赤色职工国际(俄語:),是共产国际创立的国际工会组织,[註 1][1]主要竞争对手是社会民主党创办的主张劳资合作的国际工会联合会[註 2]。1930年代面对德国法西斯的战争威胁,共产国际七大提出各国建立最广泛的反法西斯统一战线后赤色职工国际于1937年解散。
Красный интернационал профсоюзов | |
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成立時間 | 1921年7月3日 |
撤销 | 1937年 |
類型 | 国际组织 |
總部 | 苏联莫斯科 |
重要人物 | 米哈伊尔·托姆斯基 索洛蒙·洛佐夫斯基 安德烈斯·宁 |

1920年7月,共产国际执委会主席季诺维耶夫指示在共产国际二大建立临时性的职工国际理事会(International Trade Union Council,也译作国际赤色工会联合会)。[2]其组织委员会包括参加共产国际二大的俄、意、英、法、保加利亚代表。[2]苏俄工会领导人所罗门·洛佐夫斯基被任命为理事长;英国工会活动家汤·曼与法国的阿尔弗雷德·罗斯默为副理事长。[2]向全世界的工会发布一份声明,指出位于阿姆斯特丹的社会民主党的国际工会联合会(“阿姆斯特丹国际”)是黄色工会,邀请各工会加入新的国际革命工会组织。[2]这标志着十月革命后共产主义运动与社会党的改良主义分道扬镳后,国际劳工运动的分裂。[2]
世界产业工人联合会的"大比尔"·海伍德等人谋求使赤色职工国际独立于共产国际。 "大比尔"·海伍德被依据美国1917年间谍法判处长刑,弃保潜逃,长期居住在莫斯科。[6]法国与西班牙的代表提出了工团主义的世界产业工人联合会的观点。[6]最终,工团主义立场在这届大会上是少数派,大会批准了汤·曼与Rosmer提出的议案:在赤色职工国际与共产国际之间保持最密切的可能联系,组织之间的联合任务,在各国的红色工联与共产党之间保持真实且亲密的革命团结。[7]
赤色职工国际建立了国际宣传委员会(International Propaganda Committees,IPCs)作为激进工会与已有工会中有组织的激进少数派的按行业部门的联合。[10] [11]到1921年8月,已有14个国际宣传委员会建立起来。[12]
阿姆斯特丹国际开始驱逐那些支持赤色职工国际的工会,例如1921年10月荷兰运输工人联合会(Dutch Transport Workers' Federation)被驱逐。[13]各国工会也开始驱逐那些激进的异议分子。[13]
1923年1月共产国际、赤色职工国际联合号召创建“反法西斯行动委员会”。同年3月,克拉拉·蔡特金在柏林建立反法西斯行动委员会[16],并在法兰克福公开举行国际会议,邀请第二国际与阿姆斯特丹工会国际出席。但仅有极少的社会民主党人士与会。[16]会议认为凡尔赛和约及相关的法国占领鲁尔区导致德国人极为沉重的第一次世界大战的赔款,这将导致复仇主义的泛滥。[16] 但没有得到第二国际与工会领导人的响应。
洛佐夫斯基在1923年4月的苏联共产党(布尔什维克派)第十二次代表大会上报告,赤色职工国际代表了1300万工人,而阿姆斯特丹国际有1400-1500万成员。[17] This figure is regarded by at least one serious historian of the matter as "probably exaggerated."[17]

The 1924 Congress formally marked a hardening of the Communist attitude towards the Social Democratic labor movement, declaring that "fascism and democracy are two forms of the bourgeois dictatorship."[19]
The most contentious issue debated by the Congress related to the strategy and tactics of seeking unity with the Amsterdam International, thereby bringing an end to the disruption suffered by the labor movement as a result of the split into two internationals.[20] With forcing the IFTU to capitulate untenable and independent entry of the Russian trade unions into their the industrial federations affiliated with the IFTU, the sole option remaining, in Solomon Lozovsky's view, was to attempt to achieve some sort of fusion of the two Internationals through an international conference.[20] Lozovsky contended that unity was not to be achieved through the sacrifice of the Profintern's program or tactics and the blind acceptance of reformism, but rather was to be accompanied by the penetration of communist ideas into the minds of the rank-and-file trade unionists of the European unions.[20]
A proposal was made by Monmousseau of France calling for a World Unity Congress of the Red and Amsterdam Internationals, and a committee of 35 delegates was selected to debate the proposal and to flesh out the practical details.[21] Following two days of debate, the commission reported back to the assembled Congress, bringing with it a unity proposal that had been accepted in the preliminary hearings with one sold dissenting vote.[22] The final proposal for a unity congress proved little more than a platitude, however, with the resolution declaring that such a gathering "might, after suitable preparation of the masses" prove appropriate. There was no firm directive instructing the Profintern Executive Board to action.[22]
With relations between the Profintern and the IFTU at the point of insoluble stalemate, Soviet trade union authorities began to concentrate on bilateral relationships with social democratic union movements.[23] Particular attention was placed on the unions of Great Britain, with Russian union chief Mikhail Tomsky traveling to the UK in 1924, followed by a reciprocal visit in November of that year of a high-level delegation headed by A.A. Purcell of the Trades Union Congress.[24] From the Soviet standpoint the British unionists were positively affected by their visit, publishing an extensive and generally favorable report of the Soviet situation upon their return to the UK.[25] This month-long visit of the British trade union delegation would be the prototype for a series of similar visits of the Soviet Union by western union leaders.[25]
