
腸鰓綱(学名:Enteropneusta,英文名:acorn worms)是半索動物門的一個。现存約有100。大多數種類在泥沙中穴居,或在石塊下生活。例如柱頭蟲(Balanoglossus)等。

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 半索動物門 Hemichordata
纲: 肠鳃纲 Enteropneusta
Gegenbaur, 1870
  • 玉鉤蟲科 Harrimaniidae
  • 殖翼柱頭蟲科 Ptychoderidae
  • 無翼柱頭蟲科 Spengelidae
  • 原柱頭蟲科 Protoglossidae
  • Torquaratoridae


  • 玉鉤蟲科 Harrimaniidae
  • 原柱頭蟲科 Protoglossidae ,为玉鉤蟲科(Harrimaniidae)的异名
  • 殖翼柱頭蟲科 Ptychoderidae
  • 無翼柱頭蟲科 Spengelidae
  • Torquaratoridae
    • Allapasus Holland, Kuhnz & Osborn, 2012
    • Coleodesmium Osborn, Gebruk, Rogacheva & Holland, 2013
    • Tergivelum Holland, Jones, Ellena, Ruhl & Smith, 2009
    • Torquarator Holland, Clague, Gordon, Gebruk, Pawson & Vecchione, 2005
    • Yoda Priede, Osborn, Gebruk, Jones, Shale, Rogacheva & Holland, 2012
      • Yoda demiankoopi Holland, Hiley & Rouse, 2022
      • Yoda purpurata Priede, Osborn, Gebruk, Jones, Shale, Rogacheva & Holland, 2012[1]
  • Margaretia Walcott, 1931
  • Oesia Walcott, 1911
  • Planctosphaera Spengel, 1932
  • Spartobranchus Caron, Conway Morris & Cameron, 2013
  • Stimpsonia Girard, 1853
  • Tornaria Müller, 1848


  1. Pride IG, Osborn KJ, Gebruk AV, Johnes D, Shale D, Rogacheva A, Holland ND (2012) Observations on torquaratorid acorn worms (Hemichordata, Enteropneusta) from the North Atlantic with descriptions of a new genus and three new species. Invertebrate Biology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1744-7410.2012.00266.x
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