


這些钩状突可以用來連接肩胛骨的肌肉,並有助於加強與後肋骨重疊的肋骨籠(rib cage)[1][2]。它們還顯示出通過增加參與呼吸肌肉的有效性而在呼吸中發揮作用[3][4] ,而叫鴨科缺乏這一突起的獨特之處[5] 。這一突起在一些反鳥類動物中也被發現[6]。在所有現存的脊椎動物中,肋骨钩状突是鳥類獨有的。與此同時,一些軟骨的鉤突存在於鱷魚中。肋骨钩状突在以下的脊椎動物的化石中被發現:喙頭蜥尾羽龍竊蛋龍類孔子鳥朝陽鳥長翼鳥,但是它未在始祖鳥中發現[6]


  1. Kardong, Kenneth V. . McGraw-Hill. 1995: 55, 57. ISBN 0-697-21991-7.
  2. Bonney, Rick; Rohrbaugh, Jr., Ronald. Second. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 2004. ISBN 0-938027-62-X.
  3. Codd, J. R., D. F. Boggs, S. F. Perry, and D. R. Carrier. 2005. Activity of three muscles associated with the uncinate processes of the giant Canada Goose Branta canadensis maximus. Journal of Experimental Biology 208:849-857. Full text 页面存档备份,存于
  4. Tickle, Peter G., A. Roland Ennos, Laura E. Lennox, Steven F. Perry and Jonathan R. Codd 2007. Functional significance of the uncinate processes in birds. Journal of Experimental Biology 210:3955-3961 Abstract 页面存档备份,存于
  5. Fowler ME & Cubas ZS. . Wiley-Blackwell. 2001: 103.
  6. Fucheng, Zhang, Zhou Zhoghe, Hou Lianhai & Gu Gang 2001. Early diversification of birds: Evidence from a new opposite bird. Chinese Science Bulletin. 46(11):945-949 PDF
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