




  • No.(1) Mro (or) Khami National Solidarity Organization (MKNSO)
  • No.(2) 民族團結黨 (NUP)
  • No.(3) Lahu National Development Party (LNDP)
  • No.(4) Kokang Democracy and Unity Party (KDUP)
  • No.(5) Pa-O National Organization (PNO)
  • No.(6) 民主党 (DPM)
  • No.(7) Kayan National Party (KNP)
  • No.(8) Rakhine State National Force of Myanmar (RSNF)
  • No.(9) Kayin People's Party (KPP)
  • No.(10) Wa National Unity Party (WNUP)
  • No.(11) Union Kayin League (UKL)
  • No.(12) Taaung (Palaung) National Party (TPNP)
  • No.(13) 全孟地區民主黨 (AMRDP)
  • No.(14) 民主与和平党 (DPP)
  • No.(15) 掸族民族民主联盟 (SNDP)
  • No.(16) United Democratic Party (United DP)
  • No.(17) The 88 Generation Student Youths (Union of Myanmar) (88GSY)
  • No.(18) The Union of Myanmar Federation of National Politics (UMFNP)
  • No.(19) National Political Alliances League (NPAL)
  • No.(20) Democratic Party for Myanmar New Society (DPMNS)
  • No.(21) 钦族民族党 (CNP)
  • No.(22) Wunthanu NLD (Union of Myanmar) (WNLD)
  • No.(23) 现代人民党 (MPP)
  • No.(24) 联合民主党 (UDP)
  • No.(25) Peace and Diversity Party (PDP)
  • No.(26) 钦族进步党 (CPP)
  • No.(27) Inn National Development Party (INDP)
  • No.(28) Rakhine Nationalities Development Party (RNDP)
  • No.(29) Wa Democratic Party (WDP)
  • No.(30) Phalon-Sawaw Democratic Party (PSDP)
  • No.(31) National Democratic Party for Development (NDPD)
  • No.(32) 联邦巩固与发展党 (USDP)
  • No.(33) Ethnic National Development Party (ENDP)
  • No.(34) Myanmar Democracy Congress (MDC)
  • No.(35) Mro National Party (MNO)
  • No.(36) Kaman National Progressive Party (KNPP)
  • No.(37) Khami National Development Party (KNDP)
  • No.(38) National Democratic Force (NDF)
  • No.(39) Regional Development Party (Pyay) (RDPP)
  • No.(40) Unity and Democracy Party of Kachin State (UDPKS)
  • No.(41) Kayin State Democracy and Development Party (KSDDP)
  • No.(42) National Development and Peace Party (NDPP)


  • 联合巩固与发展协会 (USDA)
  • 钦族民主联盟 (CNLD )


  • National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma (NCGUB)
  • National Council of the Union of Burma (NCUB)


  • Anti-Fascist People's Freedom League (AFPFL)
  • Burma Socialist Programme Party (BSPP)
  • Burma Workers Party (BWP)
  • National United Front (NUF)



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