
經驗傳承(Lessons learned)是從以往活動中得到的經驗,應該在未來的活動或行動時列入考慮。



联合国的實務上,此概念有出現在建设和平委员会經驗學習工作小組(Working Group on Lessons Learned)中。

軍事領域的經驗傳承分析需要由領導者帶領,進行事後匯報。此匯報的範圍會以經驗傳承的角度為主,比標準的行動後檢討after-action review更廣。其中會用事件重建的作法, 或者讓個人表示在事件中對於角法及認知的看法,以最適合情況和時間的方式進行[3]



  • NASA Lessons Learned 页面存档备份,存于
  • Levy, M. (2017). A Holistic Approach to Lessons Learned: How Organizations Can Benefit from Their Own Knowledge. CRC Press.
  • Milton, N. (2010). The Lessons Learned Handbook: Practical approaches to learning from experience. Elsevier.


  1. [Secchi, P. (Ed.) (1999). Proceedings of Alerts and Lessons Learned: An Effective way to prevent failures and problems (Technical Report WPP-167). Noordwijk, The Netherlands: ESTEC]
  2. [OECD – DAC (2002) Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management. Evaluation and Aid Effectiveness No 6. http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/29/21/2754804.pdf 页面存档备份,存于]
  3. Department of the Army (2009). Field Manual No. 6-22.5. Combat and Operational Stress Control Manual for Leaders and Soldiers. Department of the Army Headquarters, Washington, DC, 18 March 2009. p. 50
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