


图雷克出生于伊利诺伊州芝加哥,是俄罗斯犹太移民Sameul Tureck和Monya Tureck的第三个女儿。一开始,钢琴教师Jan Chiapusso发现了她演奏巴赫的天赋,并给她上两周一次的音乐课。[2][1]她在图黎高中(Tuley High School)是文学家索尔·贝洛的同学和朋友。[3]

图雷克曾说:“我在门德尔松学校学到了扎实的技巧,很多是源于安东·鲁宾斯坦和他的学生,其中,索菲亚(Sophia Brilliant-Liven)是我的老师,但是在我9到13岁时,她从未赞扬过我的演奏”,但是,在图雷克13岁参加的一个钢琴比赛时(有8万名学生报名),索菲亚称赞了她的演奏,她说“如果我在舞台外面听,我会认为这是鲁宾斯坦本人的演奏”,在这个比赛中,图雷克拿了第一名。[4]








  1. . Tureckbach.com. [2022-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-22).
  2. . jwa.org. [2022-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-07-09).
  3. Saul Bellow: Letters 页面存档备份,存于, New York: Viking Adult, 2010. BELLOW to TURECK, Chicago, September 21, 1967: Dear Rosalyn, Wonderful of you to write. Yours was just the sort of letter I needed at a trying moment. As an admirer of your music, I don't like to miss your concert. The odd fact is, however, that I have at last decided to visit Africa, and I have accepted an assignment from HOLIDAY to go and hover over the sources of the Nile in a helicopter and to write impressions or effusions. I leave just before Thanksgiving and return after Christmas, which lets me out of a couple of trying holidays, but makes it impossible for me to hear you, alas. We shall keep in touch, I hope, and see a good deal of each other yet. Best wishes, [Saul].
  4. . 1999: 8–13 [2022-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-22).
  5. . www.curtis.edu. [2022-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-07-24).
  6. Boston Herald Traveler, December 10, 1970, Harry Neville, "All-Bach recital by Miss Tureck"
  7. . [2022-04-03]. (原始内容存档于2022-04-10).
  8. Jean-Pierre Thiollet, 88 notes pour piano solo, "Solo nec plus ultra", Neva Editions, 2015, p.51. ISBN 978 2 3505 5192 0.
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