
黑尾鼠(学名:Niviventer cremoriventer)也称褐尾鼠,一种分布于东南亚地区的啮齿动物,[1]隶属于鼠科白腹鼠属。本种是美国学者格里特·史密斯·米勒于1900年描述发表。[2]

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia
目: 啮齿目 Rodentia
科: 鼠科 Muridae
属: 白腹鼠属 Niviventer
黑尾鼠 N. cremoriventer
Niviventer cremoriventer
(Miller, 1900)
  • Epimys barussanus Miller, 1911
  • Epimys mengurus Miller, 1911
  • Epimys solus Miller, 1913
  • Epimys spatulatus Lyon, 1911
  • Mus flaviventer Miller, 1900
  • Mus gilbiventer Miller, 1903
  • Mus kina Bonhote, 1903
  • Rattus cremoriventer subsp. cretaceiventer Robinson & Kloss, 1919
  • Rattus cremoriventer subsp. malawali Chasen & Kloss, 1932
  • Rattus cremoriventer subsp. sumatrae Bartels, 1937


  1. Kennerley, R. . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T14816A22413395. [2021-06-05].
  2. Uraiporn Pimsai, Malcolm J. Pearch, Chutamas Satasook, Sara Bumrungsri & Paul J.J. Bates. 2014. Murine Rodents (Rodentia: Murinae) of the Myanmar-Thai-Malaysian peninsula and Singapore: Taxonomy, Distribution, Ecology, Conservation Status, and Illustrated Identification Keys. Bonn zoological Bulletin. 63 (1): 15–114
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