
达夫-戈登夫人露西·克里斯蒂安娜(Lucy Christiana, Lady Duff-Gordon,娘家姓Sutherland;1863年6月13日—1935年4月20日),以化名露西尔(Lucile)知名,是一位英国时装设计师

Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon
出生Lucy Christiana Sutherland
  • James Stewart Wallace
  • 科斯莫·達夫-戈登爵士
儿女Esme Giffard, Countess of Halsbury


她的露西尔公司(Lucile Ltd)总部在伦敦,在芝加哥、纽约市和巴黎也开设了分店,成为最早的全球时装品牌,客户包括皇室、贵族和社会名流[2]


她是土木工程师道格拉斯·萨瑟兰(Douglas Sutherland;1838–1865)和妻子埃莉诺·桑德斯(Elinor Saunders;1841–1937)的女儿,本名露西·克里斯蒂安娜·萨瑟兰(Lucy Christiana Sutherland),1864年出生于英国伦敦。其父早死,母亲于1871年与大卫·肯尼迪(卒于1889年)再婚,随后一家人搬到了澤西圣赫利尔,她的妹妹埃莉诺·格林后来成为了小说家。露西小时候喜欢收藏、打扮洋娃娃,也会给自己和埃莉诺制作衣服[3]。1875年探访英格兰的亲戚后,露西和埃莉诺在回到泽西岛的途中遭遇大风,所乘船只搁浅,但两人幸免于难[4]


1884年,露西与詹姆斯·斯图尔特·华莱士(James Stuart Wallace)结婚,育有一女埃斯梅(Esme 1885–1973;后来嫁给第二代霍爾斯伯里伯爵)。华莱士是个酒鬼,经常在外寻欢作乐,露西因而爱上与外科医生莫雷尔·麦肯齐,两人维持了很长时间的婚外情[5]。华莱士夫妇大约在1890年分居,露西于1893年开始提出离婚诉讼;1895年正式离婚。1900年,她嫁给了苏格兰的科斯莫·達夫-戈登爵士[6][7]



第一次婚姻结束后,养活自己和女儿,她开始在家当裁缝。 1893年,她在伦敦西区老伯灵顿街24号开设店铺“Maison Lucile”[8]。1893年,成立露西尔公司(Lucile Ltd)。





1918 年 4 月《圣路易斯邮报》上玛格丽特·马丁绘制的露西夫人服装

她热衷于用媒体宣传自己。1910至1922年间,她为赫斯特的《时尚芭莎》和《好管家》撰写每月专栏[14],也为《名利场》、 《倫敦新聞畫報》等撰稿。



1912年,为了处理纽约分公司的业务,她动身前往美国。她和丈夫科斯莫爵士以“摩根先生和夫人”(Mr. and Mrs. Morgan)的名义预订了泰坦尼克号的头等舱。她的秘书劳拉·梅布尔·弗兰卡泰利(Laura Mabel Francatelli)随行[18]。4月14日泰坦尼克号撞上冰山并开始下沉。在疏散过程中,达夫-戈登夫妇和秘书乘坐1号救生艇逃生。[19]

泰坦尼克号沉没一段时间后,报道称露西在1号救生艇上曾对秘书说:“你漂亮的睡裙没了。” [20]一名泰坦尼克的锅炉工对此表示愤怒,表示这种微不足道的损失和他们相比不值一提。科斯莫爵士随后给了这些船员一人5英镑(相当于2021527英镑),以帮助他们度过困难时期。他还发给1号救生艇的船员几张顾资银行的支票。这后来引发了谣言,称夫妇俩人曾贿赂救生艇船员,让他们不要回去救人,以免自己的救生艇倾覆[21]




1917年,露西在纽约上诉法院的合同纠纷案《伍德诉达夫-戈登夫人露西案》(Wood v. Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon)中败诉。




