角質層 | |
![]() 表皮的縱切面 (最上一層為角質層) | |
![]() Histologic image of human epidermis in thick skin. | |
标识字符 | |
拉丁文 | stratum corneum epidermidis |
格雷氏 | p.1064 |
《解剖學術語》 |
角質層一般介於10至40微米不等,取決於其對應的身體部分需要多少保護。例如手掌、腳掌等與外界接觸、摩擦較多的部位,角質層會較厚。 [爬蟲類]動物的角質層屬永久性組織,只會在高速生長期間(如脫皮)才會脫落、更換。牠們的角質層含有β角蛋白,使其表皮遠較其他動物堅硬。
- 人類皮膚的表皮和真皮
- 表皮 (皮膚)
- Stratum granulosum
- Stratum spinosum
- stratum corneum tryptic enzyme
- Ovaere P, Lippens S, Vandenabeele P, Declercq W. (2009)The emerging roles of serine protease cascades in the epidermis". Trends in Biochemical Sciences 34 (9): 453–463. doi:10.1016/j.tibs.2009.08.001 . PMID 19726197 .
- Haftek M, Callejon S, Sandjeu Y, Padois K, Falson F, Pirot F, Portes P, Demarne F, Jannin V. (2011). "Compartmentalization of the human stratum corneum by persistent tight junction-like structures". Exp Dermatol 20 (8): 617–21. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0625.2011.01315.x . PMID 21672033
- Descargues P, Deraison C, Bonnart C, Kreft M, Kishibe M, Ishida-Yamamoto A, Elias P, Barrandon Y, Zambruno G, Sonnenberg A, Hovnanian A. (Jan 2005). "Spink5-deficient mice mimic Netherton syndrome through degradation of desmoglein 1 by epidermal protease hyperactivity". Nat Genet 37 (1): 56–65. doi:10.1038/ng1493 . PMID 15619623 .
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