

Felipe Camiroaga
出生Felipe Humberto Camiroaga Fernández
墓地Parque del Recuerdo
别名El Halcón de Chicureo (The Falcon of Chicureo)
职业Television presenter, actor

坎米罗阿噶為智利國家電視台TVN主持了許多節目,包括早間脫口秀節目《Buenos Días a Todos》和深夜脫口秀節目《Animal Nocturno》。他還參演了幾部電視劇。

2011年9月2日,他在智利胡安·費爾南德斯群島附近的C-212軍用飛機失事中喪生,終年44歲。其死訊在 7 天后正式宣布,在TVN總部舉行葬禮演說後,他被安葬在聖地亞哥。他被追授多項獎項,包括2011年國家電視委員會頒發的“社會傳播者特別獎”。


  1. [Defense Ministry rules out any possibility after accident in Juan Fernández: There are no survivors]. Radio Bio-Bío. 3 September 2011 [3 September 2011]. (原始内容存档于24 November 2011).
  2. Associated Press in Santiago. . The Guardian (UK). 3 September 2011 [3 September 2011]. (原始内容存档于17 September 2011).
  3. [Enrique Maluenda: "Felipe Camiroaga was the best Chilean TV entertainer in recent times"]. ADN Radio Chile. 9 September 2011 [9 September 2011]. (原始内容存档于26 February 2013). "Creo que era el mejor animador chileno del último tiempo, y no lo digo porque haya fallecido, sino por su carisma, su capacidad en las entrevistas y un excelente comediante, creo que lo tenía todo." ("I believe he was the best Chilean TV entertainer in recent times, and I don't say it because he died, but because of his charisma, his capacity in interviews and an excellent comedian, I believe he had everything.")
  4. Jorge Barreno. [Felipe Camiroaga, Chile's favorite TV entertainer]. El Mundo. 9 September 2011 [27 September 2011]. (原始内容存档于15 September 2011).


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