
羊鬚水母科学名:)為旗口水母目 的一动物。

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 刺胞動物門 Cnidaria
纲: 缽水母綱 Scyphozoa
目: 旗口水母目 Semaeostomeae
科: 羊鬚水母科 Ulmaridae
Haeckel, 1879




  • 海月水母属 Aurelia Lamarck, 1816
  • Aurosa Haeckel, 1880
    • Aurosa furcata Haeckel, 1880
  • Deepstaria Russell, 1967
    • Deepstaria enigmatica Russell, 1967
    • Deepstaria reticulum Larson, Madin & Harbison, 1988
  • Diplulmaris Maas, 1908
  • Discomedusa Claus, 1877
  • Floresca Haeckel, 1880
  • Parumbrosa Kishinouye, 1910
  • Poralia Vanhöffen, 1902
    • Poralia rufescens Vanhöffen, 1902
  • Santjordia Lindsay, Grossmann, Montenegro & Morandini, 2023
    • Santjordia pagesi Lindsay, Grossmann, Montenegro & Morandini, 2023[1]
  • Stellamedusa Raskoff & Matsumoto, 2004
  • Sthenonia Eschscholtz, 1829
  • 冥河水母屬 Stygiomedusa Russell, 1959
  • Tiburonia Matsumoto, Raskoff & Lindsay, 2003
  • Ulmaris Haeckel, 1880
  • Undosa Haeckel, 1880


  1. Dhugal John Lindsay, Mary Matilda Grossmann, Javier Montenegro and André Carrara Morandini. 2023. A New Subfamily of ulmarid scyphomedusae, the Santjordiinae, with A Description of Santjordia pagesi gen. et sp. nov. (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa: Discomedusae: Semaeostomeae: Ulmaridae) from the Sumisu Caldera, Ogasawara Islands, Japan. Zootaxa. 5374(4); 533-551. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.5374.4.5
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