

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 鱗翅目 Lepidoptera
亚目: 有喙亞目 Glossata
演化支 Coelolepida
演化支 肌旋喙類 Myoglossata
演化支 新鱗翅類 Neolepidoptera
下目: 韁翅下目 Heteroneura
演化支 真鱗翅類 Eulepidoptera
演化支 真異脈類 Euheteroneura
演化支 雙孔類 Ditrysia
派: 蕈蛾派 Tineina
总科: 麦蛾总科 Gelechioidae
科: 织蛾科 Oecophoridae




  • Abychodes Viette, 1954
  • Acanthodela Common, 1994
  • Acantholena Common, 1997
  • Acartophila Meyrick, 1932
  • Acedesta Turner, 1940
  • Achyrostola Meyrick, 1921
  • Acmotoma Common, 1994
  • Acolasta Meyrick, 1902
  • Acolasta Swinderen, 1822
  • Acompsogma Meyrick, 1938
  • Acorotricha Meyrick, 1913
  • Acraephnes Turner, 1947
  • Acria Stephens, 1834
  • Acriotes Diakonoff, 1954
  • Actenotis Turner, 1935
  • Aechmioides Bruand, 1850
  • Aeolarcha Meyrick, 1931
  • Aeolernis Meyrick, 1914
  • Aeolocosma Meyrick, 1880
  • Aeoloscelis Meyrick, 1897
  • Aeolothapsa Common, 1997
  • Afdera Clarke, 1978
  • Ageletha Common, 1994
  • Aglaodes Turner, 1898
  • Agriocoma Zeller, 1877
  • Agriophara Rosenstock, 1885,也拼作AgriophearaAgriophora
  • Agrioplecta Meyrick, 1935
  • Agroecodes Meyrick, 1937
  • Aidabella Urra, 2014
  • Airogephyra Common, 2000
  • Alabonia Hübner, 1825
  • Aliciana Clarke, 1978
  • Allodapica Turner, 1935
  • Allognoma Common, 1997
  • Allotropha Diakonoff, 1954
  • Alomenarcha Meyrick, 1930
  • Altiura Clarke, 1978
  • Alynda Clarke, 1978
  • Amontes Viette, 1958
  • Amorbaea Meyrick, 1908
  • Amphipseustis Meyrick, 1921
  • Amseloecia Povolný, 1983
  • Anacathartis Meyrick, 1927
  • Anachastis
  • Anacoemastis Meyrick, 1914
  • Anadasmus Walsingham, 1897
  • Analcodes Turner, 1947
  • Anapatris Meyrick, 1932
  • Ancharcha Meyrick, 1920
  • 米织叶蛾属 Anchonoma Meyrick, 1910
  • Ancipita Busck, 1914
  • Ancistrodes
  • Ancistromorpha Common, 1994
  • Ancistroneura Turner, 1947
  • Ancylometis Meyrick, 1887
  • Aniuta Clarke, 1978
  • Anoditica
  • Anoecea Diakonoff, 1952
  • Anomobela Turner, 1935
  • Anomozancla Turner, 1936
  • Antaeotricha Zeller, 1854
  • Anthocoma Turner, 1946
  • Antiopala Meyrick, 1889
  • Antipterna Meyrick, 1916
  • Antisclerota
  • Antoloea Meyrick, 1914
  • Aochleta Meyrick, 1883
  • Apachea Clarke, 1941
  • Aplota Stephens, 1834
  • Aproopta Turner, 1920
  • Arachnographa Meyrick, 1914
  • Araeostoma Turner, 1917
  • Archaereta Meyrick, 1914
  • Arctopoda Butler, 1883
  • Arctoscelis Meyrick, 1894
  • Areocosma Meyrick, 1917
  • Arignota Turner, 1897
  • Aristeis Meyrick, 1883
  • Arsirrhyncha
  • Artiastis Meyrick, 1889
  • Ascetoloba Common, 1997
  • Ashinaga Matsumura, 1929
  • Aspasiodes Turner, 1944
  • Asthenica Turner, 1936
  • Astiarcha Meyrick, 1914
  • Astoxena Meyrick, 1930
  • Ataleida Common, 2000
  • Atalopsis Common, 2000
  • Atelosticha Meyrick, 1883
  • Atha Clarke, 1978
  • Atheropla Meyrick, 1883
  • Atholosticta Common, 1997
  • Athrinacia Walsingham, 1911
  • Athrotaxivora McQuillan, 1998
  • Athrypsiastis Meyrick, 1910
  • Atomotricha Meyrick, 1883
  • Atopophrictis Meyrick, 1920
  • Atopotorna Meyrick, 1932
  • Atribasta Turner, 1916
  • Aulotropha Meyrick, 1918
  • Autosticha Meyrick, 1886
  • Auxotricha Meyrick, 1931
  • Baeonoma Meyrick, 1916
