

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 节肢动物门 Arthropoda
亚门: 甲殼亞門 Crustacea
纲: 介形綱 Ostracoda
目: 速足介目 Podocopida
亚目: 腺介蟲亞目 Cypridocopina
总科: 腺介蟲總科 Cypridoidea
科: 金星介科 Cyprididae
Baird, 1845[1]



整個金星介科的分類單元可以再細分為25個亞科,而在埃塞俄比亚界(非洲熱帶界)最為多樣化,有45個屬、超過300個物種[4]。這25個亞科分別為: Batucyprettinae - Bradycypridinae - Callistocypridinae - Cyprettinae - Cypricercinae - Cypridinae - Cypridopsinae - Cyprinotinae - Diacypridinae - Dolerocypridinae - Eucypridinae - Herpetocyprellinae - Herpetocypridinae - Hungarocypridinae - Isocypridinae - Limanocypridinae - Liocypridinae - Megalocypridinae - Mytilocypridinae - Ngarawinae - Pelocypridinae - Rudjakoviellinae - Scottiinae

Many Cyprididae occur in temporary water bodies and have drought-resistant eggs, mixed/parthenogenetic reproduction and ability to swim. These biological attributes pre-adapt them to form successful radiations in these habitats.[5] Bennelongia is an interesting genus of the family Cyprididae. It may be the last true descendant genus of the Mesozoic (and now extinct) lineage of Cypridea, which was a dominant lineage of ostracod in non-marine waters in the 白垩纪.[4]

以下為較為常見的屬及物種: 阿婦羅介屬 Afrocypris[6] - Amphicypris - Ampullacypris - Apatelecypris - Argentocypris - Austromesocypris - Bennelongia - Bradleystrandesia - Callistocypris - Candocypria - 玻璃介屬 Candona[6] - Candonocypris - Cavernocypris - Chlamydotheca - Cyclocypria - Cyclocypris - Cypretta - Cypria - 尾星介屬 Cypricercus[7] - Cypriconcha - 鎧金星介屬 Cypridopsis[6] - 圓金星介屬 Cyprinotus[6] - Cypris - Diacypris - Dolerocypris - 真金星介屬 Eucypris[6] - Eundacypris - Eurycypris - Goniocypris - Hemicypris - Herpetocypris - 异壳介虫属 Heterocypris Claus,1892[2] - Hypselecypris - Ilyodromus - Isocypris - Kapcypridopsis - Karshicypridea - Klieopsis - Koencypris - Liocypris - Madagascarcypris - Mecynocypria - Megalocypris - Mesocypris - 小金星介屬 Microcypris[6] - 新玻璃介屬 Neocandona - Neocypridopsis - Paracypria - Pelocypris - Physocypria - Potamocypris - Prionocypris - 假金星介屬 Pseudoeucypris[6][8] - Pseudoilyocypris - Psychrodromus - Sarscypridopsis - Sclerocypris - Scottia - Spirocypris - Stenocypria - Stenocypris - Strandesia - Tanganyikacypris - Tanycypris - Thermopsis - Tonnacypris - Trajancypris - Zonocypretta


  1. Baird, W. 1845: Arrangement of the British Entomostraca, with a List of Species, particularly noticing those which have as yet been discovered within the bounds of the Club. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, 2 (13) 145-158
  2. 宋大祥; 杨思谅 (编). 甲壳类. 河北科技出版社. 2009: 772 [2019-12-26]. ISBN 9787537538800. (原始内容存档于2020-02-26) (中文(简体)).
  3. Robin J. Smith; Horst Janz; Ichiro Okubo. (PDF). Zootaxa. 2011, 2874: 1–37 [2019-12-26]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-07-24) (英语).
  4. Koen Martens; Isa Schön; Claude Meisch; David J. Horne. . Estelle V. Balian; Christian Lévêque; Hendrik Segers; Koen Martens (编). . Developments in Hydrobiology. Springer. 2008. ISBN 978-1-4020-8258-0. doi:10.1007/s10750-007-9245-4 (英语).
  5. D. J. Horne; K. Martens. . Luc Brendonck; Luc de Meester; Nelson Hairston (编). . Advances in Limnology 52. E. Schweizerbart. 1998: 549–561 [2019-12-27]. ISBN 978-3-510-47054-9. (原始内容存档于2019-12-26).
  6. . 台灣生物多樣性資訊入口網. [2019-12-26]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-26) (中文(繁體)).
  7. . 香港生物多樣性資料庫HKBIS). [2019-12-27]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-27) (中文(繁體)).
  8. Brandão, Simone Nunes. . WoRMS. 2010-02-28 [2019-12-28] WoRMS.


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