能量武器主要指定向能量武器(directed-energy weapon),比如等离子武器、激光武器、电磁武器、粒子束武器等,指将能量增强并向指定方向集中释放来打击目标的非抛体式远射武器系统。

- 电磁武器是以电磁波为攻击手段,对人体或设备造成损伤从而达到干扰或杀伤敌人的武器。
- 激光武器(lasers)选用电磁波谱中的可见光段,用高能的激光对远距离的目标进行精确射击或用于防御导弹等的武器。
- 电激光(electrolaser)如闪电一样使用强力电磁波击穿空气,令强大的电流通过。
- 高能射频武器(high-energy radio-frequency weapons)选用电磁波谱中的高频波段,用高能的高频电磁波在远距离的目标上聚焦急速加热目标表面的武器。
- 微波武器(microwaves)选用电磁波谱中的微波段,利用高能的微波聚焦在目标上,急速加热目标内部的水分子。
- 脉冲能量弹(pulsed energy projectile)一种非致命武器,选用电磁波谱中的红外线波段,只聚焦目标一瞬间,在目标上产生强烈的声音与震动,并且使目标眩晕、疼痛和短暂麻痹。
- 粒子束武器(particle-beam weapons)粒子武器是使用原子或亚原子粒子流对目标造成损伤的武器。
- 声波武器(Sonic weapons)由于超声波作用于人体可以破坏组织和器官。暴露在高强度超声频率700千赫至3.6兆赫,可以造成实验老鼠的肺和肠道损伤。心脏率模式下的声振刺激产生严重的心房扑动和心动过缓。使用高强度的声音做武器,会产生疼痛并有造成永久性听力损伤的危险。
- The E-Bomb: How America's New Directed Energy Weapons Will Change the Way Future Wars Will Be Fought. Doug Beason (2005). ISBN 0-306-81402-1
- US claims that China has used high-energy lasers to interfere with US satellites: Jane's Defence (页面存档备份,存于)
- China jamming test sparks U.S. satellite concerns: USA Today (页面存档备份,存于)
- Beijing secretly fires lasers to disable US satellites: The Telegraph
- China Attempted To Blind U.S. Satellites With Laser: Defense News
- China Has Not Attacked US Satellites Says DoD: United Press International (页面存档备份,存于)
- SpaceWar (页面存档备份,存于)
- Gertz, Bill. . The Washington Times. July 21, 2011 [April 29, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-20).
- Hambling, David. . Wired Magazine. October 10, 2008 [April 29, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-03-13).
- Beckhusen, Robert. . Wired Magazine. April 1, 2013 [April 1, 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-03).
- Directed Energy Weapons @ Air Power Australia (页面存档备份,存于)
- Applied Energetics - Photonic and high-voltage energetics (formerly Ionatron)
- www.globalresearch.ca link to video of possible use in Iraq (页面存档备份,存于)
- Wired News (AP) article on weapons deployment in Iraq, Active Denial System and Stunstrike (页面存档备份,存于), July 10, 2005
- Boeing Tests Laser-Mounted Humvee as IED Hunter, November 13, 2007
- WSTIAC Quarterly, Vol. 7, No. 1 - Directed Energy Weapons
- Ogonek Report on `21st Century Weapons' (页面存档备份,存于)
- How 'Revolutionary' Is CHAMP, New Air Force Microwave Weapon?, November 28, 2012 By David Axe
- DARPA: Better Understanding of Human Brain Supports National Security
- 自由時報:俄超級武器「電磁波殭屍槍」 (页面存档备份,存于), 2012/04/02
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