

# 方位 簡稱. 方位角
1 N 0.00°
2 North by east NbE 11.25°
3 東北北 NNE 22.50°
4 Northeast by north NEbN 33.75°
5 東北 NE 45.00°
6 Northeast by east NEbE 56.25°
7 東北東 ENE 67.50°
8 East by north EbN 78.75°
9 E 90.00°
10 East by south EbS 101.25°
11 東南東 ESE 112.50°
12 Southeast by east SEbE 123.75°
13 東南 SE 135.00°
14 Southeast by south SEbS 146.25°
15 東南南 SSE 157.50°
16 South by east SbE 168.75°
17 S 180.00°
18 South by west SbW 191.25°
19 西南南 SSW 202.50°
20 Southwest by south SWbS 213.75°
21 西南 SW 225.00°
22 Southwest by west SWbW 236.25°
23 西南西 WSW 247.50°
24 West by south WbS 258.75°
25 西 W 270.00°
26 West by north WbN 281.25°
27 西北西 WNW 292.50°
28 Northwest by west NWbW 303.75°
29 西北 NW 315.00°
30 Northwest by north NWbN 326.25°
31 西北北 NNW 337.50°
32 North by west NbW 348.75°
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