  • Baiocystis Common, 1994
  • Baioglossa Common, 2000
  • Barantola Walker, 1864
  • Barea Walker, 1864
  • Basiplecta Common, 1994
  • Bassarodes Meyrick, 1910
  • Bathrosterra Common, 1994
  • Bathydoxa Turner, 1935
  • Batia Stephens, 1834
  • Beforona Viette, 1956
  • Bibarrambla Clarke, 1941
  • Bida Walker, 1864
  • Bigotianella
  • Bisigna Toll, 1956
  • Blacophanes Turner, 1939
  • Bleptochiton Turner, 1947
  • Borkhausenia Hübner, 1825
  • Borkhausenites Rebel, 1934
  • Boroscena Common, 1997
  • Boydia Newman, 1856
  • Brachybelistis Turner, 1902
  • Brachynemata Meyrick, 1883
  • Brachyntis
  • Brachyzancla Turner, 1936
  • Briarostoma Meyrick, 1920
  • Brymblia Hodges, 1974
  • Buvatina Leraut, 1984
  • Caenorycta Meyrick, 1922
  • Caesyra
  • Calicotis Meyrick, 1889
  • Callicopris Meyrick, 1938
  • Callimima Turner, 1935
  • Callimodes Leraut, 1989
  • Calliphractis Meyrick, 1928
  • Callithauma Turner, 1900
  • Callizyga Turner, 1894
  • Calypta Turner, 1940
  • Capnolocha Meyrick, 1925
  • Carolana Clarke, 1941
  • Casmara Walker, 1863
  • Casyra
  • Catacometes Common, 1994
  • Catadoceta Common, 2000
  • Catanomistis
  • Catarata Walsingham, 1912
  • Catoryctis Meyrick, 1890
  • Cecidolechia Strand, 1911
  • Celeophracta Turner, 1935
  • Cenarchis Meyrick, 1924
  • Ceranthes Meyrick, 1918
  • Cerconota Meyrick, 1915
  • Cerycostola Meyrick, 1902
  • Chalcocolona Meyrick, 1921
  • Chalcorectis Meyrick, 1937
  • Chambersia Riley, 1891
  • Chanystis Meyrick, 1911
  • Chariphylla Meyrick, 1921
  • Chereuta Meyrick, 1906
  • Chersadaula Meyrick, 1923
  • Chezala Walker, 1864
  • Chioneocephala Common, 2000
  • Chironeura Diakonoff, 1954
  • Chlamydastis Meyrick, 1916
  • Choronoma Meyrick, 1926
  • Chrysonoma Meyrick, 1914
  • Cilicitis Meyrick, 1938
  • Cirrograpta Common, 2000
  • Cirromitra Common, 2000
  • Citharodica Meyrick, 1914
  • Cladophantis
  • Clepsigenes Meyrick, 1930
  • Clonitica Meyrick, 1914
  • Clymene Chambers, 1873
  • Cnecophora Common, 1996
  • Coelognatha Common, 2000
  • Coelopoeta Walsingham, 1907
  • Coeranica Meyrick, 1883
  • Coesyra Meyrick, 1883
  • Colpoloma Turner, 1946
  • Colpomorpha Meyrick, 1929
  • Commonina Kemal et Koçak, 2006
  • Comotechna Meyrick, 1920
  • Compsistis Meyrick, 1888
  • Compsotorna Meyrick, 1890
  • Compsotropha Meyrick, 1883
  • Conobrosis Common, 1997
  • Cophomantella Fletcher T.B., 1940
  • Copidoris Meyrick, 1907
  • Copriodes
  • Coptotelia Zeller, 1863
  • Corethropalpa Turner, 1896
  • Coridomorpha Meyrick, 1914
  • Corita Clarke, 1978
  • Cormotypa Meyrick, 1914
  • Corocosma Meyrick, 1927
  • Corynotricha Common, 2000
  • Coryphoscola Common, 1994
  • Cosmaresta Common, 1994
  • Costoma Busck, 1914
  • Crassa Bruand, 1851
  • Crepidosceles Meyrick, 1883
  • Crossophora Meyrick, 1883
  • Crossotocera Zerny, 1930
  • Crypsicharis Meyrick, 1890
  • Cryptolechia Zeller, 1852
  • Cryptopeges Butler, 1882
  • Cryptophasa Macleay, 1805
  • Cryptotypa Common, 1997
  • Crystallogenes Meyrick, 1937
  • Cyanocrates
  • Cyphacma Meyrick, 1915
  • Cyphoryctis
  • Dafa Hodges, 1974
  • Dasycera Stephens, 1829
