舌形动物類(學名:),又称五口动物類,是动物界的一个分類。属于無脊椎動物,介乎於环节动物和节肢动物之间,均為寄生性動物。其特徵是体软、扁而长,无色,透明,无足。身長從數毫米到十數厘米,体表分近百个清晰的节段,内部却并不分节。舌形動物均為雌雄异体的專性寄生物[2]:牠們的身體没有呼吸系统、排泄系统和循环系统,虫体前端口部突出,呈椭圆形,周围有兩對可伸缩的钩,用以附着在寄主组织上。 本物種的名稱是因為從其部分物種的外型酷似脊椎動物的舌頭,因而為名;而其學名及另一名稱「五口動物」的來源,則是因為其口器的五個鈎,好像有五個口一樣,因而為名。這五個「鈎」,其實只有一個是真的口器、其餘四個只是顎足。過往由於對本分類物種的分類不明,單單從外形來判斷,所以將其歸類到門一層。後來到了2001年,研究證據顯示五口動物實為退化了的寄生性節肢動物,本物種生物跟其他物種的關係得到確認,所以被降至歸入成為顎足綱的一員,是為舌形亞綱[3]。隨著顎足動物的分類被重組,舌形亞綱亦被重新分類,成為了寡甲總綱魚介形綱的成員[4][5][6][7]。
舌形亞綱![]() 化石时期:寒武紀-現代 | |
![]() | |
一隻雌性的Linguatula serrata | |
科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 节肢动物门 Arthropoda |
亚门: | 甲殼亞門 Crustacea |
纲: | 魚介形綱 Ichthyostraca |
亚纲: | 舌形亞綱 Pentastomida Diesing, 1836 |
目[1] | |
現時本分類有物種約130個[8],皆為被動式寄生物,其部分解剖結果為退化性。成年的舌蟲長約1至14(0.4至5.5英寸) ,多數於宿主的呼吸系統黏付着。

Armillifer armillatus Wyman, 1848, a 4 cm individual collected from the respiratory system of a python, Python sebae. Specimen deposited in the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

Female (right) and male (left) Armillifer sp.
- 頭行目 Cephalobaenida Heymons, 1935
- Cephalobaenidae Heymons, 1922
- Cephalobaena Heymons, 1922
- Cephalobaena tetrapoda Heymons, 1922
- 孔头舌虫目 Porocephalida[10]
- Linguatuloidea
- Linguatulidae Haldeman, 1851
- Linguatula Frölich, 1789
- Linguatula arctica Riley, Haugerud & Nilssen, 1987
- Linguatula multiannulata Haffner & Rack in Haffner, Rack & Sachs, 1969
- Linguatula recurvata (Diesing, 1850)
- Linguatula serrata Frölich, 1789
- Neolinguatula Haffner & Rack in Haffner, Rack & Sachs, 1969
- Neolinguatula nuttalli (Sambon, 1922)
- Subtriquetridae Fain, 1961
- Subtriquetra Sambon, 1922
- Subtriquetra megacephalum (Baird, 1853)
- Subtriquetra rileyi Junker, Boomker & Booyse, 1998
- Subtriquetra shipleyi Hett, 1924
- Subtriquetra subtriquetra (Diesing, 1836)
- 孔頭舌蟲總科 Porocephaloidea
- 孔头舌虫科 Porocephalidae Sambon, 1922
- 舌蟲屬 Armillifer Sambon, 1922
- Armillifer aborealis Riley & Self, 1981
- Armillifer agkistrodontis Self & Kuntz, 1966
- Armillifer armillatus (Wyman, 1845)
- Armillifer australis Heymons, 1935
- Armillifer grandis (Hett, 1915)
- Armillifer mazzai (Sambon, 1922)
- Armillifer moniliformis (Diesing, 1836)
- Armillifer yoshidai Kishida, 1928
- Cubirea Kishida, 1928
- Cubirea annulata (Baird, 1853)
- Cubirea pomeroyi (Woodland, 1921)
- Elenia Heymons, 1932
- Elenia australis Heymons, 1932
- Gigliolella Chabaud & Choquet, 1954
- Gigliolella brumpti (Giglioli, 1922)
- Kiricephalus Sambon, 1922
- Kiricephalus clelii Riley & Self, 1980
- Kiricephalus coarctatus (Diesing, 1850)
- Kiricephalus constrictor Riley & Self, 1980
- Kiricephalus gabonensis Riley & Self, 1980
- Kiricephalus pattoni (Stephens, 1908)
- Kiricephalus tortus (Shipley, 1898)
- Parasambonia Stunkard & Gandal, 1968
- Parasambonia bridgesi Stunkard & Gandal, 1968
- Parasambonia minor Riley & Self, 1982
- Porocephalus Humboldt, 1812
- Porocephalus basiliscus Riley & Self, 1979
- Porocephalus benoiti Fain, 1960
- Porocephalus bifurcatus
- Porocephalus clavatus (Wyman, 1845)
- Porocephalus crotali Humboldt, 1812
- Porocephalus dominicana Riley & Walters, 1980
- Porocephalus stilesi Sambon in Vaney & Sambon, 1910
- Porocephalus subuliferum (Leuckart, 1860)
- Porocephalus taiwana Qiu, Ma, Fan & Lu, 2005
- Porocephalus tortugensis Riley & Self, 1979
- Waddycephalus Sambon, 1922
- Waddycephalus calligaster Riley & Self, 1981
- Waddycephalus komodoensis Riley & Self, 1981
- Waddycephalus longicauda Riley & Self, 1981
- Waddycephalus porphyriacus Riley & Self, 1981
- Waddycephalus punctulatus Riley & Self, 1981
- Waddycephalus radiata Riley & Self, 1981
- Waddycephalus scutata Riley & Self, 1981
- Waddycephalus superbus Riley & Self, 1981
- Waddycephalus teretiusculus (Baird, 1862)
- Waddycephalus vitiensis Heymons, 1932
- Sebekidae Sambon, 1922
- Alofia Giglioli in Sambon, 1922
- Alofia ginae Giglioli in Sambon, 1922
- Alofia indica (von Linstow, 1906)
- Alofia merki Giglioli 'in Sambon, 1922
- Alofia nilotici Riley & Huchzermeyer, 1995
