西澳大利亚地区 是將西澳大利亚州再細分為9個行政區。這9個行政區基本上是根據其經濟類型劃分。

- 加斯科因區(Gascoyne)
- 金矿-斯佩兰斯區(Goldfields-Esperance)
- 大南區(Great Southern)
- 金伯利區(Kimberley)
- 中西區(Mid West)
- 卑利區(Peel)
- 皮尔巴拉區(Pilbara)
- 西南區(South West)
- 小麦带區(Wheatbelt)
- 澳洲地理
- . [2012-11-20]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
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- Regional futures: challenges and opportunities for Western Australia's regions: a discussion paper prepared by the Regional Development Council and the Department of Commerce and Trade. Perth, W.A. : The Council, Rev. June 1996.
- Western Australia: a statistical snapshot of the regions prepared by the Department of Commerce and Trade for the Regional Development Council. Perth: The Department., 1995.
- Western Australia tomorrow: population projections for the statistical divisions, planning regions and local government areas of Western Australia. Perth, W.A. : Western Australian Planning Commission, 2000. Population report (Western Australian Planning Commission) ; no. 4. ISBN 0-7309-9222-5
- Streetsmart Travellers Atlas of Western Australia (2006) Department of Land Information and West Australian Newspapers,9th ed. ISBN 1-921048-13-1
- Quality Publishing Australia.(2007) Roads & tracks Western Australia: campsites directory, roads and tracks, all in one Jolimont, W.A.,Quality Publishing Australia, 5th ed ISBN 1-876723-35-1
- UBD Western Australia country road atlas (2005) Macquarie Park, N.S.W.UBD, a division of Universal Publishers, 11th ed ISBN 0-7319-1587-9
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