

科学分类 编辑
界: 植物界 Plantae
门: 藓类植物门 Bryophyta
纲: 真藓纲 Bryopsida
目: 灰藓目 Hypnales
科: 柳叶藓科 Amblystegiaceae
属: 薄網蘚屬 Leptodictyum
(Schimpe) Warnst.




  • Leptodictyum bandaiense (Brotherus & Paris ex Takaki) Kanda
  • Leptodictyum brachypelmatum (Müll.Hal.) Broth.
  • Leptodictyum campicola (Müll.Hal.) Broth.
  • Leptodictyum humile Ochyra, 1981
  • Leptodictyum kurdicum Brotherus, 1925
  • Leptodictyum laxirete (Cardot & Thér.) Broth.
  • Leptodictyum loeskei Brotherus, 1925
  • Leptodictyum mexicanum (Cardot) Broth.
  • Leptodictyum mizushimae Kanda, 1975[1]
  • Leptodictyum octodiceroides (Müll.Hal.) Broth.
  • Leptodictyum pennellii (E.B.Bartram) H.Rob.
  • Leptodictyum radicale (P.Beauv.) Kanda
  • Leptodictyum riparium (Bryhn) Podpe[2]
  • Leptodictyum riparium Warnstorf, 1906
  • Leptodictyum serrulatum Broth.
  • Leptodictyum sipho (P.Beauv.) Broth.
  • Leptodictyum wallacei B.H.Allen & Magill
  • Leptodictyum yezoanum (Renauld & Cardot) Broth.


  1. Sakai N . Leptodictyum mizushimae found at Oyomi moor, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan(Threatened Bryophytes in Japan)[J]. Bryological Research, 2010, 10:61-62.
  2. Esposito S , Sorbo S , Conte B , et al. Effects of Heavy Metals on Ultrastructure and HSP70S Induction in the Aquatic Moss Leptodictyum Riparium Hedw[J]. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 2012, 14(4):443-455.
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