
透翅蛾科学名:)是鱗翅目的一。 透翅蛾科下轄151個屬,約1,370個物種。世界性分布,特别多见于温带和热带的林区。体细瘦,黑色,有明亮红黄等色斑纹,足长,翅常无鳞,透明。[1]

Pyropteron chrysidiformis

Synanthedon tipuliformis
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 鱗翅目 Lepidoptera
亚目: 有喙亞目 Glossata
演化支 Coelolepida
演化支 肌旋喙類 Myoglossata
演化支 新鱗翅類 Neolepidoptera
下目: 韁翅下目 Heteroneura
演化支 真鱗翅類 Eulepidoptera
演化支 真異脈類 Euheteroneura
演化支 雙孔類 Ditrysia
木蠹蛾派 Cossoidea
亚派: 透翅蛾亚派 Sesiina
总科: 透翅蛾总科 Sesioidea
科: 透翅蛾科 Sesiidae
Boisduval, 1828
Sesia apiformis
(Hornet Moth)


  • 透翅蛾亞科 Sesiinae
  • Tinthiinae
  • Aegeriidae Stephens, 1828
  • Trochiliidae Westwood, 1843



亚科 Tinthiinae Le Cerf, 1917
族 Tinthiini Le Cerf, 1917
  • Microsphecia Bartel, 1912
  • Tinthia Walker, [1865]
  • Sophona Walker, 1856
  • Zenodoxus Grote & Robinso, 1868
  • Conopsia Strand, [1913]
  • Paranthrenopsis Le Cerf, 1911
  • Entrichella Bryk, 1947
  • Negotinthia Gorbunov, 2001
  • Trichocerota Hampson, [1893]
  • Paradoxecia Hampson, 1919
  • Rectala Bryk, 1947
  • Ceratocorema Hampson, [1893]
  • Caudicornia Bryk, 1947
  • Bidentotinthia Arita & Gorbunov, 2003
  • Tarsotinthia Arita & Gorbunov, 2003
  • Tyrictaca Walker, 1862
族 Pennisetiini Naumann, 1971
  • Pennisetia Dehne, 1850
  • Corematosetia Kallies & Arita, 2001
    • Corematosetia minuta Kallies & Arita, 2006
    • Corematosetia naumanni Kallies & Arita, 2001
    • Corematosetia parvimaculata Liang & Hsu[3]
族 Paraglosseciini Gorbunov & Eitschberger 1990
  • Oligophlebia Hampson, [1893]
  • Isothamnis Meyrick, 1935
  • Cyanophlebia Arita & Gorbunov, 2001
  • Lophocnema Turner, 1917
  • Diapyra Turner, 1917
  • Micrecia Hampson, 1919
族 Similipepsini Špatenka, Laštuvka, Gorbunov, Toševski & Arita, 1993
  • Similipepsis Le Cerf, 1911
  • Gasterostena Arita & Gorbunov, 2003
透翅蛾亞科 Sesiinae Boisduval, 1828
透翅蛾族 Sesiini Boisduval, 1828
  • Aegerosphecia Le Cerf, 1916
  • Afrokona Fischer, 2006
  • Barbasphecia Pühringer & Sáfián 2011
  • Callisphecia Le Cerf, 1916
  • Clavigera Kallies & Arita, 2004
  • Cyanosesia Gorbunov & Arita, 1995
  • Eusphecia Le Cerf, 1937
  • Hovaesia Le Cerf, 1957
  • Lamellisphecia Kallies & Arita, 2004
  • Lenyra Walker, 1856
  • Lenyrhova Le Cerf, 1957
  • Madasphecia Viette, 1982
  • Melittosesia Bartsch, 2009
  • Scasiba Matsumura, 1931
  • 透翅蛾屬 Sesia Fabricius, 1775
  • Sphecosesia Hampson, 1910
  • Teinotarsina Felder, 1874
  • Trilochana Moore, 1879
族 Cissuvorini Duckworth & Eichlin 1977
  • Chimaerosphecia Strand, [1916]
  • Cissuvora Engelhardt, 1946
  • Dasysphecia Hampson, 1919
  • Glossosphecia Hampson, 1919
  • Toleria Walker, [1865]
族 Osminiini Duckworth & Eichlin 1977
  • Aenigmina Le Cerf, 1912
  • Akaisphecia Gorbunov & Arita, 1995
  • Aschistophleps Hampson [1893]
  • Cabomina de Freina, 2008
  • Calasesia Beutenmüller, 1899
  • Callithia Le Cerf, 1916
  • Chamanthedon Le Cerf, 1916
  • Heterosphecia Le Cerf, 1916
  • Homogyna Le Cerf, 1911
  • Melanosphecia Le Cerf, 1916
  • 小兴透翅蛾属 Microsynanthedon Viette, [1955]
  • Osminia Le Cerf, 1917
  • Pyranthrene Hampson, 1919
  • Pyrophleps Arita & Gorbunov, 2000
粗腿透翅蛾族 Melittiini Le Cerf, 1917
  • Afromelittia Gorbunov & Arita, 1997
  • Agriomelissa Meyrick, 1931
  • Cephalomelittia Gorbunov & Arita, 1995
  • Desmopoda Felder, 1874
  • 粗腿透翅蛾屬 Melittia Hübner, [1819]
  • Macroscelesia Hampson, 1919
准透翅蛾族 Paranthrenini Niculescu, 1964
  • Adixoa Hampson, [1893]
  • Albuna Edwards, 1881
  • Euhagena Edwards, 1881
  • Nokona Matsumura 1931
  • 准透翅蛾属 Paranthrene Hübner, [1819]
  • Phlogothauma Butler, 1882
  • Pramila Moore, 1879
  • 拟透翅蛾属 Pseudosesia Felder, 1861
  • Rubukona Fischer, 2007
  • Scoliokona Kallies & Arita, 1998
  • Sincara Walker, 1856
  • Sura Walker, 1856
  • Taikona Arita & Gorbunov, 2001
  • Thyranthrene Hampson, 1919
  • Tirista Walker, [1865]
  • Vitacea Engelhardt, 1946
兴透翅蛾族 Synanthedonini Niculescu, 1964
  • Aegerina Le Cerf, 1917
  • Alcathoe Edwards, 1882
  • Anthedonella Gorbunov & Arita, 1999
  • Bembecia Hübner, [1819]
  • Camaegeria Strand, 1914
  • Carmenta Edwards, 1881
  • Chamaesphecia Spuler, 1910
  • Crinipus Hampson, 1896
  • Dipchasphecia Capuse, 1973
  • Euryphrissa Butler, 1874
  • Grypopalpia Hampson, 1919
  • Kantipuria Gorbunov & Arita, 1999
  • Kemneriella Bryk, 1947
  • Hymenoclea Engelhardt, 1946
  • Ichneumenoptera Hampson, [1893]
  • Ichneumonella Gorbunov & Arita, 2005
  • Leptaegeria Le Cerf, 1916
  • Lophoceps Hampson, 1919
  • Macrotarsipus Hampson, [1893]
  • Malgassesia Le Cerf, 1922
  • Nyctaegeria Le Cerf, 1914
  • Palmia Beutenmüller, 1896
  • Paranthrenella Strand, [1916]
  • Penstemonia Engelhardt, 1946
  • Podosesia Möschler, 1879
  • Pseudalcathoe Le Cerf, 1916
  • Pyropteron Newman, 1832
  • Ravitria Gorbunov & Arita, 2000
  • Rodolphia Le Cerf, 1911
  • Sannina Walker, 1856
  • Schimia Gorbunov & Arita, 1999
  • Stenosphecia Le Cerf, 1917
  • 兴透翅蛾属 Synanthedon Hübner, [1819]
  • Tipulamima Holland, 1893
  • Uncothedon Gorbunov & Arita, 1999
  • Weismanniola Naumann, 1971
  • Alonina Walker, 1856
  • Anaudia Wallengren, 1863
  • Augangela Meyrick, 1932
  • Austrosetia Felder, 1874
  • Ceritrypetes Bradley, 1956
  • Conopyga Felder, 1861
  • Echidgnathia Hampson, 1919
  • Episannina Aurivillius, 1905
  • Erismatica Meyrick, 1933
  • Gymnosophistis Meyrick, 1934
  • Hymenosphecia Le Cerf, 1917
  • Isocylindra Meyrick, 1930
  • Lepidopoda Hampson, 1900
  • Leuthneria Dalla Torre, 1925
  • Megalosphecia Le Cerf, 1916
  • Melisophista Meyrick, 1927
  • Metasphecia Le Cerf, 1917
  • Mimocrypta Naumann, 1971
  • Monopetalotaxis Wallengren, 1859
  • Pedalonina Gaede, 1929
  • Proaegeria Le Cerf, 1916
  • Pseudomelittia Le Cerf, 1917
  • Tradescanticola Hampson, 1919
  • Uranothyris Meyrick, 1933
  • Vespanthedon Le Cerf, 1917
  • Xenoses Durrant, 1924
  • Zhuosesia Yang, 1977


