結腸帶(taeniae coli,也作teniae coli或tenia coli)是結腸外壁的三條縱向平滑肌帶,對應消化道其他部位的肌外層,為結腸的特化組織,在乙狀結腸以前的結腸(升結腸、橫結腸、降結腸)均存在。結腸帶肉眼可見,位於結腸的最外層(漿膜或纖維膜)之下,可細分為mesocolic、free、omental三條。結腸帶的收縮會造成結腸袋的產生。結腸帶在闌尾開始處一分為三;在乙狀結腸-直腸連接處,三條結腸帶則分散開來並合而為一,成為縱向肌肉層。結腸帶受副交感神經調控,其神經由脊髓的薦椎部分出。[1]

結腸帶 | |
![]() 圖中大腸中央的縱向帶狀構造即為結腸帶。此圖省略了恥骨與膀胱。 | |
![]() 由前上方(anterior superior)觀察的女性骨盆腔。圖中標示colon即為結腸。 | |
标识字符 | |
拉丁文 | Taeniae coli |
TA98 | A05.7.03.013 |
TA2 | 2993 |
FMA | FMA:76487 |
格雷氏 | p.1186 |
《解剖學術語》 |
- Lambert, H. Wayne; Wineski, Lawrence E. . Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2011: 65.
Destruction of the sacral spinal cord will eliminate parasympathetic outflow to the hindgut, pelvic organs, and perineum as well as somatic innervation to much of the pelvis and lower limbs. Because it stimulates gut motility and tone, loss of parasympathetic input will result in relaxation and inactivity of the teniæ coli in the descending colon.
- Histology image: 12502loa – 波士顿大学的组织学学习系统 - "Digestive System: Alimentary Canal: colon, taeniae coli"
- UIUC Histology SubjectUIUC組織學主題 853
- 人体解剖学在线(Human Anatomy Online)网站上的相关图片:39:13-0201 - "Intestines and Pancreas: Large Intestine"
- Anatomy image:8185 at the SUNY Downstate Medical Center
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