  • Dasycerca Turner, 1914
  • Dasycerus Haworth, 1828
  • Decantha Busck, 1908
  • Deia Clarke, 1978
  • Deigmoesta Common, 1994
  • Delexocha Common, 1997
  • Delonoma Meyrick, 1914
  • Delophanes Turner, 1947
  • Deloryctis Meyrick, 1934
  • Delosaphes Meyrick, 1938
  • Demiophila Meyrick, 1906
  • Denisia Hübner, 1825
  • Despina Clarke, 1978
  • Deuterogonia Rebel, 1901
  • Diapatela Common, 1997
  • Diaphanta Common, 1996
  • Diaphorodes Turner, 1945
  • Diasceta Common, 2000
  • Diastoma Möschler, 1881
  • Dinotropa Meyrick, 1916
  • Diocosma Meyrick, 1909
  • Diocrogephyra Common, 2000
  • Diploclasis Diakonoff, 1967
  • Diplogephyra Common, 1997
  • Diplogrypa Common, 1997
  • Disselia Meyrick, 1883
  • Dissoloba Common, 1997
  • Dita Clarke, 1978
  • Doina Clarke, 1978
  • Doleromima Meyrick, 1902
  • Doliotechna Meyrick, 1914
  • Dolophrosynella Fletcher, 1940
  • Dolopsis Common, 2000
  • Donacostola Meyrick, 1931
  • Doshia Clarke, 1978
  • Doxa Walsingham, 1912
  • Doxomeres Meyrick, 1917
  • Drepanocera Common, 1997
  • Durrantia Busck, 1908
  • Dysgnorima Zeller, 1877
  • Dysthrenata
  • Dysthreneta Turner, 1947
  • Eccoena Turner, 1940
  • Ecdrepta Turner, 1937
  • Echinobasis Common, 1994
  • Echinocosma Common, 1997
  • Echinognatha Common, 2000
  • Echiomima Meyrick, 1915
  • Eclactistis Meyrick, 1913
  • Eclecta Meyrick, 1883
  • Ecnomolophos Turner, 1944
  • Ectaga Walsingham, 1912
  • Eido Chambers, 1873
  • Elaeomnoma
  • Elaeonoma Meyrick, 1914
  • Elaphrerga Meyrick, 1922
  • Elaphromorpha Turner, 1936
  • Enchocrates Meyrick, 1883
  • Enchronista Meyrick, 1914
  • Encrasima Meyrick, 1916
  • Endeolena Common, 1994
  • Endrosis Hübner, 1825
  • Energia Walsingham, 1912
  • Enlopholepis Common, 2000
  • Enoplidia Common, 1994
  • Enteremna Meyrick, 1917
  • Eochrois Meyrick, 1886
  • Eomichla Meyrick, 1916
  • Eomystis Meyrick, 1888
  • Eonympha Meyrick, 1906
  • Epiborkhausenites Skalski, 1973
  • Epicallima Dyar, 1903
  • Epichostis Meyrick, 1906
  • Epicoenia Meyrick, 1906
  • Epicurica Meyrick, 1914
  • Epidiopteryx
  • Epimecyntis Meyrick, 1924
  • Epiphractis Meyrick, 1908
  • Epipyrga Meyrick, 1883
  • Epithetica Turner, 1923
  • Epithymema Turner, 1914
  • Eporycta
  • Eprionocera
  • Eraina Clarke, 1978
  • Eratophyes Diakonoff, 1975
  • Ereiconastes Common, 2000
  • Eremnotypa Common, 1994
  • Eremnozona Common, 2000
  • Ericibdela Common, 1994
  • Ericrypsina Common, 1997
  • Eridolera Common, 2000
  • Eriogenes Meyrick, 1925
  • Erithyma Meyrick, 1914
  • Erotis Meyrick, 1910
  • Erythrisa Common, 1997
  • Erythrobapta Common, 2000
  • Eschatura Meyrick, 1897
  • Esperia Hübner, 1825
  • Euchaetis Meyrick, 1883
  • Euchersadaula Philpott, 1926
  • Eucleodora Walsingham, 1881
  • Eucryphaea Turner, 1935
  • Eudaemoneura Diakonoff, 1948
  • Eudrymopsis Lower, 1903
  • Euhylecoetes Diakonoff, 1954
  • Eulachna Meyrick, 1883
  • Eulechria Meyrick, 1883
  • Eumiturga Meyrick, 1925
  • Eupetochira
  • Euphiltra Meyrick, 1883
  • Eupragia Walsingham, 1911
  • Euprionocera Turner, 1896
  • Eupselia Meyrick, 1880
  • Eusemocosma Common, 1997
  • Euthictis Meyrick, 1914
  • Eutorna Meyrick, 1889
