阿拉漢郵票(Azad Hind Stamps)是1943年2月德國針對錢德拉·鮑斯領導的自由印度臨時政府(Azad Hind)所發行的灰姑娘郵票(Cinderella stamps)以6個版本的不同設計方式。透過印度郵票,紀念印度的自由抗爭活動(India's Freedom Struggle through India Postage Stamps)。雖然這些郵票印刷精美,題材特別,可是并不是非常受到集郵愛好者的青睞。[1]

- Bhaskaran, S.T. . The Hindu. [2007-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2002-03-27).
- Barth Healey . "Pastimes; Stamps" in the New York Times, November 21 2007.
- "Indian Legion Stamps and Postal History (页面存档备份,存于)" in Introduction to Foreign Legion Stamps and Postal History.
- Ann Mette Heindorff. "Subhas Chandra Bose: India's Fight for Independence during WWII (页面存档备份,存于)" in Heindorffhus Shoebox, 2007.
- "The Azad Hind Stamps" in Stamps World India.
- Andrew Freeston. "Indian Cinderellas - Azad Hind Issues."
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