While the groundwork for ties between the Soviet and western trade union movement began to be successfully laid, the situation between the international organizations based in Amsterdam and Moscow festered. The Second International and the IFTC held a joint meeting in Brussels during the first week of January 1925 and emerged with a scathing denunciation of the Soviet Union and its sympathizers in the British trade union movement that were organized in a RILU-subsidized organization known as the National Minority Movement.[26] A similar presence in the American Federation of Labor in the form of the Trade Union Educational League went without comment owing to the AFL's ongoing refusal to affiliate with the Amsterdam International. These objections by the IFTU failed to stymie continued development of bilateral Soviet-British ties, however, as in April 1925 Tomsky returned to London as part of an effort to establish a joint committee for trade union unity between the two countries.[27]
If Tomsky had the ulterior motive of seeking to win British unionists to the ranks of the Profintern, he was met with a surprising reversal, as E.H. Carr noted in 1964:
"The British leaders had little interest in Profintern, which they secretly regarded, from the experience of the British movement, either as a nuisance or as a sham, and wished, by reconciling the Soviet trade unions with the existing [Amsterdam] International. to strengthen it and give it a turn to the Left. The British delegates probably shocked their Soviet colleagues by coming out openly in favour of the affiliation of the Russian unions to IFTU."[28]
Tomsky, although diplomatic in his reply, rejected the British suggestion out of hand as an abject surrender to the Amsterdam International akin to the 1918 forced surrender of Soviet Russia to Imperial Germany at Brest-Litovsk.[28] Still, with the New Economic Policy in full swing in Soviet Russia, with its associated liberalization of culture and trade, the position of the Soviet trade union movement with relationship to social democratic unions in the West was secure and orderly, despite the failure of efforts to parlay with top leaders of the Amsterdam International.
19380年八月召开共产国际五大 1930年8月15日至27日,赤色职工国际第五次代表大会在莫斯科举行。出席会议的有56个国家和地区的代表500多人。赤色职工国际负责人洛佐夫斯基在会上作报告。大会通过了《中国革命职工运动的决议案》《赤色职工国际拥护者在殖民地半殖民地的任务》。会议选举产生了第五届赤色职工国际执行局。刘少奇当选为执行局委员,会后留在赤色职工国际工作。
阿姆斯特丹工会国际并不重视东方国家的工会运动。而赤色职工国际从一开始就十分重视在这些地方的工运。1920年冬,职工国际理事会派遣斯穆尔斯基在赤塔设立了远东分部,给中、日、朝等国工会邮寄出版物,宣传十月革命与国际工人运动的经验。早在赤色职工国际创立大会召开前,1921年6月3日共产国际远东局书记处(Comintern's Eastern Bureau,位于伊尔库茨克)代表尼科尔斯基(当时译作“李克诺斯基”、“尼柯尔斯基”、尼科罗夫斯基)同时受在赤塔的职工国际理事会远东分部派遣,到中国上海开展工作,指导中国共产党建党。在中共一大,尼科尔斯基向大会宣布了共产国际远东局成立的情况和赤色职工国际即将成立的消息,并介绍了俄国革命后的情况;建议将这次大会的情况向共产国际远东局书记处拍电报,告知大会的进程。根据尼科尔斯基的建议,中共一大“决定打电报给伊尔库茨克,告诉他们代表大会的进程”。1921年8月初尼科尔斯基指导创建中国劳动组合书记部。[註 3]1921年10月13日,斯穆尔斯基写信给赤色职工国际执行局:由于中国建立了劳动组合书记部,“我们已经决定停止自己的工作,并把手头的工作和联系交给书记部”。[29]
1922年2月,赤色职工国际在莫斯科设置了针对东方国家的机构由布法罗药剂师Boris Reinstein、保加利亚裔美籍国际产业工人联合会成员George Andreychine、以及H. Eiduss.[30]领导。
十月革命在中国获得了很大影响,在1924年苏联与中国北洋政府达成了中东路协定后这一威望达到高点。[31] 中国的工人运动以铁路工人与海员为先锋,在莫斯科的支持下发展起来。[32]
1925年5月初召开的中国第二次全国劳动大会决定,新成立的中华全国总工会加入赤色职工国际,并拥护它的一切政策。1925年的五卅运动,使得中国的工人运动与反帝大革命吸引了共产国际的瞩目。[33] [34]
- 中欧局,设在伦敦;
- 拉丁局,设在巴黎;
- 巴尔干局,设在保加利亚;
- 英国局,设在伦敦。
- G. Zinoviev, The Communist Internationale to the IWW: An Appeal of the Executive Committee of the Third Internationale at Moscow. (页面存档备份,存于) Foreword by Tom Glynn. Melbourne: Proletarian Publishing Association, October 1920.