  • Euzelotica Diakonoff, 1954
  • Exacristis
  • Exarsia Meyrick, 1914
  • Exoditis
  • Exosphrantis Meyrick, 1931
  • Fabiola Busck, 1908
  • Falculina Zeller, 1877
  • Filinota Busck, 1911
  • Formokamaga
  • Garrha Walker, 1866
  • Gemorodes
  • Ghuryx
  • Glesseumeyrickia Kuznetzov, 1941
  • Glorita Urra, 2013
  • Glycynympha
  • Gnaphalodocera Blanchard, 1840
  • Gnathotona Meyrick, 1931
  • Goidanichiana Agenjo, 1977
  • Gomphoscopa Lower, 1901
  • Gonada Busck, 1911
  • Goniobela Turner, 1933
  • Gonionota Zeller, 1877
  • Goniorrhostis Meyrick, 1931
  • Gonioterma Walsingham, 1897
  • Guestia Meyrick, 1889
  • Gymnobathra Meyrick, 1883
  • Gymnoceros Turner, 1946
  • Gymnocoila Common, 1997
  • Gyrophylla Turner, 1935
  • Habrochlanis Common, 2000
  • Habrophylax Meyrick, 1931
  • Habroscopa Meyrick, 1914
  • Hadrocheta Common, 1994
  • Hadrognatha Common, 1997
  • Haereta Turner, 1947
  • Halimarmara Meyrick, 1931
  • Hamadera Busck, 1914
  • Hannemanniana Vives Moreno, 1986
  • Hapalomorpha Turner, 1941
  • Hapaloteucha Meyrick, 1914
  • Haplodyta Meyrick, 1883
  • Haploscopa Meyrick, 1939
  • Harpella Schrank, 1802
  • Hastamea Busck, 1940
  • Hednophora Meyrick, 1911
  • Heliocausta Meyrick, 1883
  • Heliosteres
  • Heliostibes Zeller, 1874
  • Heloscopa Diakonoff, 1955
  • Hemibela Turner, 1894
  • Herbulotiana
  • Herbulotiana Viette, 1954
  • Heringiana Hayward, 1968
  • Hermiona Blanchard, 1845
  • Hermogenes Zeller, 1867
  • Herrichia Staudinger, 1871
  • Hesperenoeca Common, 2000
  • Hesperoptila Meyrick, 1902
  • Heterobathra Lower, 1901
  • Heterochyta Meyrick, 1906
  • Heterodmeta Meyrick, 1931
  • Heterolecta Turner, 1944
  • Heteroptolis Meyrick, 1914
  • Heteroteucha Common, 1994
  • Heterozyga Meyrick, 1885
  • Heureta Turner, 1932
  • Hierodoris Meyrick, 1912
  • Hieromantis Meyrick, 1897
  • Himmacia Clarke, 1941
  • Himotica Meyrick, 1912
  • Hippomacha Meyrick, 1914
  • Hodegia Walsingham, 1907
  • Hofmannophila Spuler, 1910
  • Holoscolia Zeller, 1839
  • Homoplastis Meyrick, 1926
  • Hoplitica Meyrick, 1883
  • Hoplomorpha Turner, 1916
  • Hoplostega Meyrick, 1914
  • Horridopalpus Hannemann, 1953
  • Hyalopseustis Meyrick, 1925
  • Hybocrossa Turner, 1917
  • Hyperoptica Meyrick, 1934
  • Hyperskeles Butler, 1883
  • Hypersymmoca Chrétien, 1917
  • Hypertropha Meyrick, 1880
  • Hypeuryntis Meyrick, 1897
  • Idiocrates Meyrick, 1909
  • Idioglossa Walsingham, 1881
  • Idiomictis Meyrick, 1935
  • Idioxantha Common, 1994
  • Idiozancla Turner, 1936
  • Ifeda Hodges, 1966
  • Inga Busck, 1908
  • Ioptera Meyrick, 1883
  • Iphimachaera Meyrick, 1931
  • Irenia Clarke, 1978
  • Irepacma Moriuti, Saito et Lewvanich, 1985
  • Ironopolia Common, 1994
  • Ischnodoris Meyrick, 1911
  • Ischnomorpha Turner, 1937
  • Ischnoptera Béthoux et Nel, 2004
  • Isocrita Meyrick, 1909
  • Isomoralla Common, 1997
  • Iulactis Meyrick, 1918
  • Izatha Walker, 1864
  • Joonggoora Lucas, 1901
  • Joongoora
  • Kasyniana Vives, 1986
  • Lactistica Meyrick, 1907
  • Lamproxantha Common, 1994
  • Lamprystica Meyrick, 1914
  • Langastis Meyrick, 1914
  • Lasiochira Meyrick, 1931
