絨蟎目![]() | |
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Trombidium holosericeum | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 节肢动物门 Arthropoda |
纲: | 蛛形纲 Arachnida |
亚纲: | 蜱蟎亞綱 Acari |
总目: | 蟎形總目 Acariformes |
目: | 絨蟎目 Trombidiformes Reuter, 1909[1] |
亞目 | |
恙蟎生活史複雜,可分為七個時期:卵,次卵,幼蟎,前若蟎,次若蟎,三若蟎,成蟎。幼蟎為寄生性,次若蟎與成蟎為自由生活。以地里恙蟎(Leptotrombidium deliense)為例,這個物種從卵到成蟎的時間為58-76天[2]所以恙螨只有幼蟲為寄生性,若蟲及成蟲可自由生活;蟲卵孵化而成的幼蟲體長約0.2-0.3公釐,能吸附在爬蟲類、鳥類及哺乳類動物身上,溶解組織做為食物。吃飽後會離開宿主,蛻皮形成若蟲,並再次蛻皮成為成蟲。
- 跳螨亚目 Sphaerolichida OConnor, 1984:下領兩個總科
- 前气门亚目(Prostigmata Kramer, 1877):本目最龐大的分支,下領四個下目、40個總科。
- 内气门亚目 Endeostigmata Reuter, 1909:下領五個總科、十個科、27個屬和108個物種,包括一些原屬疥蟎亞目但在甲蟎亞目及無氣門小目以外的物種。
- 甲蟎亞目(Oribatida van der Hammen, 1968)[5]:又名隱氣門亞目(Cryptostigmata),下領五個下目[6][7][8][9],舊屬疥蟎目(Sarcoptiformes)[5]。
- Acalyptonotidae
- Acarophenacidae
- Achaemenothrombiidae
- Acherontacaridae
- Acucapitidae
- Adamystidae
- Allochaetophoridae
- Allotanaupodidae
- Amoenacaridae
- Amoenacarus Smith & Cook, 1997
- Amoenacarus dixiensis [10]
- Amoenacarus Smith & Cook, 1997
- Amphotrombiidae
- Amphotrombium Zhang, 1998
- Anisitsiellidae
- Anystidae
- Apheviderulicidae
- Arenohydracaridae
- Arrenuridae
- Astacocrotonidae
- Athienemannidae
- Athienemanniidae
- Africasia K.Viets, 1931
- Anamundamella Cook, 1992
- Athienemannia Viets, 1920
- Bleptomundamella Cook, 2001
- Chelohydracarus Smith, 1998
- Chelohydracarus navarrensis[11]
- Chelomideopsis Romijn, 1920
- Davecookia Harvey, 2003
- Janszoonia Smit, 2007
- Mellamunda Harvey, 1988
- Mundamella Viets, 1913
- Notomundamella Cook, 1986
- Penemundamella Cook, 2001
- Phreatohydracarus Tanasachi & Orghidan, 1955
- Platyhydracarus Smith, 1989
- Plaumannia Lundblad, 1936
- Stygameracarus Smith, 1990
- Stygohydracarus K.H.Viets, 1932
- Athyreacaridae
- Aturidae
- Audyanidae
- Audyana Womersley, 1954
- Axonopsidae
- Bandakiopsidae
- Barbutiidae
- Bdellidae
- Bdella Latreille, 1795
- Bdellodes Oudemans, 1937
- Biscirus Thor, 1913
- Biscuris
- Caenobdella Oudemans, 1936
- Cyta von Heyden
- Hexabdella Van
- Hexabdella Van der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004
- Hexabdella brevitarsus Hernandes, 2012
- Hexabdella cinquaginta Hernandes, Daud & Feres, 2007
- Hexabdella denheyeri Van der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004
- Hexabdella maraugia Van der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004
- Hexabdella mexicana (Baker & Balock, 1944)
- Hexabdella miranda Van der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004
- Hexabdella persiaensis Paktinat Saeej & Bagheri, 2014[12]
- Hexabdella quercusi Eghbalian, Khanjani, Safaralizadeh & Ueckermann
- Hexabdella singula Van der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004
- Hexabdella unusoculata Van der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann, 2004
- Hoplomolgus Berlese
- Molgus Dujardin, 1842
- Monotrichobdella Baker & Balock, 1944
- Neobiscirus Gomelauri, 1963
- Neomolgus Oudemans, 1937
- Octobdellodes Atyeo, 1960
- Odontoscirus Thor, 1913
- Polytrichus van Der Schyff, Theron & Ueckermann
- Rigibdella Tseng, 1978
- Spinibdella Thor, 1930
- Tetrabdella Hernandes & Feres, 2006
- Trachymolgus Berlese, 1924
- Troglobdella Oudemans, 1938
- Bogatiidae
- Caeculidae
- Caligonellidae
- Calyptostomatidae
- Camerobiidae
- Caraboacaridae
