角形虫属![]() | |
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科学分类 ![]() | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 刺胞動物門 Cnidaria |
纲: | 黏孢子蟲綱 Myxosporea |
目: | 雙殼目 Bivalvulida |
科: | 角形虫科 Ceratomyxidae |
属: | 角形虫属 Ceratomyxa Thélohan, 1892 |
种 | |
见正文 | |
異名 | |
- Ceratomyxa abbreviata Davis, 1917
- Ceratomyxa acanthopagri (Zhao & Song, 2003)
- Ceratomyxa acanthuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye, 1996
- Ceratomyxa adeli (Bakay & Grudnev, 1998)
- Ceratomyxa aggregata Davis, 1917
- Ceratomyxa agilis Thélohan, 1892
- Ceratomyxa allantoidea Gaevskaya & Kovaljova, 1984
- Ceratomyxa amatea (Aseeva, 2001)
- Ceratomyxa ammodytis Zhao & Song, 2003
- Ceratomyxa ampla (Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev, 2002)
- Ceratomyxa anguillae Tuzet & Ormieres, 1957
- Ceratomyxa angusta Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa annulata (Meglitsch, 1960)
- Ceratomyxa antarctica Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudnev, 2002
- Ceratomyxa apogoni (Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy, 1990)
- Ceratomyxa appendiculata Thélohan, 1892
- Ceratomyxa arcuata Thélohan, 1895
- Ceratomyxa artedielli Polyanskii, 1955
- Ceratomyxa aspera Aseeva, 2003
- Ceratomyxa attenuata Davis, 1917
- Ceratomyxa auerbachi Kabata, 1962
- Ceratomyxa azonusi Aseeva, 2003
- Ceratomyxa beloneae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix, 1989
- Ceratomyxa beveridgei (Moser, Kent & Dennis, 1989)
- Ceratomyxa bohari Mansour, Abdel-Baki, Tamihi & Al-Quraishy, 2016
- Ceratomyxa bryanti Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- Ceratomyxa burgerae Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- 加州角形虫 Ceratomyxa californica Jameson, 1929
- Ceratomyxa capricornensis Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- Ceratomyxa castigata Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa castigatoides Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa centriscopsi Gunter & Adlard, 2010
- Ceratomyxa chromis Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix, 1989
- Ceratomyxa coelorhyncha (Yoshino & Noble, 1973)
- Ceratomyxa constricta (Fujita, 1923)
- Ceratomyxa coris Georgévitch, 1916
- Ceratomyxa costata Aseeva, 2001
- Ceratomyxa cottoidii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova, 2007
- Ceratomyxa crassa Jameson, 1929
- Ceratomyxa cribbi Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- Ceratomyxa declivis Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa dehoopi Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova, 2007
- Ceratomyxa dennisi Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- Ceratomyxa diplodae Lubat, Radujkovic, Marques & Bouix, 1989
- Ceratomyxa dissimilaris Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy, 1990
- Ceratomyxa drepanopsettae Averintzev, 1908
- Ceratomyxa dubia Dunkerley, 1921
- Ceratomyxa durusa Aseeva, 2003
- Ceratomyxa elegans Jameson, 1929
- Ceratomyxa ellipsoidea Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudney, 2002
- Ceratomyxa elongata (Thélohan, 1895)
- Ceratomyxa etrumuci (Dogiel, 1948)
- Ceratomyxa faba Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa falcatus Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- Ceratomyxa fisheri Jameson, 1929
- Ceratomyxa fistulariae Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye, 1996
- Ceratomyxa flexa Evdokimova, 1977
- Ceratomyxa flexa Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa fujitai Gunter & Adlard, 2010
- Ceratomyxa galeata Jameson, 1929
- Ceratomyxa gemmaphora Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa ghaffari Ali, Abdel-Baki & Sakran, 2006
- Ceratomyxa ghannouchensis
- Ceratomyxa gibba Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa globulifera Thélohan, 1895
- Ceratomyxa gracilis Jameson, 1929
- Ceratomyxa gurnardi Sobecka, Szostakowska, Zietara & Wiecaszek, 2013
- Ceratomyxa hama Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa hepseti (Thélohan, 1895)
- Ceratomyxa herouardi Georgévitch, 1916
- Ceratomyxa hokarari Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa honckenii Reed, Basson, Van As & Dykova, 2007
- 洪泽四极虫 Ceratomyxa hongtzensis (Hsieh et Chen, 1984)
- Ceratomyxa hopkinsi Jameson, 1929
- Ceratomyxa huanghaiensis Zhao & Song, 2003
- Ceratomyxa hungarica Molnar, 1992
- Ceratomyxa inaequalis Doflein, 1898
- Ceratomyxa inconstans Jameson, 1929
- Ceratomyxa informis (Auerbach, 1910)
- Ceratomyxa insolita Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa intexua Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa inversa Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa jamesoni Kudo, 1933