  • Lasiocosma Common, 2000
  • Lasiodictis Meyrick, 1912
  • Lasiomactra Meyrick, 1921
  • Lathicrossa Meyrick, 1883
  • Latometus Butler, 1882
  • Laxonoma Meyrick, 1914
  • Leimmatonca Common, 2000
  • Leipochlida Common, 2000
  • Leistarcha Meyrick, 1883
  • Leistomorpha Meyrick, 1883
  • Lelita Clarke, 1978
  • Lepidechidna Meyrick, 1934
  • Lepidotarsa Meyrick, 1883
  • Leprocosma Common, 2000
  • Leptobelistis Turner, 1902
  • Leptocopa Meyrick, 1918
  • Leptocroca Meyrick, 1883
  • Leptosaces Meyrick, 1888
  • Lethata Duckworth, 1964
  • Letogenes Meyrick, 1921
  • Leucorhabda Common, 1994
  • Leurobela Turner, 1947
  • Lichenaula Meyrick, 1890
  • Limothnes Turner, 1935
  • Linoclostis Meyrick, 1908
  • Linosticha Meyrick, 1883
  • Liocnema Turner, 1941
  • Liozancla Turner, 1920
  • Liparistis Meyrick, 1915
  • Loboptila Turner, 1920
  • Locheutis Meyrick, 1883
  • Lonchoptena Common, 2000
  • Lophobela Turner, 1917
  • Lophoderus Stephens, 1829
  • Lophopepla Turner, 1896
  • Loxotoma Zeller, 1854
  • Loxozyga Meyrick, 1938
  • Lucyna Clarke, 1978
  • Lygronoma Meyrick, 1913
  • Macarocosma Meyrick, 1931
  • Machaeritis Meyrick, 1883
  • Machetis Meyrick, 1883
  • Machimia Clemens, 1860
  • Macrobela Turner, 1947
  • Macronemata Meyrick, 1883
  • Macropalpula Lvovsky, 1992
  • Macrophara Turner, 1946
  • Macrosaces Meyrick, 1905
  • Macrozygona Lower, 1903
  • Maesara Gates Clarke, 1968
  • Malacognostis Meyrick, 1926
  • Martyringa Busck, 1902
  • Mathildana Clarke, 1941
  • Meioglossa Common, 2000
  • Melanoima Common, 2000
  • Melochrysis Meyrick, 1916
  • Meloteles Meyrick, 1920
  • Menesta Clemens, 1860
  • Menestomorpha Walsingham, 1907
  • Mermeristis Meyrick, 1915
  • Merocroca Common, 1997
  • Mesolecta Meyrick, 1883
  • Mesothyrsa Meyrick, 1910
  • Metalampra Toll, 1956
  • Metantithyra Viette, 1957
  • Metaphrastis Meyrick, 1907
  • Metathrinca Meyrick, 1908
  • Micramicta Common, 2000
  • Microbela Meyrick, 1883
  • Microlocha Meyrick, 1914
  • Micropeteina Common, 2000
  • Microphidias
  • Mimobrachyoma Lower, 1902
  • Mimodoxa Lower, 1901
  • Mimopictes Turati, 1924
  • Mimozela Meyrick, 1914
  • Minetia Leraut, 1991
  • Minomona Matsumura, 1931,6
  • Mionolena Common, 1994
  • Mixodetis Meyrick, 1902
  • Mnarolitia
  • Mocquerysiella Viette, 1954
  • Morphotica Meyrick, 1915
  • Mothonica Walsingham, 1912
  • Muhabbeta Koçak, 2007
  • Muna Clarke, 1978
  • Mylocera Turner, 1897
  • Myrascia Common, 1977
  • Mysaromima Meyrick, 1926
  • Mystacernis
  • Nagehana Özdikmen, 2009
  • Nedenia Clarke, 1978
  • Nematochares Meyrick, 1931
  • Nemepeira Common, 2000
  • Neoborkhausenites Skalski, 1977
  • Neosigala Turner, 1917
  • Neospastis Meyrick, 1917
  • Neossiosynoeca Turner, 1923
  • Nephantis Meyrick, 1905
  • Nephogenes Meyrick, 1883
  • Niphorycta Meyrick, 1938
  • Nites Hodges, 1974
  • Nothochalara Diakonoff, 1954
  • Notosara Meyrick, 1890
  • Nymphostola Meyrick, 1883
  • Ochlogenes Meyrick, 1883
  • Ochropolia Common, 2000
  • Ochyrolopha Common, 2000
  • Octasphales Meyrick, 1886
  • Ocyphron Meyrick, 1921
  • Ocystola Meyrick, 1885
  • Odonna Clarke, 1982