- Chappuisididae
- Cheyletidae
- Cheyletiellidae
- Chulacaridae
- Chyzeriidae
- Cloacaridae
- Cocceupodidae
- Crotalomorphidae
- Cryptognathidae
- Cryptognathiidae
- Ctenothyadidae
- Cunaxidae
- Dasythyreidae
- Demodecidae
- Dendrochaetidae
- Diptilomiopidae
- Dolichocybidae
- Edbakerellidae
- Epimyodicidae
- Ereynetidae
- Eriophyidae
- Eriorhynchidae
- Erythracaridae
- 赤螨科 Erythraeidae
- Eupalopsellidae
- Eupalopsellus Sellnick, 1949
- Eupalopsis Canestrini, 1886
- Exothorhis Summers, 1960
- Peltasellus Smith-Meyer & Ueckermann, 1984
- Saniosulus Summers, 1960
- Eupodidae
- Aethosolenia Baker & Lindquist, 2002
- Benoinyssus Fain, 1958
- Caleupodes Baker, 1987
- Claveupodes Strandtmann & Prasse, 1976
- Cocceupodes Thor, 1934
- Eupodes Koch, 1835
- Hawaiieupodes Strandtmann & Goff, 1978
- Hylotydeus Berlese, 1891
- Linopodes C.L.Koch, 1835
- Neoprotereunetes Fain & Camerik, 1994
- Niveupodes Barilo, 1991
- Palaeotydeus Dubinin, 1962
- Protacarus Hirst, 1923
- Protereunetes Berlese, 1923
- Pseudoeupodes Khaustov, 2014
- Pseudoprotacarus Dubinin, 1962
- Eutrombidiidae
- Eylaidae
- Feltridae
- Feltriidae
- Ferradasiidae
- Frontipodopsidae
- Gretacaridae
- Halacaridae
- Harpagopalpidae
- Harpirhynchidae
- Harpyrhynchidae
- Heterocheyletidae
- Heterocheylidae
- Homocaligidae
- Hungarohydracaridae
- Hydrachnidae
- Hydrodromidae
- Hydrovolziidae
- Hydryphantidae
- Hygrobatidae
- Iolinidae
- Johnstonianidae
- Kantacaridae
- Krendowskiidae
- Labidostommatidae
- Labidostommidae
- Laversiidae
- Lebertiidae
- Leeuwenhoekiidae
- Lethaxonidae
- Limnesiidae
- Limnocharidae
- Linotetranidae
- Lordalycidae
- Malgasacaridae
- Mecognathidae
- Meyerellidae
- Microdispidae
- Microtrombidiidae
- Mideidae
- Mideopsidae
- Momoniidae
- 肉螨科 Myobiidae
- Nasutiacaridae
- Neoacaridae
- Neopygmephoridae
- Neothrombiidae
- Neotrombidiidae
- Nipponacaridae
- Nudomideopsidae
- Omartacaridae
- Oxidae
- Paratydeidae
- Hexatydeus Soliman, 1974
- Paratydeus Baker, 1949
- Scolotydaeus Berlese, 1910
- Scolotydaeus alexanderi (Baker, 1949) Khaustov, 2017
- Scolotydaeus anatolicus[13]
- Scolotydaeus lootsi (Theron et al., 1969) Khaustov, 2017
- Scolotydaeus tauricus (Kuznetsov, 1973) Khaustov, 2017
- Scolotydaeus uralensis Khaustov, 2017
- Scolotydeus Berlese, 1910
- Tanytydeus Theron, Meyer & Ryke, 1970
- Pentapalpidae
- Penthaleidae
- Penthalodidae
- Pezidae
- Phytoptidae
- Piersigiidae
- Pionidae
- Podapolipidae
- Archipolipus Husband, 1971
- Bakerpolipus Husband & Sinha, 1970
- Blaberpolipus Husband & OConnor, 2003
- Buprestapolipus Husband, Ochoa & Naskrecki, 1995
- Cassidopolipus Husband & OConnor, 2014
- Chrysomelobia Regenfuss, 1968
- Coccipolipus Husband, 1972
- Coccipolipus hippodamiae (McDaniel & Moril, 1969)[14]
- Coccipolipus macfarlanei Husband, 1972
- Curculapolipus Husband & Kurosa, 2000
- Cydnipolipus Kurosa & Husband, 1994
- Dilopolipus Husband, 1984
- Dorsipes Regenfuss, 1968
- Eutarsopolipus Berlese, 1913
- Kurosapolipus Husband & Li, 1993
- Locustacarus Ewing, 1924
- Locustipolipus Lo, 1990
- Orthapolipus Husband & Li, 1993
- Ovacarus Stannard & Vaishampayan, 1971
- Panesthipolipus Husband, 1984
- Parobia Seeman & Nahrung, 2003
- Peripolipus Husband, 1984
- Podapolipoides Regenfuss, 1968
- Podapolipus Rovelli & Grassi, 1888
- Regenopolipus Husband, 1986
- Rhinopolipus Husband & Kurosa, 2000