- Ceratomyxa kenti Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- Ceratomyxa kovaljovae (Bakay & Grudnev, 1998)
- Ceratomyxa labracis Sitjá-Bobadilla & Alvarez-Pellitero, 1993
- Ceratomyxa lagocephali Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye, 1996
- Ceratomyxa lata Dunkerley, 1921
- Ceratomyxa lateolabracis Zhao & Song, 2003
- Ceratomyxa latesi (Chakravarty, 1943)
- Ceratomyxa laxa Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa lepidopusi Gunter & Adlard, 2010
- Ceratomyxa lianoides Aseeva, 2003
- Ceratomyxa limandae Fujita, 1923
- Ceratomyxa linospora Doflein, 1898
- Ceratomyxa lobata Evdokimova, 1977
- Ceratomyxa longipes (Auerbach, 1910)
- Ceratomyxa longispina Petruschewsky, 1932
- Ceratomyxa lophii Afonso-Dias, Kalavati, MacKenzie & MacKenzie, 2007
- Ceratomyxa lovei Gunter & Adlard, 2010
- Ceratomyxa lubati Gunter & Adlard, 2010
- Ceratomyxa lunata Davis, 1917
- Ceratomyxa lunula Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- Ceratomyxa macroformis (Gaevskaya & Kovaljova, 1984)
- Ceratomyxa macronesi (Chakravarty, 1943)
- Ceratomyxa macrospora (Auerbach, 1909)
- Ceratomyxa macrouridonum Gunter & Adlard, 2010
- Ceratomyxa maenae Georgévitch, 1929
- Ceratomyxa markewitchi Iskov & Karataev, 1984
- 大角形虫 Ceratomyxa maxima Gaevskaya & Kovaljova, 1980
- Ceratomyxa merlangi Zaika, 1966
- Ceratomyxa mesospora Davis, 1917
- Ceratomyxa minima (Meglitsch, 1960)
- Ceratomyxa minuta Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa moenei Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa moseri Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- Ceratomyxa mylionis (Ishizaki, 1960)
- Ceratomyxa myoxocephala Aseeva, 2002
- Ceratomyxa nebulifera (Zhao & Song, 2003)
- Ceratomyxa nitida Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa noblei Gunter & Adlard, 2010
- Ceratomyxa obesa Jameson, 1929
- Ceratomyxa opisthocornata (Evdokimova, 1977)
- Ceratomyxa orientalis (Dogiel, 1948)
- Ceratomyxa orthospora Kovaljova, Rodjuk & Grudney, 2002
- Ceratomyxa ovalis (Kovaljova & Gaevskaya, 1983)
- Ceratomyxa pallida Thélohan, 1895
- Ceratomyxa parva (Thélohan, 1895)
- Ceratomyxa peculiaria Yurakhno, 1991
- Ceratomyxa pegusae (Kpatcha, Diebakate & Toguebaye, 1996)
- Ceratomyxa physiculusi Gunter & Adlard, 2010
- Ceratomyxa pinguis (Meglitsch, 1960)
- Ceratomyxa platichthys (Fujita, 1923)
- Ceratomyxa platichthytis (Fujita, 1923)
- Ceratomyxa priacanthi Kalavati, Dorothy & Pandian, 2002
- Ceratomyxa quadritaenia (Kovaljova & Zubchenko, 1984)
- Ceratomyxa quingdaoensis Zhao & Song, 2003
- Ceratomyxa ramosa Averintzev, 1908
- Ceratomyxa rara Kovaljova, Gaevskaya & Krasin, 1986
- Ceratomyxa recta Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa recurvata Davis, 1917
- Ceratomyxa renalis Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa reticularis Thélohan, 1895
- Ceratomyxa rohdei Moser, Kent & Dennis, 1989
- Ceratomyxa sagarsampadae Narasimhamurti, Kalavati, Anuradha & Padma Dorothy, 1990
- Ceratomyxa saurida Zhao, Al-Farraj, AL-Rasheid & Song, 2015
- Ceratomyxa scissura (Davis, 1917)
- Ceratomyxa scorpaenarum Labbé, 1899
- Ceratomyxa sebasta Moser, Love & Jensen, 1976
- Ceratomyxa sebastici (Zhao & Song, 2003)
- Ceratomyxa sewelli Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- Ceratomyxa spari Awerinzew, 1913
- Ceratomyxa sparusaurati Sitjá-Bobadilla Palenzuela & Alvarez-Pellitero, 1995
- Ceratomyxa sphaerulosa Thélohan, 1892
- Ceratomyxa sphairophora Davis, 1917
- Ceratomyxa sprenti Moser, Kent & Dennis, 1989
- Ceratomyxa starksi Jameson, 1929
- Ceratomyxa subelegans (Laird, 1953)
- Ceratomyxa subtilis Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa syacii Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye, 1996
- Ceratomyxa taenia Davis, 1917
- Ceratomyxa talboti Gunter & Adlard, 2008
- Ceratomyxa tenuispora Kabata, 1960
- Ceratomyxa thrissoclesi Padma Dorothy, Kalavati & Vaidchi, 1998
- Ceratomyxa thunni Mladineo & Bocina, 2006
- Ceratomyxa torquata Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa trachinocephali Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye, 1996
- Ceratomyxa trichiuri Kpatcha, Diebakate, Faye & Toguebaye, 1996
- Ceratomyxa truncata Thélohan, 1895
- Ceratomyxa tylosuri Awerinzew, 1913
- Ceratomyxa uncinata Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa venusa Jameson, 1931
- Ceratomyxa vepallida Meglitsch, 1960
- Ceratomyxa vikrami (Tripathi, 1948)
- . GBIF. [2023-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2023-05-20).
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