胡塞运动(阿拉伯语:,拉丁化:al-Ḥūthiyyūn),正式名称是安拉的辅士(阿拉伯语: ,拉丁化:anṣār allāh),也翻译为真主虔信者,是也门的一个伊斯兰教什叶派宰德派反政府武装组织[69]。
安拉的辅士 | |
| |
![]() | |
領導人 | 侯賽因·巴得瑞丁·胡塞 † 阿卜杜勒-馬立克·胡塞 |
发言人 | Mohammed Abdul Salam[4] |
活躍期 | 1994年至今 (2004年起拥有武裝) |
总部 | ![]() |
活跃地区 | |
意識形態 | 宰德派復興主義[5]
反烏克蘭主義[23][24] |
盟友 | 國家盟友
非國家盟友 |
對手 | 國家
非國家 |
戰役、戰爭 | 也门什叶派起义 叙利亚内战 也门内战 (2014年至今)[63][64] 以色列—哈瑪斯戰爭 |
被以下 認定為恐怖組織 | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
网站 | Ansarollah.com |


美国国防部表示,在紅海北部執行任務的美軍卡尼号驱逐舰(USS Carney),2023年10月19日擊落由獲伊朗支持的胡塞武裝所發射3枚巡航導彈及多架無人機。國防部表示,未能確定攻擊目標,但導彈和無人機來自也門,沿紅海向北飛行,有可能針對以色列,事件中並無美軍或平民受傷。[88]
12月30日,懸掛新加坡旗的馬士基-杭州號(Maersk Hangzhou)貨櫃船遭胡塞武裝發射兩枚導彈攻擊,美軍艦艇成功攔截兩枚導彈。12月31日,馬士基-杭州號又遭到胡塞武裝的四艘武裝快艇追截及開火射擊,胡塞武裝企圖登船挾持,馬士基-杭州號發出求救信號,美國海軍派出艦載直升機阻止,胡塞武裝的武裝快艇向美軍直升機開火,美軍直升機隨即還擊,將其中三艘胡塞武裝快艇擊沉,另一艘則脫逃,胡塞武裝最少十人被擊斃,貨櫃船及美軍無人傷亡[92]。
2021年1月10日,美國川普政府的國務卿蓬佩奧發佈聲明,決定將胡塞运动列為恐怖組織[94]。2月16日,美國新任喬·拜登政府宣佈將胡塞运动從恐怖主義組織名單中移除。[95][96]2024年1月17日,美国宣布胡塞武裝再被列入特別指定全球恐怖組織(Specially Designated Global Terrorist,SDGT)名單[97]。
安全理事会第 2140 号决议所设也门问题专家小组称,胡塞武装分子实施了一系列侵犯人权行为,包括违反国际人道主义法、虐待妇女和儿童。年仅13岁的儿童因涉嫌同性恋取向的“猥亵行为”或因其家人不遵守胡塞武装的意识形态或规定的“政治案件”而被捕。未成年人与成年囚犯共处一室,据可靠报告,被关押在萨那Al-Shahid Al-Ahmar警察局的男孩遭到蓄意强奸。[98][99]
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The Houthi movement (formally known as Ansar Allahor Partisans of God) is a predominantly Zaydi Shia revivalist political and insurgent movement formed in the northern Yemeni governorate of Saada under the leadership of members of the Houthi family.
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a Research Associate at the London Middle East Institute at the University of London [...] noted that most of the area controlled by the Houthis is inhabited by Zaydis. But they also have many Sunni supporters in the areas they control [...] Since the Houthis have effectively taken over the country, they have been suspicious of Sunnis. The group believes that those who do not swear allegiance to it are working with the Saudi-led coalition. As a result, Sunnis have been discriminated against... Sunnis face discrimination that those of the Zaydi persuasion to which the Huthis belong do not experience. This includes women... in issues such as education, the curriculum has been changed by the Houthis to be "more sectarian and [intolerant]"
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Since the Houthi seizure of Sanaa in 2014, the group has brought new sectarian pressure to Yemen's north, forcing both Shiites and Sunnis to observe Shiite customs
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Just how neutral is Oman in Yemen war?"
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Oman is a mediator in Yemen. Can it play the same role in Qatar?
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Yemen's Houthi-led National Salvation Government (NSG) has appointed a new ambassador to Syria, one of the countries alongside Iran which recognises the Sanaa-based government.
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Saudi Arabia made sure to repair its relations with the MB Islah Party.. Consequently, Islah, which can get the job done in parts of northern Yemen, is one of a wide range of anti-Houthi/Saleh elements
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The Houthis have a tense relationship with Islah, a Sunni Islamist party with links to the Muslim Brotherhood. Islah claims the Houthis are an Iranian proxy, and blames them for sparking unrest in Yemen. The Houthis, on the other hand, have accused Islah of cooperating with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).
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