid & Thompson,1985 0
長尾細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops longicaudus,Peters,1854 0
大鱗細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops macrolepis,Peters,1857 0
大眼細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops macrops,Broadley & Wallach,1996 0
大吻細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops macrorhynchus,Jan,1860 0
大尾細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops macrurus,Boulenger,1903 0 博氏細盲蛇
巨細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops maximus,Loveridge,1932 0
拉丁美洲細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops melanotermus,Cope,1862 0
暗細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops melanurus,Schmidt & Walker,1943 0
L. munoai Leptotyphlops munoai,Orejas-Miranda,1961 0
L. narirostris Leptotyphlops narirostris,Peters,1867 1
泰氏細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops nasalis,Taylor,1940 0
岡比亞細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops natatrix,Andersson,1937 0
桑坦德細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops nicefori,Dunn,1946 0
細盲蛇T Leptotyphlops nigricans,Schlegel,1839 0 黑細盲蛇
努爾氏細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops nursii,Anderson,1896 0
L. occidentalis Leptotyphlops occidentalis,FitzSimons,1962 0 西部細盲蛇
L. perreti Leptotyphlops perreti,Wilhelm Roux-Estève,1979 0
秘魯細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops peruvianus,Orejas-Miranda,1969 0
湯馬斯細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops pyrites,Thomas,1965 0
網狀細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops reticulatus,Boulenger,1906 0
長吻細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops rostratus,Bocage,1886 0 保氏細盲蛇
紅線細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops rubrolineatus,Werner,1901 0
玫瑰細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops rufidorsus,Taylor,1940 0
聖埃斯皮里圖州細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops salgueiroi,Amaral,1955 0
彼得細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops scutifrons,Peters,1854 0
七帶細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops septemstriatus,Schneider,1801 0
南美細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops signatus,Jan,1861 0
條紋細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops striatulus,Smith & Laufe,1945 0
L. subcrotillus Leptotyphlops subcrotillus,Klauber,1939 0
L. sundewalli Leptotyphlops sundewalli,Jan,1861 0
L. sylvicolus Leptotyphlops sylvicolus Broadley & Wallach, 1997[3]
北部細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops teaguei,Orejas-Miranda,1964 0
L. telloi Leptotyphlops telloi,Broadley & Watson,1976 0
鋸齒細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops tesselatus,Tschudi,1845 0
三色細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops tricolor,Orejas-Miranda & Zug,1974 0
十一帶細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops undecimstriatus,Schlegel,1839 0
南部細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops unguirostris,Boulenger,1902 0
雜色細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops variabilis,Scortecci,1928 0
L. vellardi Leptotyphlops vellardi,Laurent,1984 0
阿根廷細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops weyrauchi,Orejas-Miranda,1964 0
威爾遜細盲蛇 Leptotyphlops wilsoni,Hahn,1978 0


  1. McDiarmid RW、Campbell JA、Touré T:《Snake Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, vol. 1》頁511,Herpetologists' League,1999年。ISBN 1-893777-00-6
  2. . ITIS. 2007 [29 August, 2007].
  3. Theo Busschau, Werner Conradie and Savel R. Daniels. 2020. One Species hides Many: Molecular and Morphological Evidence for Cryptic Speciation in A Thread Snake (Leptotyphlopidae: Leptotyphlops sylvicolus Broadley & Wallach, 1997). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research. DOI: 10.1111/jzs.12401


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