腰大肌()也稱大腰肌,為一長梭狀、紡錘形肌肉,起自第十二胸椎及全部腰椎兩旁,與大部分的髂肌(iliacus muscle,或稱胯肌)共同終點於股骨(大腿骨)之小轉子()上。髂肌與腰大肌統稱「髂腰肌()」,形成腰動脈與腰靜脈通過的肌膜性管道。

腰大肌(Psoas major)位置示意圖。
- 解剖學(Anatomy)-肌肉(muscle)-Psoas major muscle(腰大肌) (页面存档备份,存于)
- http://floota.com/PsoasStretch1.html (页面存档备份,存于) (for a stretch of the psoas)
- http://www.coreawareness.com (页面存档备份,存于) (general information and articles on the psoas muscle)
- https://web.archive.org/web/20080817080444/http://www.lwcoaching.com/library/strengtheningpsoasmuscle.htm (for an exercise of the psoas)
- 人体解剖学在线(Human Anatomy Online)网站上的相关图片:40:16-0101 - "Posterior Abdominal Wall: Muscles of the Posterior Abdominal Wall"
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