  • Edwards, E.D., Gentili, P., Horak, M., Kristensen, N.P. and Nielsen, E.S. (1999). The cossoid/sesioid assemblage. Ch. 11, pp. 183–185 in Kristensen, N.P. (Ed.). Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies. Volume 1: Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography. Handbuch der Zoologie. Eine Naturgeschichte der Stämme des Tierreiches / Handbook of Zoology. A Natural History of the phyla of the Animal Kingdom. Band / Volume IV Arthropoda: Insecta Teilband / Part 35: 491 pp. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York.
  • Kristensen, N.P. (Ed.). 1999. Lepidoptera, Moths and Butterflies. Volume 1: Evolution, Systematics, and Biogeography. Handbuch der Zoologie. Eine Naturgeschichte der Stämme des Tierreiches / Handbook of Zoology. A Natural History of the phyla of the Animal Kingdom. Band / Volume IV Arthropoda: Insecta Teilband / Part 35: 491 pp. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York. ISBN 3-11-017077-9
  1. van Nieukerken; et al. (PDF). Zootaxa. 2011, 3148: 212–221 [2013-03-16]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-10-13).
  2. . GBIF. [2023-03-12]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-12).
  3. Jia-Yuan Liang, Jun-Feng Ruan, Mei-Xia Chen, Cheng-Kang Zhang, Nuo-Bin Lin and Yu-Feng Hsu. 2023. A New Species of Corematosetia Kallies & Arita, 2001 (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) from south-eastern China. Taiwania. 68(4); 430-434. taiwania.ntu.edu.tw/abstract/1960


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