

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
纲: 昆虫纲 Insecta
目: 鱗翅目 Lepidoptera
亚目: 有喙亞目 Glossata
演化支 Coelolepida
演化支 肌旋喙類 Myoglossata
演化支 新鱗翅類 Neolepidoptera
下目: 韁翅下目 Heteroneura
演化支 真鱗翅類 Eulepidoptera
演化支 真異脈類 Euheteroneura
演化支 雙孔類 Ditrysia
派: 蕈蛾派 Tineina
总科: 蕈蛾總科 Tineoidea
科: 蓑蛾科 Psychidae
  • Arrhenophanidae
  • Pseudarbelidae



Oiketicinae Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis 幼蟲

此科下含十个亞科 [1]



  • Acanthoecia de Joannis, 1929
  • Acanthopsyche Heylaerts, 1881
  • Acanthopysche
  • Acentra Burrows, 1932
  • Acoremata Davis, 1998
  • Aeonoxena Meyrick, 1928
  • Afropsyche Dierl, 1972
  • Albidopsis Bourgogne, 1975
  • Altobankesia Dierl, 1966
  • Amatissa Walker, 1862
  • Amiantastis Meyrick, 1932
  • Amicta Heylaerts, 1881
  • Anatolopsyche Sugimoto & Saigusa, 2003
  • Animula Herrich-Schäffer, 1858
  • Apaphristis Meyrick, 1915
  • Apoecis Diakonoff, 1955
  • Aprata Moore, 1883
  • Apterona Millière, 1857
  • Archaeoneura Turner, 1944
  • Ardiosteres Meyrick, 1893
  • Armidalia Weidlich, 2001
  • Arrhenophanes Walsingham, 1913
  • Aspina Kozhanchikov, 1960
  • Aspinoides Sobczyk, 2011
  • Astala Davis, 1964
  • Asynetha Bourgogne, 1977
  • Atelopsycha Meyrick, 1937
  • Auchmophila Rebel, 1906
  • Australoplacodoma Sobczyk & Mey, 2007
  • Babula Moore, 1890
  • Bacotia Tutt, 1899
  • Bambalina Moore, 1883
  • Bankesia Tutt, 1899
  • Barandra Moore, 1888
  • Barbaroscardia Walsingham, 1891
  • Basicladus Davis, 1964
  • Bathromelas Turner, 1947
  • Bijugis Heylaerts, 1881
  • Biopsyche Dyar, 1905
  • Bourgognea Dierl, 1972
  • Brachycyttarus Hampson
  • Brachygyna Davis, 2000
  • Bruandella Saigusa & Sugimoto, 2014
  • Bruandia Tutt, 1900
  • Bythogenes Meyrick, 1937
  • Canephora Hübner, 1822
  • Casana Walker, 1865
  • Cathalistis Meyrick, 1917
  • Cathopsyche Das, 1956
  • Cebysa Walker, 1854
  • Ceratonetha Diakonoff, 1947
  • Ceratosticha Meyrick, 1935
  • Chalioides Swinhoe, 1892
  • Chalipecten Strand, 1912
  • 窠蓑蛾属 Clania Walker, 1855
  • Claniades Bethune-Baker, 1908
  • Cnissostages Zeller, 1863
  • Coloneura Davis, 1964
  • Colpotorna Meyrick, 1920
  • Commotrias Meyrick, 1924
  • Conoeca Scott, 1865
  • Cossidopsyche Sobczyk, 2009
  • Criocharacta Meyrick, 1939
  • Cryptothelea Duncan, 1841
  • Cuphomantis Meyrick, 1935
  • Curtorama Davis, 1964
  • Dappula Moore
  • Dasaratha Moore, 1888
  • Deborrea Heylaerts, 1884
  • Deborreides Bourgogne, 1982
  • Degiella Sobczyk, 2009
  • Deloscopa Meyrick, 1934
  • Dendropsyche Jones, 1926
  • Diaphanopsyche Clench, 1959
  • Dichromopsyche Clench, 1959
  • Dierla Bourgogne, 1978
  • Dipyle Guérin-Méneville, 1867
  • Dissoctena Staudinger, 1859
  • Dissoctenioides Rebel, 1935
  • Dyselpistis Meyrick, 1938
  • Dysoptus Walsingham, 1914
  • Elegistis Meyrick, 1911
  • Elinostola Meyrick & Lower, 1907
  • Eochorica Rebel, 1940
  • Eopsyche Kozhanchikov, 1960
  • Eosolenobia Filipjev, 1924
  • Eotaleporia Sauter, 1986
  • Epaleura Meyrick, 1917
  • Epichnopterix Hübner, 1825
  • Eriochrysis Meyrick, 1937
  • Eucalyptipsyche Yang, 1997
  • Eucoloneura Davis, 2002
  • Eudahlica Solyanikov, 2003
  • Eudissoctena Rebel, 1935
  • Eumasia Chrétien, 1904
  • Eumelasina Kozhanchikov, 1956
  • Eumeta Walker, 1855
  • Eumetisa Sonan, 1935
  • Eurukuttarus Hampson, 1891
  • Eusceletaula Meyrick, 1936
  • Fallacipsyche Bourgogne, 1977
  • Grypotheca Dugdale, 1987
  • Guttulapsyche Sobczyk, 2021
  • Gymnelema Heylaerts, 1891
  • Gyrophylla Turner, 1935
  • Heckmeyeria Heylaerts, 1880
  • Heliopsychidea Pinker, 1956
  • Heylaertsia Hampson, 1893
  • Hyalarcta Meyrick & Lower, 1907
  • Hyalinaria Bethune-Baker, 1910
  • Hyalopteronia Solyanikov, 2002
  • Hyaloptila Turner, 1947
  • Hyaloscotes Butler, 1881
  • Hylarcta
  • Ilygenes Meyrick, 1938
  • Iphierga Meyrick, 1893
  • Janseides Bourgogne, 1979
  • Kalliesia Sobczyk, 2004
  • Kophene Moore, 1879
  • Kotochalia Sonan, 1935
  • Kozhantshikovia Saigusa, 1961
  • Kurentzovia Solyanikov, 2001
  • Lamyristis Meyrick, 1911
  • Lasioctena Meyrick, 1887
  • Lepidoceropsyche Saigusa & Sugimoto, 2022
  • Lepidoscia Meyrick, 1893
  • Lepidoscioptera Dalla Torre, 1920
  • Leptopterix Hübner, 1825
  • Lindnerica Dierl, 1965
  • Linggana Roepke, 1957
  • Liothula Fereday, 1878
  • Lithopleurota Meyrick, 1939
  • Lomera Walker, 1855
  • Luffia Tutt, 1899
  • Lumacra Davis, 1964
