

Skeleton of a very large specimen of Mawsonia compared to a human
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 腔棘魚綱 Coelacanthimorpha
目: 腔棘鱼目 Coelacanthiformes
亚目: 矛尾魚亞目 Latimerioidei
科: 莫森氏鱼科 Mawsoniidae
Schultze 1993
  • Alcoveria
  • Axelrodichthys
  • Chinlea
  • Diplurus
  • Lualabaea
  • 莫森氏鱼属 Mawsonia (type)
  • Trachymetopon
  • Atacamaia?
  • Luopingcoelacanthus?
  • Yunnancoelacanthus?



  • Axelrodichthys Maisey, 1986
  • Changxingia Wang & Liu, 1981
  • Chinlea Schaeffer, 1967
  • Diplurus Newberry, 1878
  • Garnbergia Martin & Wenz, 1984
  • Heptanema Bellotti, 1857
  • Indocoelacanthus Jain, 1974
  • Libys Münster, 1842
    • Libys polypterus Münster, 1842
    • Libys superbus Zittel, 1887
    • Libys callolepis Ferrante, Menkveld-Gfeller & Cavin, 2022[2]
  • Lualabaea Saint-Seine, 1955
    • Lualabaea henryi Saint-Seine, 1955
    • Lualabaea lerichei Saint-Seine, 1955
  • Lybis Münster, 1842
  • 莫森氏鱼属 Mawsonia Woodward, 1907
  • Moenkopia Schaeffer & Gregory, 1961
  • Parnaibaia Yabumoto, 2008
  • Rhipis Saint-Seine, 1950
  • Trachymetopon Hennig, 1951


  1. . GBIF. [2023-05-28]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-28).
  2. Christophe Ferrante, Ursula Menkveld-Gfeller and Lionel Cavin. 2022. The First Jurassic Coelacanth from Switzerland. Swiss Journal of Palaeontology. 141: 15. DOI: 10.1186/s13358-022-00257-z
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