  • 织蛾属 Oecophora Latreille, 1796
  • Oecophoreola Lvovsky, 1995
  • Oecophorinites Kozlov, 1988
  • Oedematopoda Zeller, 1852
  • Oenochroa Meyrick, 1883
  • Oenochrodes Lower, 1907
  • Olbonoma Meyrick, 1914
  • Olenacantha Common, 1997
  • Oligoloba Common, 1994
  • Oncolapara Common, 2000
  • Oncomerista Common, 2000
  • Opisina Walker, 1864
  • Opsigenes Meyrick, 1918
  • Opsitycha Meyrick, 1914
  • Orescoa Turner, 1927
  • Oresitropha Turner, 1927
  • Orgyrocera Walsingham, 1897
  • Orthiastis Meyrick, 1914
  • Orygocera Walsingham, 1897
  • Osmarina Clarke, 1978
  • Oxycharis Meyrick, 1939
  • Oxycrates Meyrick, 1930
  • Oxypages Turner, 1941
  • Oxyscopa Meyrick, 1926
  • Oxystola
  • Oxythecta Meyrick, 1883
  • Oxytropha Diakonoff, 1954
  • Ozotrypetes Common, 2000
  • Pachnistis Meyrick, 1907
  • Pachybela Turner, 1917
  • Pachyceraia Common, 2000
  • Pachyphoenix Butler, 1883
  • Pachyrhabda Meyrick, 1897
  • Paepia Walker, 1864
  • Palimmeces Turner, 1916
  • Palinorsa Meyrick, 1924
  • Palparaia
  • Paneutricha Common, 1994
  • Pansepta Meyrick, 1915
  • Pantelamprus Christoph, 1882
  • Pantogymna Common, 1997
  • Paraborkhausenites Kuznetzov, 1941
  • Paraclada
  • Paradasycera Lvovsky et Sinev, 2011
  • Paradeuterogonia Saito, 1989
  • Paralecta Turner, 1897
  • Parapleuris Meyrick, 1937
  • Pararsia Turner, 1939
  • Parascaeas Meyrick, 1936
  • Parasophista Meyrick, 1935
  • Paraspastis Meyrick, 1915
  • Paratheta
  • Parergophela Common, 1997
  • Parocystola Turner, 1896
  • Parodaea Meyrick, 1914
  • Pattalodes Meyrick, 1914
  • Pauronota Lower, 1901
  • Pedioxestis Meyrick, 1932
  • Peleopoda Zeller, 1877
  • Pelinoema Common, 1997
  • Pellopsis Common, 1997
  • Pelocharella Fletcher, 1940
  • Pelochares Meyrick, 1933
  • Peltosaris Meyrick, 1902
  • Periacma Meyrick, 1894
  • Periallactis Meyrick, 1902
  • Perilachna Meyrick, 1914
  • Periorycta Meyrick, 1922
  • Peritornenta
  • Peritropha Diakonoff, 1954
  • Perixestis Meyrick, 1917
  • Perzelia Clarke, 1978
  • Petalanthes Meyrick, 1883
  • Petalostoma
  • Petalothyrsa Meyrick, 1931
  • Petasanthes Meyrick, 1925
  • Phanerolopha Turner, 1933
  • Phanerozancla Turner, 1935
  • Phauloglossa Common, 1997
  • Phaulolechia Diakonoff, 1952
  • Phauloplana Common, 2000
  • Phelotropa Meyrick, 1915
  • Philametris Meyrick, 1924
  • Philarga Meyrick, 1918
  • Philarista Meyrick, 1917
  • Philetes Turner, 1939
  • Philobota Meyrick, 1883
  • Philomusaea Meyrick, 1931
  • Philtronoma Meyrick, 1914
  • Phloeocetis Turner, 1936
  • Phloeochroa Turner, 1935
  • Phloioletes Common, 2000
  • Pholcobates Meyrick, 1931
  • Pholeutis Meyrick, 1906
  • Phracyps
  • Phratriodes Meyrick, 1926
  • Phriconyma Meyrick, 1883
  • Phryganeutis Meyrick, 1884
  • Phylacteritis Meyrick, 1922
  • Phyllophanes Turner, 1896
  • Phylomictis Meyrick, 1890
  • Phytomimia Walsingham, 1912
  • Phytophlops Viette, 1958
  • Phytotrypa Common, 1994
  • Phyzanica Turner, 1917
  • Picrogenes Meyrick, 1917
  • Picrotechna Meyrick, 1914
  • Piloprepes Meyrick, 1883
  • Pirquelia Urra, 2013
  • Placocosma Meyrick, 1883
  • Plasmatica Meyrick, 1914
  • Platactis Meyrick, 1911