  • Lytrophila Meyrick, 1913
  • Mahasena Moore, 1877
  • Malacograptis Meyrick, 1922
  • Malgassopsyche Bourgogne, 1984
  • Mallobathra Meyrick, 1888
  • Manatha Moore, 1877
  • Masonia Tutt, 1900
  • Mauropterix Rutjan & Weidlich, 2008
  • Mecynopla Bourgogne, 1979
  • Megalophanes Heylaerts, 1881
  • Melanopterix
  • Melapsyche Kozhanchikov, 1956
  • Melasina Boisduval, 1840
  • Mesopolia Walsingham, 1897
  • Metacharistis Meyrick, 1922
  • Metasticha Meyrick, 1921
  • Metaxypsyche Davis, 1975
  • Metisa Walker, 1855
  • Metura Walker, 1855
  • Microcossus Walsingham, 1887
  • Micropsyche Mattoni, 1981
  • Moffatia Moore, 1890
  • Monda Walker, 1865
  • Montanima Sieder, 1949
  • Naevipenna Davis, 1964
  • Napecoetes Turner, 1913
  • Narycia Stephens, 1833
  • Nipponopsyche Yazaki, 1926
  • Notiophanes Davis & Edwards, 2003
  • Obtexocorytus Sobczyk, 2009
  • Oecobia Scott, 1864
  • Oedonia Kirby, 1892
  • Oiketicoides Heylaerts, 1881
  • Oiketicus Guilding, 1827
  • Oreopsyche Speyer, 1865
  • Orophora Fereday, 1878
  • Pachythelia Westwood, 1848
  • Pagodiella Betrem, 1952
  • Palaeophanes Davis, 2003
  • Paracharactis Meyrick & Lower, 1907
  • Parameristis Meyrick, 1919
  • Paranarychia Saigusa, 1961
  • Patromasia Meyrick, 1926
  • Paucivena Davis, 1975
  • Peloponnesia Sieder, 1959
  • Penestoglossa Rogenhofer, 1875
  • Perianthosuta Doumerc, 1860
  • Perisceptis Meyrick, 1931
  • Phalacropterix Hübner, 1825
  • Phasmyalea Turner, 1947
  • Picronarycia Mey, 2011
  • Picrospora Meyrick, 1912
  • Piestoceros Meyrick, 1907
  • Placodoma Chrétien, 1915
  • Plumana Busck, 1911
  • Plutorectella Strand, 1924
  • Postsolenobia Meier, 1958
  • Prochalia Barnes & McDunnough, 1913
  • Proutia Tutt, 1899
    • Proutia betulina (Zeller, 1839)
    • Proutia bogutica (Solyanikov, 2000)
    • Proutia breviserrata Sieder, 1963
    • Proutia carpatica Weidlich, 2017
    • Proutia caucasica (Solyanikov, 1991)
    • Proutia chinensis Hättenschwiler & Chao, 1990
    • Proutia comitella (Bruand, 1853)
    • Proutia cornucervae Roh & Lee[3]
    • Proutia elongatella (Kozhanchikov, 1956)
    • Proutia maculatella Saigusa & Sugimoto, 2014
    • Proutia nigra Saigusa & Sugimoto, 2014
    • Proutia nigripunctata Dierl, 1966
    • Proutia norvegica (Heylaerts, 1882)
    • Proutia raiblensis (Mann, 1870)
    • Proutia reticulatella (Bruand, 1853)
    • Proutia rotunda Suomalainen, 1990
    • Proutia sichotealinica (Solyanikov, 1981)
    • Proutia talgarica (Solyanikov, 1991)
    • Proutia temirlikensis (Weidlich, 2006)
    • Proutia tshatkalica (Solyanikov, 1991)
  • Pseudarbela Sauber, 1902
  • Pseudobankesia Meier, 1963
  • Pseudofumea Rebel, 1935
  • Pseudomelasina Sobczyk, 2008
  • Pseudometisa Dierl, 1972
  • Psomocolaides Sobczyk, 2011
  • Psomocolax Das, 1956
  • Psychanisa Walker, 1855
  • Psyche Schrank, 1801
  • Psychidea Rambur, 1866
  • Psychidopsis Kozhanchikov, 1956
  • Psychites Kozlov, 1988
  • Psychocentra Meier, 1963
  • Pterogyne Davis, 1975
  • Pteroma Hampson
  • Pteroxys Hampson
  • Ptilamicta Kozhanchikov, 1956
  • Pusillopsyche Sobczyk, 2008
  • Pygmaeotinea Amsel, 1957
  • Pyraphlecta Tams, 1932
  • Rasicota Moore, 1890
  • Rebelia Heylaerts, 1900
  • Reductoderces Salmon & Bradley, 1956
  • Reisseronia Sieder, 1956
  • Sapheneutis Meyrick, 1907
  • Sauterelia Weidlich, 2000
  • Sciopetris Meyrick, 1891
  • Sclerophricta Meyrick, 1918
  • Scoriodyta Meyrick, 1888
  • Sematocera Durrant, 1892
  • Sentica Walker, 1863
  • Siederia Meier, 1957
  • Sindonophora Meyrick, 1917
  • Solenobia Duponchel, 1843
  • Sphaericobathra Meyrick, 1933
  • Standfussia Tutt, 1900
  • Sterrhopterix Hübner, 1825
  • Stichobasis Kirby, 1892
  • Striglocyrbasia Sugimoto & Saigusa, 2001
  • Sucinopsyche Sobczyk, 2011
  • Taleporia Hübner, 1825
  • Tayalopsyche Sugimoto & Saigusa, 2002
  • Tenthredo
  • Thanatopsyche Butler, 1882
  • Themeliotis Meyrick, 1910
  • Thyridopterix
  • Thyridopteryx Stephens, 1835
  • Titanomis Meyrick, 1888
  • Trapezoritis Meyrick, 1932
  • Tretoscopa Meyrick, 1916
  • Trichocossus Hampson, 1910
  • Trigonocyttara Turner, 1945
  • Trigonodoma Sugimoto & Saigusa, 2004
  • Tsikalasia Hauser, 1996
  • Urobara Dierl, 1969
  • Urobarba Dierl, 1969
  • Urubarba
  • Uyuacuna Piñas Rubio, 2006
  • Whittleia Tutt, 1900
  • Zamopsyche Dyar, 1923
  • Zelomora Meyrick, 1915