- Constitution of the Red International of Labour Unions: Adopted at the First World Congress Held in Moscow, July 1921. London: British Bureau, Red International of Labour Unions, 1921.
- J.T. Murphy, The 'Reds' in Congress: Preliminary Report of the First World Congress of the Red International of Trade and Industrial Unions. London: British Bureau, Red International of Labour Unions, 1921.
- Tom Mann, Russia in 1921. British Bureau, Red International of Labour Unions, 1921.
- Resolutions and Decisions of the First International Congress of Revolutionary Trade and Industrial Unions. n.c. [Chicago]: Voice of Labor, 1921.
- "Constitution of the Red International of Labor Unions, as of 2nd World Congress — Nov. 1922." (页面存档备份,存于) Labor Herald Library no. 6. Chicago: Trade Union Educational League, 1923.
- Resolutions and Decisions of the Second World Congress of the Red International of Labor Unions: Moscow — November 1922. (页面存档备份,存于) Chicago: Trade Union Educational League, 1923.
- Resolutions and Decisions, RILU, 1923: Resolution on the Report of the Executive Bureau. n.c.: Red International of Labor Unions. Executive Bureau, n.d. [1923?].
- M. Tomsky, The Trade Unions, the Party and the State: Extracts of Speeches by Comrade Tomsky at the III Session of the Profintern on June 29, 1923, and... Moscow: Commission for Foreign Relations of the Central Council of Trade Unions of the USSR, 1927.
- A. Lozovsky, What is the Red International of Labor Unions? (页面存档备份,存于) Red International of Labor Unions, 1927.
- Problems of Strike Strategy: Decisions of the International Conference on Strike Strategy, held in Strassburg, Germany, January 1929 (页面存档备份,存于) New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1929.
- 从1920年代起,其中文名称即为“赤色职工国际”,而不作“赤色工会国际”
- 也称阿姆斯特丹国际
- 1958年8月14日包惠僧回忆
- 唐玉良“赤色职工国际与中国工运相互关系的初步探讨”,载于《中国工运学院学报》,1989年03期。
- E.H. Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923: Volume 3. London: Macmillan, 1953; pg. 207.
- Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pg. 398.
- Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pg. 399.
- First Report on the Activities of the International Federation of Trade Unions (July 1919-December 1921). Amsterdam: n.d.; pg. 73. Cited in E.H. Carr, Socialism in One Country, 1924-1926: Volume 3, Part 1. London: Macmillan, 1964; pg. 526.
- Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pp. 399-400.
- Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pg. 400.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 527.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 528.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 531.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pp. 531-532.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 532.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 533.
- Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pg. 459.
- Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pg. 462.
- E.H. Carr, The Interregnum, 1923-1924. London: Macmillan, 1954; pg. 161.
- Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, vol. 3, pg. 461.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 70.
- Desiat' let Profinterna v rezoliutsiakh (Ten Years of the Profintern in Resolutions). Moscow: 1930; pg. 144. Cited in Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 84n.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 564.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pp. 564-565.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 565.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 570.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pp. 569-570.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 572.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 573.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 576.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 1, pg. 577.