  • Platoloncha Common, 1997
  • Platyphylla Turner, 1946
  • Plectobela Common, 1994
  • Plectophila Meyrick, 1890
  • Plesiosticha Meyrick, 1921
  • Pleurota Hübner, 1825
  • Pleurotopsis Amsel, 1955
  • Poliorhabda Common, 1994
  • Polix Hodges, 1974
  • Polyeucta Turner, 1917
  • Polygiton Diakonoff, 1955
  • Pomphocrita Meyrick, 1930
  • Porthmologa Meyrick, 1914
  • Potniarcha Meyrick, 1917
  • Prepalla Common, 1997
  • Prepocosma Common, 1997
  • Prionocris Common, 1994
  • Procometis Meyrick, 1890
  • Prodelaca Common, 1994
  • Prodelodes Common, 1997
  • Profilinota Gates Clarke, 1973
  • Progonica Turner, 1947
  • Promalactis Meyrick, 1908
  • Promenesta Busck, 1914
  • Proscedes Diakonoff, 1954
  • Proteodes Meyrick, 1883
  • Proteromicta Meyrick, 1889
  • Proteromida
  • Prothamnodes
  • Protobathra Meyrick, 1916
  • Protochanda Meyrick, 1935
  • Protomacha Meyrick, 1883
  • Protonostoma Meyrick, 1910
  • Protrachyntis Meyrick, 1917
  • Psaltica Meyrick, 1905
  • Psaltriodes Meyrick, 1902
  • Psarolitia
  • Psarophorca Common, 2000
  • Psaroxantha Common, 1994
  • Psephomeres Meyrick, 1916
  • Pseudaegeria Walsingham, 1889
  • Pseudepiphractis Viette, 1956
  • Pseuderotis Clarke, 1956
  • Pseudocentris Meyrick, 1921
  • Pseudocryptolechia Lvovsky, 2001
  • Pseudodoxia Durrant, 1895
  • Pseudoecophora Staudinger, 1898
  • Pseudoprocometis
  • Pseudoprotasis Walsingham, 1897
  • Pseudotheta Clarke, 1947
  • Psilocorsis Clemens, 1860
  • Psittacastis Meyrick, 1909
  • Psorosticha Lower, 1901
  • Ptilobola Meyrick, 1933
  • Ptochoryctis Meyrick, 1894
  • Ptochosaris Meyrick, 1906
  • Ptychothrix Walsingham, 1907
  • Ptyoptila Turner, 1946
  • Punctulata Wang, 2006
  • Pycnocera Turner, 1896
  • Pycnotarsa Meyrick, 1920
  • Pycnozancla Turner, 1917
  • Pyramidobela Braun, 1923
  • Pyrgoptila Meyrick, 1889
  • Pyricausta Turner, 1946
  • Pyrophractis Meyrick, 1930
  • Pytinaea
  • Rectiostoma Becker, 1982
  • Retha Clarke, 1978
  • Revonda Clarke, 1978
  • Rhadinoloba Common, 1994
  • Rhindoma Busck, 1914
  • Rhodanassa Meyrick, 1915
  • Rhoecoceros Turner, 1940
  • Rhoecoptera Meyrick, 1909
  • Rhozale Viette, 1954
  • Ripeacma Moriuti, Saito et Lewvanich, 1985
  • Saphezona Common, 1994
  • Saropla Meyrick, 1883
  • Satrapia Meyrick, 1883
  • Scalideutis Meyrick, 1906
  • Scatochresis Common, 1997
  • Schiffermuelleria Hübner, 1825
  • Scieropepla
  • Sclerocheta Common, 1994
  • Sclerocris Common, 1997
  • Scoliocheta Common, 2000
  • Scoliographa Meyrick, 1916
  • Scorpiopsis Turner, 1894
  • Scotodryas Turner, 1932
  • Secitis Meyrick, 1928
  • Selidoris Meyrick, 1926
  • Semnocosma Meyrick, 1924
  • Semnolocha Meyrick, 1936
  • Setiostoma Zeller, 1875
  • Sipsa Diakonoff, 1955
  • Spaniacma Meyrick, 1913
  • Sphaerelictis Meyrick, 1924
  • Sphaleropis
  • Sphalerostola Meyrick, 1927
  • Sphenaspella Fletcher, 1940
  • Sphyrelata Meyrick, 1883
  • Stachyneura Diakonoff, 1948
  • Stasixena Meyrick, 1930
  • Stathmoopoda
  • Stenoma Zeller, 1839
  • Stenoptena Common, 2000
  • Stereocheta Common, 1997
  • Stereodytis
  • Stereoloba Common, 1994
  • Stereoptila Meyrick, 1917
  • Stereosticha Meyrick, 1913