- Alofia parva Riley & Huchzermeyer, 1995
- Alofia platycephalum (Lohrmann, 1889)
- Alofia simpsoni Riley, 1994
- Alofia travassosi (Heymons, 1932)
- Diesingia Sambon, 1922
- Diesingia kachugensis (Shipley, 1910)
- Diesingia megastomum (Diesing, 1836)
- Selfia Riley, 1994
- Selfia porosus Riley, 1994
- Leiperia Sambon, 1922
- Leiperia australiensis Riley & Huchzermeyer, 1996
- Leiperia cincinnalis (Sambon in Vaney & Sambon, 1910)
- Leiperia gracilis (Diesing, 1836)
- Sambonia Noc & Giglioli, 1922
- Sambonia clavata (Lohrmann, 1889)
- Sambonia parapodum Self & Kuntz, 1966
- Sambonia solomenensis (Self & Kuntz, 1957)
- Sambonia varani (Self & Kuntz, 1957)
- Sambonia wardi (Sambon in Vaney & Sambon, 1910)
- Agema Riley et al., 1997
- Agema silvaepalustris Riley et al., 1997
- Pelonia Junker & Boomker, 2002
- Pelonia africana Junker & Boomker, 2002
- Sebekia Sambon, 1922
- Sebekia cesarisi Giglioli in Sambon, 1922
- Sebekia divestei Giglioli in Sambon, 1922
- Sebekia johnstoni Riley, Spratt & Winch, 1990
- Sebekia microhamus Self & Rego, 1985
- Sebekia minor (Wedl, 1861)
- Sebekia mississippiensis Overstreet, Self & Vliet, 1985
- Sebekia multiannulata Riley, Spratt & Winch, 1990
- Sebekia novaeguineae Riley, Spratt & Winch, 1990
- Sebekia okavangoensis Riley & Huchzermeyer, 1995
- Sebekia oxycephalum (Diesing, 1836)
- Sebekia purdieae Riley, Spratt & Winch, 1990
- Sebekia trinitatis Riley, Spratt & Winch, 1990
- Raillietiellida Almeida & Christoffersen, 1999
- Raillietiellidae Sambon, 1922
- Raillietiella Sambon, 1910
- Raillietiella aegypti Ali, Riley & Self, 1982
- Raillietiella affinis Bovien, 1927
- Raillietiella agcoi Tubangui & Masiluñgan, 1936
- Raillietiella ampanihyensis Gretillat, Brygoo & Domergue, 1962
- Raillietiella amphiboluri Mahon, 1954
- Raillietiella belohaensis McAllister, Riley, Freed & Freed, 1993
- Raillietiella bicaudata Heymons & Vitzthum, 1935
- Raillietiella boulengeri (Vaney & Sambon, 1910)
- Raillietiella bufonis Ali, Riley & Self, 1982
- Raillietiella cartagenensis Ali, Riley & Self, 1985
- Raillietiella chamaeleonis Gretillat & Brygoo, 1959
- Raillietiella colubrilineati (Leuckart, 1860)
- Raillietiella congolensis Fain, 1961
- Raillietiella crotali Ali, Riley & Self, 1984
- Raillietiella freitasi (Motta & Gomes, 1968)
- Raillietiella furcocercum (Diesing, 1836)
- Raillietiella gehyrae Bovien, 1927
- Raillietiella gigliolii Hett, 1924
- Raillietiella gowrii Rajalu & Rajendran, 1970
- Raillietiella hebitihamata Self & Kuntz, 1960
- Raillietiella hemidactyli Hett, 1934
- Raillietiella indica Gedoelst, 1921
- Raillietiella kochi Heymons, 1926
- Raillietiella mabuiae Heymons, 1922
- Raillietiella maculatus Rao & Hiregaudar, 1962
- Raillietiella maculilabris Ali, Riley & Self, 1984
- Raillietiella madagascariensis McAllister et al., 1993
- Raillietiella mediterranea (Hett, 1915)
- Raillietiella monarchus Ali, Riley & Self, 1984
- Raillietiella morenoi Abreu-Acosta et al., 2006
- Raillietiella mottae Almeida, Freire & Lopes, 2008
- Raillietiella namibiensis Riley & Heideman 1998
- Raillietiella orientalis (Hett, 1915)
- Raillietiella piscator Nair, 1967
- Raillietiella rileyi Krishnasamy et al., 1995
- Raillietiella schoutedeni Fain, 1960
- Raillietiella scincoides Ali, Riley & Self, 1984
- Raillietiella spiralis Hett, 1924
- Raillietiella teagueselfi Riley, McAllister & Freed, 1988
- Raillietiella tetrapoda (Gretillat, Brygoo & Domergue, 1962)
- Raillietiella trachea Riley, Oaks & Gilbert, 2003
- Raillietiella venteli (Motta, 1965)
- Yelirella Spratt, 2010
- Yelirella petauri (Spratt, 2010)
- Reighardiida Almeida & Christoffersen, 1999
- Reighardiidae Heymons, 1926
- Hispania Martínez et al., 2004
- Hispania vulturis Martínez et al., 2004
- Reighardia Ward, 1899
- Reighardia lomviae Dyck, 1975
- Reighardia sternae (Diesing, 1864)
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- 舌形虫病或人舌形虫病
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