- 阿·依卡尔图诺娃:《赤色职工国际与中国工人运动——相互关系的历史》,苏联《亚非人民杂志》1972年第1期。
- Ruth McVey, The Rise of Indonesian Communism. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1965; pg. 214.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 2, pp. 719-720.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 2, pg. 720.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 2, pg. 719.
- Carr, Socialism in One Country, vol. 3, pt. 2, pg. 628.
- “太平洋职工书记处”这一名称见1932年10月1日中共“中央关于检查妇女工作的决议”中指出:“各级党部应当最细心的去研究共产国际及太平洋职工秘书处,关于女工代表大会的决议与工作方法的指示”,载于《中共中央文件选集八(1932)》URL:http://cpc.people.com.cn/GB/64184/64186/66638/4489795.html (页面存档备份,存于)
- . [2014-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-03).
- . [2014-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).
- . [2014-09-29]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
- William Z. Foster, History of the Three Internationals: The World Socialist and Communist Movements from 1848 to the Present. New York: International Publishers, 1955; pg. 326.
- G.M. Adibekov, Krasnyi internatsional profsoiuzov: Ocherki istorii Profinterna. (The Red International of Trade Unions: Studies in the History of the Profintern.) Moscow: Profizdat, 1971. —Translated into German as Die Rote Gewerkschaftsinternationale, Berlin, 1973.
- Birchall, Ian. "Profintern: Die Rote Gewerkschaftsinternationale 1920–1937," Historical Materialism, 2009, Vol. 17 Issue 4, pp 164–176, review (in English) of a German language study by Reiner Tosstorff* Josephine Fowler, "From East to West and West to East: Ties of Solidarity in the Pan-Pacific Revolutionary Trade Union Movement, 1923–1934." International Labor and Working-Class History, no. 66 (2004), pp. 99–117.
- Earl R. Browder, "The Red Trade Union International: The First World Congress of Revolutionary Unions," (页面存档备份,存于) The Toiler (New York), v. 4, whole no. 192 (Oct. 15, 1921), pp. 9–10.
- B.A. Karpachev, Krasnyi Internatsional profsoiuzov: Istoriia vozniknoveniia i pervye gody deiatel'nosti Profinterna, 1920-1924 gg. (The Red International of Trade Unions: History of the Origins and First Activities of the Profintern, 1920–1924). Saratov: Izdatel'stvo Saratovskogo universiteta, 1976.
- Krasnyi internatsional profsouzov v bor'be za osushchestvlenie leninskoi taktiki edinogo fronta 1921-1923. (The Red International of Trade Unions and the Struggle for Implementation of the Leninist Tactic of the United Front, 1921–1923). Saratov: Izdatel'stvo Saratovskogo universiteta, 1976.
- Kevin McDermott, The Czech Red Unions, 1918-1929: A Study in Their Relation with the Communist Party and the Moscow Internationals. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs/Columbia University Press, 1988.
- Albert Resis, The RILU: Origins to 1923. PhD dissertation. Columbia University, 1964.
- Arthur Rosenberg, "Communism and the Communist Trade Unions" (1932) (页面存档备份,存于), Mike Jones, trans., What Next. www.whatnextjournal.co.uk/ —First published as "Kommunismus und kommunistische Gewerkschaften" in Internationales Handworterbuch des Gewerkschaftswesen, Berlin, 1932, pp. 979–984.
- Geoffrey Swain, "Was the RILU Really Necessary?," European History Quarterly, No. 1 (1987), pp. 57–77.
- Reiner Tosstorff, "Moscow or Amsterdam? The Red International of Labour Unions, 1920/21-1937." Communist History Network Newsletter, issue 8, July 2000.
- Reiner Tosstorff, Profintern: Die Rote Gewerkschaftsinternationale 1920–1937 (2004)
- Evan E. Young, "Brief Report on the 1st World Congress of RILU: Moscow, July 3-19, 1921." (页面存档备份,存于) DoJ/BoI Investigative Files, NARA collection M-1085, reel 936, file 202600-1350-2. Corvallis, OR: 1000 Flowers Publishing, 2007.
- "Profintern Internet Archive," (页面存档备份,存于) Marxists Internet Archive, www.marxists.org/ Retrieved August 17, 2011. —Links to multiple articles on RILU.