绿锈 (化合物)
绿锈(英语:Green rust)是一类含铁(II)、铁(III)混合价态氢氧化物的绿色晶体的总称。这类晶体中,除了Fe2+、Fe3+和OH−外,还有可能有CO2−
- 绿锈碳酸盐 - GR(CO2−
)12]2+ · [CO2−
2O]2−.[2][3][4][5] - 绿锈盐酸盐 - GR(Cl−
)8]+ · [Cl−
2O]−.[4][5][6] - 绿锈硫酸盐 - GR(SO2−
)12]2+ · [SO2−

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- Hans C. B. Hansen (1989): "Composition, stabilization, and light absorption of Fe(II)Fe(III) hydroxy-carbonate ('green rust')". Clay Minerals, volume 24, pages 663-669. doi:10.1180/claymin.1989.024.4.08
- M. Abdelmoula, Ph. Refait, S. H. Drissi, J. P. Mihe, and J.-M. R. Génin (1996): "Conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction studies of the formation of carbonate-containing green rust one by corrosion of metallic iron in NaHCO3 and (NaHCO3 + NaCl) solutions". Corrosion Science, volume 38, pages 623-633. doi:10.1016/0010-938X(95)00153-B
- M. Abdelmoula, F. Trolard, G. Bourrié and J.-M. R. Génin (1998): "Evidence of the Fe(II)–Fe(III) green rust `fougerite' mineral occurrence in a hydromorphic soil and its transformation with depth". Hyperfine Interactions, volume 111, pages 231-238. doi:10.1023/A:1010802508927
- W. Feitknecht and G. Keller (1950): "Über die dunkelgrünen Hydroxyverbindungen des Eisens". Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, volume 262, pages 61-68. doi: 10.1002/zaac.19502620110
- J. D. Bernal, D. R. Dasgupta, and A. L. Mackay (1959): "The oxides and hydroxides of iron and their structural inter-relationships". Clay Minerals Bulletin, volume 4, pages 15-30. doi:10.1180/claymin.1959.004.21.02
- J.-M. R. Génin, A. A. Olowe, B. Resiak, N. D. Benbouzid-Rollet, M. Confente and D. Prieur (1993): "Identification of sulphated green rust 2 compound produced as a result of microbially induced corrosion of steel sheet piles in harbour". In Marine Corrosion of Stainless Steels: Chlorination and Microbial Effects, European Federation Corrosion Series, The Institute of Materials, London; volume 10, pages 162-166.
- L. Vins, J. Subrt, V. Zapletal, and F. Hanousek (1987): "Preparation and properties of green rust type substances". Collect. Czech. Chem. Comm. volume 52, pages 93-102.
- J. R. Gancedo, M. L. Martinez, and J. M. Oton (1983): "Formación de 'herrumbre verde' en soluciones de NH4NO3" (= "Formation of green rust in NH4NO3 solutions"). Anales de Química, Série A, volume 79, pages 470-472.
- P Refait, L Simon, J-M R Génin. Reduction of SeO42- Anions and Anoxic Formation of Iron(II)−Iron(III) Hydroxy-Selenate Green Rust. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2000, 34 (5), pp 819–825 DOI: 10.1021/es990376g
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- 徐楠楠,阮秀秀. 有机绿锈对水体有机污染物的降解去除. 全国环境化学学术大会, 2013
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