  1. Nieukerken, Erik J. Van; Kaila, Lauri; Kitching, Ian J.; Kristensen, Niels P.; Lees, David C.; Minet, Joël; Mitter, Charles; Mutanen, Marko; Regier, Jerome C.; Simonsen, Thomas J.; Wahlberg, Niklas; Yen, Shen-Horn; Zahiri, Reza; Adamski, David; Baixeras, Joaquin; Bartsch, Daniel; Bengtsson, Bengt Å; Brown, John W.; Bucheli, Sibyl Rae; Davis, Donald R.; Prins, Jurate De; Prins, Willy De; Epstein, Marc E.; Gentili-Poole, Patricia; Gielis, Cees; Hättenschwiler, Peter; Hausmann, Axel; Holloway, Jeremy D.; Kallies, Axel; Karsholt, Ole; Kawahara, Akito Y.; Koster, Sjaak J. C.; Kozlov, Mikhail V.; Lafontaine, J. Donald; Lamas, Gerardo; Landry, Jean-François; Lee, Sangmi; Nuss, Matthias; Park, Kyu-Tek; Penz, Carla; Rota, Jadranka; Schintlmeister, Alexander; Schmidt, B. Christian; Sohn, Jae-Cheon; Solis, M. Alma; Tarmann, Gerhard M.; Warren, Andrew D.; Weller, Susan; Yakovlev, Roman V.; Zolotuhin, Vadim V.; Zwick, Andreas. . Zootaxa. 23 December 2011, 3148 (1): 212–221. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3148.1.41.
  2. . GBIF. [2023-03-11]. (原始内容存档于2023-03-11).
  3. Dong-June Lee, Jae-Seok Lee, Jongwon Kim, Hyeon Lee, Bong-Kyu Byun and Seung Jin Roh. 2023. A New Species of the Genus Proutia Tutt (Lepidoptera, Psychidae) from Korea, based on Morphology and DNA Barcodes. Biodiversity Data Journal. 11: e110313. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e110313
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