  • Sthenozancla Turner, 1941
  • Stictochila Common, 1994
  • Stictopolia Common, 1997
  • Stochastica Meyrick, 1938
  • Stoeberhinus Butler, 1881
  • Struthoscelis Meyrick, 1913
  • Subcallima Lvovsky et Arutyunova, 1992
  • Symphorostola Meyrick, 1927
  • Sympoecila Common, 2000
  • Synchalara Meyrick, 1917
  • Syncometes Common, 2000
  • Syndroma
  • Syringoseca Common, 1994
  • Syscalma Meyrick, 1920
  • Tachystola Meyrick, 1914
  • Talitha
  • Tanyarches Meyrick, 1924
  • Tanycaula Common, 1997
  • Tanychastis Meyrick, 1910
  • Tanyzancla Meyrick, 1918
  • Taoscelis Meyrick, 1938
  • Taragmarcha Meyrick, 1910
  • Taruda Walker, 1864
  • Teerahna Lucas, 1901
  • Telanepsia Turner, 1933
  • Telanespia
  • Telecrates Meyrick, 1890
  • Telocharacta Common, 1997
  • Temnogyropa Common, 1997
  • Teratopsis Walsingham, 1881
  • Teresita Clarke, 1978
  • Terthrotica Meyrick, 1914
  • Tetraconta Turner, 1932
  • Thalamarchella Fletcher, 1940
  • Thalerotricha Meyrick, 1883
  • Thamnocrana Meyrick, 1927
  • Thamnosara Meyrick, 1883
  • Thapsinotypa Common, 2000
  • Thaumatolita Walsingham, 1912
  • Theatrocopia Walsingham, 1897
  • Thema Walker, 1864
  • Therapnis Meyrick, 1910
  • Thioscelis Meyrick, 1909
  • Thudaca Walker, 1864
  • Thyestarcha Meyrick, 1912
  • Thylacosceles Meyrick, 1889
  • Thylacosceloides Sinev, 1988
  • Thymiatris Meyrick, 1907
  • Thyrocopa Meyrick, 1883
  • Thyromorpha Turner, 1917
  • Thysiarcha Meyrick, 1925
  • Tigava Walker, 1864
  • Timocratica Meyrick, 1912
  • Tinaegeria Walker, 1856
  • Tinearupa Salmon et Bradley, 1956
  • Tinegna
  • Tingena Walker, 1864
  • Tinoecophora Amsel, 1968
  • Tisobarica Walker, 1864
  • Tonica Walker, 1864
  • Torticopsis
  • Tortricopsis Newman, 1856
  • Trachyntis Meyrick, 1889
  • Trachypepla Meyrick, 1883
  • Trachyxysta Meyrick, 1916
  • Trachyzancla Turner, 1917
  • Triacra Common, 2000
  • Trichloma Lower, 1902
  • Trichomoeris Meyrick, 1913
  • Trigonophylla Turner, 1920
  • Trinaconeura Turner, 1933
  • Triptologa Meyrick, 1914
  • Trycherodes Meyrick, 1914
  • Trypherantis Meyrick, 1907
  • Tubuliferola
  • Tyriograptis Meyrick, 1934
  • Tyriomorpha Meyrick, 1918
  • Tyrolimnas Meyrick, 1934
  • Tyromantis Meyrick, 1918
  • Ursina Sinev, 1988
  • Utidana Turner, 1935
  • Utilia Clarke, 1978
  • Uzucha Walker, 1864
  • Vanicela Walker, 1864
  • Variacma Wang, 2006
  • Wingia Walsingham et Durrant, 1900
  • Woorda Lucas, 1901
  • Wullaburra Lucas, 1901
  • Xenomicta Meyrick, 1914
  • Xenophanta Meyrick, 1914
  • Xerocrates Meyrick, 1917
  • Xheroctys Viette, 1954
  • Xylesthes Diakonoff, 1954
  • Xylodryadella Fletcher, 1940
  • Xylomimetes Turner, 1916
  • Xylorycta
  • Yasnita Urra, 2013
  • Ymeldia Hodges, 1965
  • Zacorus Butler, 1882
  • Zaphanaula Meyrick, 1920
  • Zatrichodes Meyrick, 1914
  • Zauclophora Turner, 1900
  • Zelotechna Meyrick, 1914
  • Zemiocrita Meyrick, 1933
  • Zetesima Walsingham, 1912
  • Zonopetala Meyrick, 1883
  • Zygolopha Meyrick, 1914
  • Zymrina Clarke, 1978


  1. . GBIF. [2022-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2022-11-08).
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