  1. Etherington-Smith, Meredith, The "It" Girls (1986), 56–57; Mendes, Valerie D., Lucile Ltd (2009), 22, 26
  2. O'Hara, Georgina, The Encyclopedia of Fashion (1986), 164; Bowles, Hamish, "The Look of the Century", Vogue, November 1999, 453
  3. Duff Gordon, Lucy, Discretions and Indiscretions(1932), 6, 9, 17; Glyn, Elinor, Romantic Adventure(1936), 47
  4. Glyn, Elinor, Romantic Adventure, 27–28
  5. Duff Gordon, Lucy, Discretions and Indiscretions, 22, 23, 33–35; Glyn, Elinor, Romantic Adventure, 54
  6. Glasgow Herald, 19 May 1900
  7. . Who's Who. Vol. 59. 1907: 699.
  8. "At the Shops: Modes at the Maison Lucile," Hearth and Home, 4 January 1894
  9. "A High Priestess of Clothes," Vogue, 15 April 1910, 27ff; "How London Now Dresses Paris: Lady Duff Gordon's Work in the Gay City," Tatler, 23 April 1913, 134
  10. "Dream Dresses", Philadelphia Museum of Art (1998), Best Dressed, 22
  11. Ginsburg, Madeleine, Four Hundred Years of Fashion (1984), 81
  12. Beaton, Sir Cecil The Glass of Fashion (1954), 32–34, 94; Castle, Irene, Castles in the Air (1958), 135–136; Baral, Robert, Revue: The Great Broadway Period (1962), 59–61.
  13. Leese, Elizabeth, Costume Design in the Movies (1991), 75; Hammerton, Jenny, For Ladies Only:Eve's Film Review/Pathe Cinemagazine, 1921–33, 52
  14. Mendes, Valerie and Haye, Amy de la, Lucile Ltd (2009), 15, 170, 171, 179, 190, 196.; Evans, Caroline, The Mechanical Smile: Modernism and the First Fashion Shows in France and America, 1900–1929 (2013), 107, 214, 277; Bigham, Randy Bryan, Lucile - Her Life by Design (2012), 177-185.
  15. Etherington-Smith, Meredith, The "It" Girls (1986), 196; Mendes, Valerie D., Lucile Ltd (2009), 196–197
  16. Olian, JoAnne, Everyday Fashions, 1909–1920: As Pictured in Sears Catalogs, 3–4; The Saturday Evening Post, "Interiors by Lady Duff Gordon," 7 October 1916, 57.
  17. Harris-Gardiner, Rachel. . Medium. 2022-08-20 [2022-09-03]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-16) (英语).
  18. Bigham, Randy Bryan, "Lady Duff Gordon: Saved From the Titanic", Titanic Commutator, Spring 1991, 5–11
  19. Lifeboats No. 1 and No. 2 differed from other lifeboats in that they were intended as emergency cutters. See: RMS Titanic Lifeboat No. 1
  20. Lord, Walter, A Night to Remember (1955), p. 105
  21. Lord, 127
  22. "Sir Cosmo and Lady Duff Gordon at the Titanic Inquiry", The Sketch, 22 May 1912, p. 100.
  23. . Titanic Inquiry Project. [2 January 2006]. (原始内容存档于28 October 2005).
  24. "Lady Duff Gordon Ill," Women's Wear Daily, 29 April 1915, 1; "Friends of Lady Duff Gordon Thankful for her Escape," Women's Wear Daily, 10 May 1915, 11; other references to her plans to sail on Lusitania include M.D.C. Crawford's Ways of Fashion (1948), 66.
  25. . rmslusitania.info. 26 March 2011 [2023-04-11]. (原始内容存档于2022-10-08).
  26. Wilson, Robert Forrest, Paris on Parade (1924), 67
  27. "Died:Lady Duff Gordon," Time, 29 April 1935, 67; "Lady Duff Gordon Dies at 71," New York Herald Tribune, 22 April 1935, 10; "Lady Duff Gordon, Style Expert Dies," New York Times, 22 April 1935, 17; "She Changed Eve's Dress," London Daily Sketch, 22 April 1935, 1–2.
  • Callan, Georgina O'Hara. . 1998. ISBN 0-500-20313-X.
  • de la Haye, Amy & Valerie D. Mendes. 需要免费注册. 1999. ISBN 0-500-20321-0.
  • de la Haye, Amy & Valerie D. Mendes. . June 2009. ISBN 978-1-851-775613.
  • De Marly, Diana. . 1980. ISBN 0-7134-1988-1.
  • Dormer, Peter (编). . 1991. ISBN 0-7924-5514-2.
  • Duff Gordon, Lady ("Lucile"). . 1932.
  • Etherington-Smith, Meredith & Jeremy Pilcher. . 1986. ISBN 0-15-145774-3.
  • Ewing, Elizabeth. . 1992. ISBN 0-7134-6818-1.
  • Randy Bryan Bigham. . 2012. ISBN 978-0-615-60998-0.
  • Greer, Howard. . 1950.
  • Kaplan, Joel H. & Sheila Stowell. . 25 February 1994. ISBN 0-521-41510-1.
  • Kennett, Frances. . 1983. ISBN 0-517-54860-7.
  • Lord, Walter. . 1976. ISBN 0-553-01060-3.
  • Lynch, Don. . Hyperion. 1993. ISBN 0-7868-8147-X.
  • Marcus, Geoffrey. . 1988. ISBN 0-04-440263-5.
  • Milbank, Caroline Rennolds. 需要免费注册. 1985. ISBN 0-941434-51-6.


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