- Rhynchopolipus Husband & Flechtmann, 1972
- Scarabapolipus Husband & Kurosa, 1993
- Silphopolipus Kurosa, Khaustov & Husband, 2004
- Simalurapolipus Kurosa & Husband, 2013
- Stenopolipus Husband, 1984
- Stigmacarus Feldman-Muhsam & Havivi, 1977
- Tarsopolipus Berlese, 1911
- Tenebrapolipus Kurosa & Husband, 2001
- Tetrapolipus Berlese, 1911
- Wetapolipus Husband & Zhang, 2002
- Podothrombiidae
- Pomerantziidae
- Pontarachnidae
- Protziidae
- Pseudocheylidae
- Psorergatidae
- Pterygosomatidae
- Pyemotidae
- Pygmephoridae
- Raphignathidae
- Resinacaridae
- Rhagidiidae
- Rhynchohydracaridae
- Rutripalpidae
- Scutacaridae
- Siteroptidae
- Smarididae
- Smaridiidae
- Sperchontidae
- Sphaerolichidae
- 长须螨科 Stigmaeidae
- Stigmocheylidae
- Strandtmanniidae
- Stygothrombidiidae
- Stygothrombiidae
- Stygotoniidae
- Syringophilidae
- Tanaupodidae
- Tarsocheylidae
- Tarsonemidae
- Teneriffiidae
- Tenuipalpidae
- Teratothyadidae
- Teratothyasidae
- Tetranychidae
- Teutoniidae
- Thermacaridae
- Torrenticolidae
- Triasacaridae
- Triophtydeidae
- Trochometridiidae
- Trombellidae
- 恙蟎科 Trombiculidae
- Trombidiidae
- 杜克螨科 Tuckerellidae
- 杜克螨属 Tuckerella Womersley, 1940
- Tydeidae
- Uchidastygacaridae
- Unionicolidae
- Wettinidae
- Xenocaligonellididae
- Yurebillidae
- Zelandothyadidae
- Australiothyas Cook, 1986
- Zelandothyas Cook, 1985
- 科的地位未定的属:
- Amblyceropsis Kumar, 2004
- Megameropsis Gourret, 1887
- Megameropsis aquensis Gourret, 1887
- Pseudopachygnathus Gourret, 1887
- Pseudopachygnathus maculatus Gourret, 1887
- Zhang, Zhi-Qiang; Fan, Qing-Hai; Pesic, Vladimir; Smit, Harry; Bochkov, Andre V.; Khaustov, A. A.; Baker, Anne; Wohltmann, Andreas; Wen, Tinghuan; Amrine, James W.; Beron, P.; Lin, Jianzhen; Gabrys, Grzegorz; Husband, Robert. (PDF). Zhang, Z.-Q. (编). . Magnolia Press. 2011: 129–147 [2015-12-09]. ISBN 9781869778491. (原始内容存档于2015-12-22) (英语).
被忽略 (帮助);|issue=
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- David Evans Walker. . Margaret Lowman, H. Bruce Rinker (编). . Physiological Ecology Series 2nd. Academic Press. 2004: 224–241. ISBN 9780124575530.
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- Ian M. Smith & David R. Cook (1997) Description of Amoenacarus dixiensis gen. nov., sp. nov., and proposal of Amoenacaridae fam. nov. (Acari: Hydrachnida: Arrenuroidea), International Journal of Acarology, 23:2, 107-112, DOI: 10.1080/01647959708683106
- Ian M. Smith (1998) Chelohydracarus navarrensis gen. nov., sp. nov. (Acari: Hydrachnida: Athienemanniidae), International Journal of Acarology, 24:4, 327-330, DOI: 10.1080/01647959808683599
- Saeed Paktinat Saeej, Mohammad Bagheri, Alireza Saboori & Edward A. Ueckermann (2014) Hexabdella persiaensis sp. nov. (Acari: Prostigmata: Bdellidae) as a first new species of the genus Hexabdella from Asia, International Journal of Acarology, 40:5, 384-389, DOI: 10.1080/01647954.2014.928366
- Güldem Dönel guldem-donel80@hotmail.com , Owen D. Seeman owen.seeman@qm.qld.gov.au & Salíh Doğan salihdogan@erzincan.edu.tr (2012) The first Paratydeidae (Trombidiformes: Paratydeoidea) in Turkey: Scolotydaeus anatolicus sp. nov., International Journal of Acarology, 38:5, 436-444, DOI: 10.1080/01647954.2012.669527
- . Parasite of the Day. [2024-03-17].
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