选区 (法国)
選區 | 區域 | 2012 | 2017 | 2017 選舉 |
First constituency for French residents overseas | 美加 | PS-EELV | REM | REM 79.73 / LR 20.27 |
Second constituency for French residents overseas | 中南美洲 | EELV-PS | REM | REM 60.92 / EELV-FI-PP 39.08 |
Third constituency for French residents overseas | 不列顛群島、北歐、波羅的海三國 | PS | REM | REM 70.11 / PS 29.89 |
Fourth constituency for French residents overseas | 荷比盧 | PS | REM | REM 73.73 / FI 26.27 |
Fifth constituency for French residents overseas | 西葡、安道爾 | PS | REM | REM 66.21 / FI 33.79 |
Sixth constituency for French residents overseas | 瑞士、列支敦士登 | UMP | REM | REM 74.94 / LR 25.06 |
Seventh constituency for French residents overseas | 歐洲中、東、東南部 | PS-EELV | MoDem | MoDem 62.94 / PS 37.06 |
Eighth constituency for French residents overseas | 意大利、希臘、土耳其、以色列/巴勒斯坦 | PS | UDI | REM 42.14 / UDI 57.86 |
Ninth constituency for French residents overseas | 西非至利比亞 | PS | Ind | DVD 40.34 / Ind 59.66 |
Tenth constituency for French residents overseas | 其餘的非洲、阿拉伯 | UMP | REM | REM 71.25 / LR 28.75 |
Eleventh constituency for French residents overseas | 前蘇聯至亞太地區 | UMP | REM | REM 71.72 / LR 28.28 |
- "REDECOUPAGE ELECTORAL - 11 députés pour les Français de l'étranger" 的存檔,存档日期2011-09-30., Le Petit Journal, October 22, 2009
- "Les élections législatives" (页面存档备份,存于), National Assembly
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